

Colson's chest rose and fell rapidly. He licks his lips before biting down on it. He spread his legs even more apart, his eyes trained on he Beta in front of him.

He lets out a silent gasp when the beta got on the bed, slowly running his hand up Colson's leg to his hip and gripped tightly.

"Michel, no teasing. Please." Colson pleads, his body arched, trying to press closer to the Beta. Michel leaned up and closed the distance between their lips. The force of the kiss made Colson moan, his hands going around Michel's neck, his heart beating loud against his chest. Michel slid a hand down and cupped Colson entire, pulling him close to the edge with short strokes.

Colson pulls away, the need for air and the need to scream, strong. He lets out a loud yelp when he was spun onto his stomach, his hands gripping the sheets. Michal grabbed Colson's ass and squeezed tightly.

"Michel please." Colson licks his lips. "Please. I need you in me." He pleads, pushing his ass out a little.

"I've got you, baby." Michal whispers, his voice husky. He spread Colson's cheeks apart and took a quick lick, forcing everything in Colson's head to flush out. Colson bit into the sheets and pushed back against Michel's mouth, wanting more, needing more.

"If you don't get your cock in me, I'm going to get myself off." Colson gasped out, searching blindly for the tune of lube.

"Patience is a virtue." Michel tuts, taking one final lick of Colson before pulling back. He reached over and grabbed the lube. Colson smirked and waited patiently. Excitement was thrumming in his veins as he waited. It takes a while and Colson was about to turn around and check what was taking so long, when a finger was thrust into him.

"Fuck!" He cried out and pushed back against the finger.

"Another?" Michel asks a couple of thrusts later, his voice deep. Colson's answer was to push back against Michel's finger.

Michel adds another finger and then another when Colson was a little looser. He asks when Colson was ready and the man tells him to... hurry up and fuck me.

Colson silently gasped as Michel slid into him, his thrust hard and fast, nails digging into Colson's waist. They fuck hard and fast. Colson comes first, his come staining the sheets while Colson buried himself to the tilt as he paints the inside of Colson white, a loud moan leaving his lips.

Colson froze once he realized what Michel had said.

The wolf had called out a name.


Colson was concussed and has been confused since the early hours of the morning. Michel had slipped out of his room and like always he made Colson promise not to tell anyone about their secret meetings.

Colson never thought that he'd be in this kind of relationship. It wasn't that he was expecting flowers and chocolates or some shit but it sure as hell wasn't this type.

He made his way to the kitchen, saying hi to members of the pack on his way. He finds his brother standing in front of the microwave, a spoon in his mouth as he stared at the machine.

"What the hell are you doing?" Colson teased as he takes a seat on one of the many stools. Cobie startles and turned around, a glare set on his face.

"Don't sneak up on me like that."

"I'm your brother, I'm allowed to sneak up on you." Colson replied, resting his elbow on the counter and placing his chin in his palm.

"I still haven't forgiven you for shooting me." Cobie scrunched his nose up and Colson laughed. Spending this much time with his brother, making jokes and laughing with him, has been a dream come true for him. After being separated for many years, here they are, closer than ever.

The microwave makes a ding sound and Cobie happily pulls out a bowl of mashed potato.

"Do I want to know?" Colson raised a brow at his brother. Cobie shrugged and grabbed the ready made gravy from the fridge as well as an extra spoon before taking a seat beside Colson.

Colson grabs the spoon his brother holds out to him, smiling at the gold of Cobie's eyes.

"I felt like eating this and Erik was being a pain in my ass."

"I thought you liked it when he was a pain in your ass." Colson sassed, sticking his tongue out at his brother. He dug his spoon into the mashed potatoes.

"I do but ever since he let the witches move in, he's been trying to make the warriors keep an extra eye on them. He doesn't believe in white witches and shit. He claims since they have the power, they would always want to stir shit up." Cobie pouts, idly scratching his ear with a free hand.

"I personally, am not a big fan of witches. Remember when we were seven and the witches next door turned our water pink due to a spell gone wrong."

Colson always tried to bring up their childhood. It seemed like Cobie had suppressed all the memories and he doesn't speak of it unless prompted. Especially when it comes to their mother. He doesn't say a word.

Cobie snorted. "I remember you trying to drink it, hoping it would turn your body pink too. Baby Colly"

Colson chuckles as he thought back. The way their mother had screamed at him and told him to stand in a corner and think about how stupid that was.

"I don't like you today."

"You say that every time." Michel cuts in as he strolls into the kitchen, he vampire Aetos beside him.

"I say it with love." Colson replied with a shrug. He shoved another spoon into his mouth as the two men took their seats. Colson tries to act like his normal self but it was hard because he had this urge to reach out and grab.

