
Chapter 5

                             !Mature warning!

Kayla, Me and Evelyn are all pushing the box of stuff towards Mateo's door. And thank god it's not far because Evelyn put so much shit in this box...

"Almost there." Kayla huffs, giving the box another push. We decorated the outside of the box in torn up pictures of them both, hoping to get a reaction from him as soon as he opens his door. Evelyn is happier today, obviously not all okay, but she seems brighter. I turn my head to see his door number.

"Finally!" I sign, flopping myself on the floor to catch my energy back up.

"Thank god..." Evelyn says to herself  and theres a long pause as we all catch our breaths.

"Get up. We need to knock and keep quiet." Evelyn says, breaking the silence . She pushes a finger against her lips, telling us to shush.

I turn to look at Kayla and she gives me a small nod, gibing me the sign that we should go wait around the corner. We begin to move to a space where he won't be able to see us until Evelyn stops us.

"Wait! Guys...I'm not knocking!" She whispers, her eye's bulging for a good couple seconds. I shoo her off to do her thing.

"It's not our ex." I mutter and she flips me off.

Me and Kayla both hear the knock on the door and pull ourselves back. Evelyn comes rushing beside us, peeking her head around the corner. We wait in our spot for a good couple minutes.

"How long is he going to take?" I sigh.

"I don't know, be patient. You wanted to see his reaction." Evelyn mutters, giving me the side-eye. I roll my eyes at her.

At some point, Kayla's smacking my arm trying to get my attention.

"Look!" She whispers.

I turn my head and see Mateo standing at his door, looking down. His mouth moves, but we are too far to hear anything. He try's to pull the box inside, but fails and ends up slamming the door as he heads back into his dorm.

"He seems a bit mad..." Evelyn says, her voice a bit wobbly.

"Probably, he has just lost you. I would be mad too." Kayla says, pulling the two of us up off the floor.

I give Evelyn a good hug before we all head back to the dorm. Evelyn stares back at the abandoned box outside his door, but Kayla moves her head so she's facing forward. I try not to laugh at how she does it.

When we got to our dorm, I hear the sound of my phone ringing.

"Who would be calling you at this time?" Kayla asks me, already walking over to check who it is.

"Ohhhh..." I hear her say and then my phone gets chucked at me.

"Might want to answer that." She whispers, pointing at the vibrating phone sitting beside my hip.

I pick it up and look at who it is. Shit. Zion.

I get up out of bed again before sliding on some shoes and rushing out the door. I hear Evelyn ask Kayla where I'm going as I shut the door. She better keep her mouth shut.

I answer the phone.

"Where are you?" He says, the sound of something rustling in the background barely passes through the mic.

"Why?" I ask, pushing the dorm block doors open.

"I need something." He mutters, sounding impatient.

"What something?" I question him further, hoping he gets pissed. I could be having a nap right now...

"Stop questioning me and get to my room, now." And then he hangs up, giving me no context whatsoever.

I walk through the cold wind till I get to the Social Studies block and push open the heavy door which let's out an awful screech.

I take my time walking to his class, because he hung up on me when I wasn't done annoying him. So I'm doing it another way.

As soon as I get to his door, I knock and it flies open. He pulls me inside quickly before smashing his lips on mine, causing me to gasp. I feel my body melt into his as the kiss goes further. He picks me up and begins to walk us towards his desk. I get softly put down onto the smooth wood of the table top.

"You taste so sweet." He groans into my mouth, allowing me better access. I feel him start tugging on my top but get no time to help him take it off before it's being ripped apart and chucked on the floor. I pull back from him and look down at the tank top that's been ripped in half.

"Holy fuck.." I pant, only able to get a few breathes in before his lips are back on mine. My hands find their way to his belt and I start to fiddle with it, trying to undo the buckle.

Zion pulls back, "Not yet."

His words don't stop me though. I keep attempting to undo his buckle, and I finally get it before he pulls his hips away.

"I said not yet." He says, his voice firm and rough and either one of his hands comes to sit beside my hips, trapping me in. I see his eyes move to my tits for a quick second and take it as a hint and slip my bra off. The sound of the soft cotton hitting the floor brings a smile to his face. I watch him as he admires my body, his pupils dilating in the process. He looks me in the eyes, asking for something to which I nod my reply and then his mouth is on my body in a blink, exploring it and leaving trails of soft kisses along the way. His mouth comes to my tit and he begins to tease, making a whimper escape from my lips. He begins to go rougher with my body, pushing me flush against the desk and gliding his tongue along one boob to the other. Moans leave my mouth in a continuous streak, earning me soft kisses now and then. I let my body be overcome by the pleasure that courses through my body, enjoying it as much as he's enjoying himself.

I feel him as he glides his mouth up till he meets my jaw, to which he kisses until his lips attach to mine again.  His hands begin to pull down my joggers and underwear in one go, revealing my already wet pussy. He detaches his lips from mine and praises my body with his eyes.

