
Chapter 5. How Sensitive Are You?

Keira’s POV

He had not changed a bit. Except this time, he flexed a pair of monochromatic glasses and an orange shirt with its top two buttons open.

He looked very yummy, and my mind was already buzzing with naughty ideas. But I stopped my reeling thoughts, red-hot anger washing over me instead as I watched him. Was this some kind of a sick joke?

I saw a glint of shock in his eyes as he shifted in his seat, repositioning the glasses on the bridge of his nose.

“What the hell is this?” I could not contain my fury. “Is that my file? Did you know about me before now?”

“Calm d…” he tried to say, but I was not having it.

“Do not tell me to fucking calm down. How could someone who was willing to get down with me on the first day be my therapist? How exactly are you supposed to help me?” I raged.

How stupid did I seem to him right now?

He looked apologetic as he raised his hands in surrender. “Hey…take a breath. This is not what it looks like.”

I scoffed, giving him a death glare. “So you are like some sex therapist that fucks his clients anywhere?”

Hell, we had a pleasant night together. What I did not understand was why he was posing as my therapist when we had done stuff already. But I kept quiet and listened to him speak.

“This is all a huge misunderstanding. I promise I did not know you were the woman on my appointment list. If I had known it was you, I would definitely not have touched you that night. I have no intention of touching my clients. I swear.”

“My dad had never mentioned me to you, and you decided to stalk me or something?”

“No.” Came his curt response.

I settled in the chair. “When did you join the golf club?”

He gave me a quizzical stare. “Three months ago. Why?”

I nodded. “I last visited five months ago. Wanted to be sure you had actually never seen or heard of me before all this happened.” I gestured with my hand.

He smiled, and god, I almost melted into a hot caramel puddle. My anger had instantly dissipated, leaving me a horny bitch.

“You can rest assured. Plus, I would never judge you, so please feel free around me so that we can achieve the best results,” he assured me.

I nodded, momentarily entranced by the movement of his plump pink lips. I wanted to kiss it so badly. I should not feel like this, especially in the situation we had found ourselves in. He was my therapist, for fucks sake.

I crossed my net-clad legs in an attempt to stop my pussy from pulsing at my thoughts. His eyes had caught the movement, and they travelled up my legs to my face, causing my pussy to drip now. I felt hot under his gaze, and I looked away, discreetly puffing air through my mouth.

It’s just for thirty minutes, Kiera. Get a hold of yourself. You can do it. I imagined Natasha saying those words to me.

Clint cleared his throat and clapped his hands. “Shall we begin then?”

“Yes,” I managed to croak out, my eyes watching my fingers play with each other on my lap.

There was a pause, and then he requested in a voice I found very sensual, “I need you to look at me.”

Those words brought crazy images to mind- my bare back on his cleared table, with him pounding into me while he looked at me like I was the only woman in the world.

I shook my head and looked up at him.

“Great. Now I will ask you a few questions, and I would love for you to answer as honestly and clearly as you can.” He picked up a pen. “Remember, no judgement zone. Alright?”

I nodded.

“I would need you to use words, Kiera, okay?”


“That’s better. Why are you here, Kiera?” He asked.

“I…I wanted to get help…”

He raised a brow. “For what exactly?”

“I am sure it is stated there in my file,” I replied, shooting him an annoyed look.

He chuckled. “This is how sessions work, Kiera. This is to make sure you really do want help. Because you can’t be helped if you do not want it.”

“Oh.” I relaxed and answered, “My libido is crazy.”

“What do you mean?”

My eyes traced the outline of his chest through the open buttons. “I want sex all the time. With anyone who is available.”

His eyelids slit, and his grip on his pen tightened just a little. “Just anyone?” He choked out, and when I nodded, his eyes blazed. Although when he shut and opened them, he seemed composed. What was that?

“What made you decide to get help?” He questioned while taking notes.

“My best friends, Natasha and Brendon.”

“Why do you think they wanted you to get help?”

I smiled wistfully. “Natasha loves me, and I embarrass Brendon.”

“Why had you not sought a solution yourself before now?”

I inhaled, “Because I feel I am too far gone.”

He studied me silently, a finger trailing his lips. My tummy clenched as he did. Was he doing this on purpose? Torturing me from where he sat while acting so ignorant of the effect he had on me.

“And do you feel you can be helped now?” He asked after a while.

His blue eyes seemed to suck me in as I stared into them and replied. “I am not sure.”

He regarded me a bit before writing into my file, and then he dropped the pen and clasped his hand on the table.

“Now, I need you to be very honest with me on this one, alright?” He urged, and I nodded.

Soon he was standing and stalking around the table to me, his eyes never leaving mine. He stopped behind me, and my heart quickened as I ceased to breathe in anticipation.

What was he going to do next? Would that night repeat itself here in his office? My core was humming its consent. I was so down for it if it came to that.

I felt his finger swipe my hair over my right shoulder, exposing the left side of my neck. I held onto the chair tightly as he touched my neck, trailing a hot path up just to stop below my ear.

Then I felt his hot breath close to my ear as he enquired.

“Tell me, Kiera…How sensitive are you?”

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