The vampire was staring at him like always. And like always, Colson ignored him.

"You eaten yet?" Colson asked Michel who just nods and gives him a small smile. Cobie looks between Colson and Michel before letting out a huff, getting up from his sit.

"I'm going to the sun room. No one should disturb me or I'll test out my new taser on you."

Colson sighs and shakes his head. "I told Erik not to buy you that."

Erik Tomlinson has began to buy little things for Cobie. It ranged from the large guns he bought Cobie a few months ago, flower deliveries to the house and the clinic which Cobie had opened again, a box with different sizes of tasers. The one that frightened Colson was the taser that looked like a pen but with a crazy voltage.

Cobie raised his hand, giving Colson the bird whilst showing off the gold ring sitting on his finger. Michel follows Cobie on his way out, leaving Colon with Aetos.

Sometimes it felt like what he and Michel had was a dream. But it wasn't right? All his fingers and toes were a complete ten and there was also a time where he pinched himself to check.

It wasn't a dream.

It's fine. He'd have Michel anyway he could.

Colson was dragged out of his thoughts by the rumble of his stomach, signifying his hunger. Aetos looks at him, setting both hands on the table.

"You hungry?"

Colson stared at the vampire.

"I can make you pancakes."

"If I say yes, will you tell me how you and your brother can walk under the sun without turning to ashes?" Colson asked, batting his lashes at the vampire.

Aetos raised an brow at Colson, an amused expression on his face. "Are you hungry or not?"

"Fine. Blueberry pancakes and honey."

In a flash, Aetos was at the fridge pulling out the large jar of honey. Colson watched the vampire move, grabbing all the essentials and setting it on the table.

"Did you have a meeting with Erik?"

Aetos nods. "He was checking up on my clan."

"There's nothing to be worried about, right?" Colson asked, playing with the spoon he had kept on the table.

"Nope. We sleep during the day and move around T night till dawn. We can also step out when it's rainy or cloudy."

"Well, aren't you a lucky bunch then." Colson replied. "Is it tire, about garlic and death for you?"

This was the first time Colson was attempting a conversation with the vampire. As he stared at the man mixing, taking in his tall height, pale skin, long fingers and an alarmingly gorgeous face, he realized there was actually nothing wrong with him.

But why does he get this feeling when ever he looked at Aetos?

The feeling was unexplainable. He couldn't put it in words, nor could he draw it.


"What about a stake to the heart?" Colson asked, letting go of the spoon and fully focusing on Aetos.

"If you're stabbed in the heart with a stake, won't you die?" Aetos retorts, looking over his shoulder so he could smirk at Colson.

"So... yes." Colson grinned.

"Any thing else you want to know?"

"Would you answer all of it? You won't find me annoying?" Colson asked, his eyes wide.

Aetos stopped whisking and fully turned to face him. "You could never. I find you entertaining." Was all the vampire said before pouring a bit onto the pan.

"I watched a series once and the vampires couldn't see their reflections. Do you see yours?" Colson asked, getting up from the stool. He made his way to fridge and grabbed a bottle of water.

"We can."

"So... how did you become Lord Aetos? Were you royalty before you turned?" Colson asked after he takes a gulp of water.

"It's just my title. Nothing special."

"How old are you?" Colson asked, leaning against the counter, arms folded across his chest.


"What the fuck?!" Colson exclaimed. He suspects if he had been drinking water, he'd have done a spit take. Scratch that, he'd have done a double spit take. "You're an old man."

"But I don't look a day over twenty six." Aetos winks. Colson just shakes his head and went back to his seat. He doesn't say a word, instead he watched Aetos stack his pancakes and grabbed the bowl of fruit from the fridge.

"Here you go." The vampire said as he slid the plate towards Colson.

Colson mutters his thanks and dug into the food, groaning as he chewed. He had been expecting something mellow, not something this good and this soft not this sweet.

Aetos doesn't mutter a word too, he just takes a seat across Colson and watched him eat. Any other day, Colson would have called him a creep but thanks to the goodness of the fluffy pancakes in front of him, he'd let him have this one.

It wasn't awkward per say but it wasn't exactly comfortable either. The silence was cut short by Randall stepping into the kitchen with his son, little Kai crying on his hips. Unlike Cobie, Colson wasn't a fan of kids. He didn't know how to act around them and the worst thing was having a kid cry because it isn't like your face. So he tended to stay far away as he could.

Randall grabbed the large bowl of blueberry and cheesecake ice cream from the fridge and a big bowl. Colson chuckled as he watched Randall put two scoops of the ice cream into the bowl.