"You're so fucking perfect." He whispers, pecking me on the lips. I smile up at him before lifting my body up to sit. I take his belt and finish undoing it before pulling his own clothes down. His hardened cock stands in front of my face, and I'm tempted to take it in my hand and suck him off, but he sees the anticipation in my eyes and moves my body back.

I watch him as he grabs a condom from his middle draw and rolls it onto his cock. He gives himself a few soft pumps with his fist before pulling me up off the desk and flipping me around. I feel his hand come into contact with my upper back as he pushes my body down till I'm bent over his desk.

"This okay?" He asks, rubbing my ass with his palm. I nod and he smacks it, making me whimper out. I feel the sting all the way to my toes.

"Remember what I said last time?" He says, soothing the sore spot with his hand again.

"Yes." I mumble, pushing my ass further towards him. I feel his tip rub against the inside of my thigh and it makes my pussy throb.


He slams into me the second the word leaves his mouth, causing us both to groan.

"Shit." He mutters under his breather, thrusting in and out of me slowly. I feel the emptiness return as he takes himself out all the way before pushing back in slowly. A whimper escapes my mouth without control, and he starts speeding up his pace.

"What do you want?" He asks, a groan following after. I try to reply, but every time I open my mouth to speak, he starts going faster and rougher.

"What is it, Elaine?" He grunts. I feel him all the way up to my stomach...Holy shit..

"I can't, I can-" I whimper, resting my forehead against the table.

"Do you want me to stop?" He says, slowing down his pace.

"No! Please..." I moan. He thrusts in and out of me faster and harder than ever before and brings his hand to my front, circling my clit.

"Oh, fuck.." I moan, feeling myself getting closer to finishing.

"Come on, got it." I hear him grunt from behind me, thrusting himself harder into me and tilting his hips upwards. As soon as his cock hits my G-spot, I'm gone. My eyes go blurry from tears of pleasure and I'm left shaking against his work desk. I feel a tingle in my body shoot from my clit to my toes, a sigh leaving my lips.

His hand comes to my hip and he begins to thrust himself at his preferred rhythm. I feel his thumb rub soft circles against my waist and then his head coming to rest between my neck.

"Fuck.." He moans into my ear, making my stomach flip. I feel his breathing against my neck become more uneven and then the soft whimpers from him coming undone reach my ears.

I smile to myself as I turn my head and peck him on his temple. He lets a soft breath before pulling us both up at once, his dick slipping out of me in the process. He disposes of the condom and then lifts me into his lap after he sits himself comfortably in his desk chair. He grabs a new towel from the draw and helps clean me up before chucking it into a gym bag that sits on the floor.

He kisses me lightly on the lips before pulling me into a hug.

"You're so fucking perfect, Elaine." He whispers.

A cool rush of happiness floods through my body, from my head to my toes at his show of affection. I wish we could do it more often. Whenever, Wherever. In class, in my dorm, in the halls. In public. I would be the happiest women in the world if we could.

I sigh at the thought and rest my head in the gap between his shoulder and neck. We sit in the same position for a while, not moving.


I push myself off of him and walk over to where my joggers and underwear sit on the floor. I go to pick up my shirt, only to remember it's ripped. I slip into my remaining clothes before going back over to Zion.

"I have no shirt." I say, chucking my torn up one at him.

"Oh, shit...sorry." He mutters, crumbling up my top in his hand. I watch him as he opens his eyes and pulls off his own jumper.

"Here." He mutters, grabbing his bottoms and getting back into them. He tucks my torn shirt into the back pocket of his jeans. I ignore it and begin to walk to the door, but someone else comes barging in.

I stumble back at the surprise, only opening my eyes to see Miss. Canty. Miss...Canty?

Shit. Fuck. Shit. Omg.

I look back at Zion, he's looking between both me and Miss.

"What's going on here?" She says, walking further into the class, closing the door behind her.

I turn to look at Zion, not sure what to say. 

"Why are you here, Madalyn?" His voice is firm, demanding. But not in a good way.

"Oh- uhm...I'm not so comfortable saying that in front of..." She looks over at me and I raise my eyebrow. She gives me her usual odd smile.

"Pardon?" The words leave my lips before I can think of stopping myself.

"Well, what are you doing here anyways, Hun?" She speaks, putting her hand on her hip.

"I'm tutoring her." Zion butts in, saving the conversation.

"Oh, right. Of course. You were talking about her needing to improve...sorry."

My head darts in Zion's direction. Are they...a thing? Or is she just being her usual lying self?

"Well, I will leave you to do your thing." I mutter, walking off and out the door. I may have slammed the door as I left, but it was just a slip of the finger.


I get to my dorm and shove the door open, thankfully both of them are asleep and I can just sit in bed on my own.

I slip out of his jumper and chuck in at the end of my bed before getting myself comfy under my sheets. I scroll on my phone for a while until I feel my eyes get heavy, and then I go to sleep.

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