"This okay or should I add one more scoop?" Randall asked Kai, pressing a kiss to his son's temple. The crying had reduced to little sniffles as the boy nods. Randall added the extra scoop. He gently placed Kai on the ground and handed him the bowl.

"Thank you, Papa." Kai says with a big grin. Colson chuckled as Kai skipped out of the room. Randall takes a seat at the table and let out a big sigh.

"Something wrong?" Colson asked as he taken his final bite of the pancakes.

"He was asking for a brother again and started crying when I said he couldn't get one." Randall replied with a small pout.

"That's bull. Just strut into the hot doctor's room and ride him till he blacks out and boom! Baby!" Colson claps once, his eye cheerful in a way only Aetos could describe.

Randall stared at Colson in horror, his mouth hanging open a little bit, his cheeks a bright pink.

"That's crazy."

Colson shrugged. "Not really. The way I see it, you don't want anyone else besides him. So why not?" Colson stood up, his empty plate in his hand.

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"You've forgotten a couple of things about me, so I'll remind you." Colson said with a smile on his face. "First, I've been here for close to a year-"

"Seven months." Aetos corrected.

"-So I notice a lot of things. Second, I don't have a job, so I'm here a lot and I see things. Lastly, you both are very obvious." Colson pats Randall on the shoulder on his way out of the kitchen. He stops at the door and turns to Aetos who was pointedly staring at the table.

"Aetos..." this was the first time in months that Colson has called out the vampire's name and he could tell the vampire wasn't expecting it based on his wide eyed reaction.

"Thank you for the pancakes." Colson said.

"Any time."

Colson grinned, his hand still on the door. "Don't say that or I might call you any time I need pancakes."

"I'd happily make you pancakes any time you want."

Colson takes one last look at the vampire. He takes in Aetos' black shirt, black jeans and black boots. He takes in his tussled hair and pouty lips. There was something about him. Not just the fact that he could walk under the sun.

Something. It felt like it was on the tip of his tongue but he just didn't know what it was and he couldn't decide if his senses were telling him if it was dangerous or not.

Colson walked out of the kitchen and out of the house, grabbing his brother's car keys as he went. Just like Cobie, Colson had a thing about being stuck in a car for too long. He was half way to the beach when he realized he had left his phone behind.


He rests his head against the cushion and increased the volume of the radio, London Grammar's Hell to the Liars came on.

He parks the car when he finds the right space and killed the engine. He reclines the chair backwards a little and relaxed onto it. The view looked amazing. The water was blue, the sand white, the sun made it glow gold.

Sitting still and enjoying the view.

It's been a while since he did something like this. He and Pa moved around a lot.

Hell to the liars

Here's to you and me

Hell to the best of us

Here's to you and me

Colson watched the people on the beach interact, play and run into the water. Staring at the people who ran into the water, Colson wondered if they've ever gotten hurt?

How can people be that happy?

Could he really call it happiness or ignorance?

Everything was fine now but why did he feel like he was missing something?

Colson shook his head, no, he was not going to think about that. He pats his pants, in search of his wallet and lets out a groan when he realized he had left it behind.

Here's to the things you love

Here's to those you find in love

Hell to the rest of us

He checks the car, opened the compartment to check. He cheered when he found a twenty. He got out of the car and made his way to the nearest stand. He orders an unsweetened lemonade with a bendy straw. Colson takes off his seat and stuffs it in the car, he locks it and began his short trek towards the beach, he needed to clear his head, even if it was just a bit.

He hummed as he walked, going farther and farther away from the crowd. He lazily kicked at the sand, smiling at himself whenever the water brushed his feet. He needed this. Fresh air and a clear mind.

He was going to be fine. His father was dead so they were safe. Watching a man like that ripped into pieces had been invigorating but he hadn't seen the entire thing because he had passed out.

The man who had killed his mother, burnt him alive and separated him from his brother, for the sake of a prophecy. He was ripped apart like he was made of paper. He was finally gone.

Now Colson could walk about freely, Cobie with his ever changing eyes could walk about freely and now he was even mated and leading a powerful pack.

If Cobie could do it, then he can too.

He had found someone whom he wanted and all he needed was for Michel to like him back, even if it was half as much.

Should he give it up?

The more he walked the farther away he got from people. He closed his eyes and tilted his head towards the sun, feeling the sun heat his skin a little. Freedom felt great, truthfully though, it was a bit tiring. He didn't have a plan, he had no degree.

He kicks at the sand one more time before settling. He was going to be fine. He's got time. He could be anything he puts his mind to, his mother used to say so. Colson opened his eyes and stared at the horizon.

He was going to be alright.

He had everything he needed.

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