
Hot Roommate 3


At the sharp sound of my alarm, I shoot up from my bed. It’s the D-day for my roommate hunt.

I dash into the bathroom, removing my night retainers. Carefully brushing my teeth, I exit the bathroom.

It’s already 10: am! I scream inwardly when my eyes dart over to the clock. That means my alarm has been ringing.

How did sleep for so long? Right, the shots I had with Lizzy. The girl kept forcing me to drink and now look what it had caused.

I kiss my teeth in frustration, thanking goodness I’m not having any hangover. It occurs to me just then that I need to change my jammies into something presentable.

I ransack my upper closet but I find nothing except my baggy Jeans and T-shirt.

Really? Is this gonna look good for my interview? I’m supposed to wear something formal, besides that’s what an interviewer is expected to wear.

Cussing, I look at my lower closet and that’s when I see the slip dress Lizzy got me for my 20th birthday.

My face squeezes. I’ve never worn this dress before because of my plus size. I mean, my breasts are too ample it will be spilling out of the dress, and my ass? It sure will burst the dress in two.

Better yet, I weigh my options carefully and figure out this dress is way better for an interview than any of the baggy Jeans and plus-size T-shirts.

Damming all consequences, I don the dress after taking a quick shower. Honestly, fitting into the dress is like a tug of war.

My hips practically brandish over the dress, outlining my voluptuous curves.

I knew it!!!

I grouse, twirling before the mirror and watching as my breasts spill brazenly out of the dress. Fuck, it’s literally hitting my chest.

Dang it! I’m gonna manage. I sure know the interview won’t take forever to conduct.

After an endless struggle with the zipper, it finally closes and I give myself a once-over.

Hot damn!!! A grin takes over my lips. I feel somewhat confident but knowing myself, this confidence only ends here in my room.

My curly chestnut hair dangles over my shoulder and I let it. Not enough time for styling, I whisper under my breath as I exit the room.

Upon my arrival in the large living room basking under the slithering, golden sunlight, I hear my phone ringing ceaselessly.

I half jump and half walk to the couch where the phone is and grab it.

“Lizzy.” I kiss my teeth, sighing as I tap the receiver. It’s a video call.

“Hey, Lizz.” I gush, taking in Lizzy’s shaggy hair and swell-up eyes. Looks like she’s just waking up.

“Anna. What the fuck? I’ve been calling your number for ages!” She grumbles.

“Yippee! Sorry girl. An interviewer needed to get ready.” I wave the phone around me, just to give her a sneak peek.

“You're way too hot for an interview, do you plan on seducing your interviewees?” Her creaky voice screeches through the speaker.

I bark a laugh, “Hell no. They’re gonna be girls, remember?”

“Still. Besides I’ve never seen you take a cock. You might as well be into pussies!!” She chuckles at that and my face literally blanches.

“Lizzy, you know better!” I roar and she gives me a laugh in response.

“Cool. I know. Just wanna hi you and remind you about your interview!” She says.

“Thanks. I’m all set.” Suddenly feel dread, I crease my brow and I spill out. “You sure I’m not gonna end up getting someone worse than Etta?”

“Nah. You’ll get someone better. Be positive, chick.”

Hope whoops back inside me as I take in Lizzy’s words. We say a few words before we cut the call.

Now, alone in the looming silence of my apartment, my anxiousness returns, along with a slight trembling of my hands.

The booming sound of my doorbell makes me lunge on my feet, jittering.

I lumber over to the door, drag the lock open, and…

“Hiiiiii.” A young woman who looks to be in her late twenties waves at me. “Are you Anna Zaire?” She asks.

“Hello, um…yeah. I am. Here for a room check?” I ask.

She perches her hand on the door, pushing it open like a boss before even responding to my question.

Now inside, she twirls around on her… Louboutin heels?

My eyes widen at the designer heels she’s wearing. Those cost about five thousand dollars.

“Actually, yes. I’m here to canvass the said room. Can you show it to me, right away?”

One thing I notice, she’s bossy. Really? She doesn’t even know me and she is this dictatorial?

Rolling my eyes in mind’s eye, I manage a smile. Then. “Sure. This way.”

The woman whom I apparently don’t know her name yet struts out of the room while I follow in tow.

Rounding the corner to the living room, she turns sharply to me.

“The room doesn’t have a Jacuzzi! No Panasonic AC!? Jeez, how on earth do you expect me to survive in there? I literally am going to suffocate from the heat during summer. And after a long stressful day at work, I won’t have any Jacuzzi to massage my strained muscles?”

My mouth only drops open in surprise. She doesn’t even let me breathe out a word!

No, this is a red flag! I think to myself.

Fortunately, the bossy bitch dismisses herself.

“No, I’m out of here. I’m gonna burn out!” She prattles, her squeaky heels clomping harshly on the floor as she exits, slamming the front door shut.

That was a tough one! I think inwardly, kissing my teeth.

Before I can relax with a cup of cinnamon tea, another blare from the doorbell goes off. I jump right on my feet, nearly toppling over at the door.

Lucky me, I get my footing on time, and swing the lock open.

“Young lady!”

“Omigod!” I gasp, almost peeing on my panties at the sight of the old, wrinkled granddaddy standing before me.

He has keratosis all over his face. His bald hair is nothing but gray. And his professor glasses sit low on the bridge of his nose.

“Are you the one looking for a roommate?” He stutters.

Blinking rapidly, I rasp. “Uh…yes?”

“Aha! I was told you're a caregiver too. Can you pack shit well? I really shit a lot.”

As if wanting to punctuate his point, the man literally farts.

Holy cow, I’m fucked! I nearly cry. I know it’s normal for humans to fart, but this? I can’t take this.

Tears nearly splurge from my eyes but I quickly intone. “I’m sorry, sir. But I’m no caregiver, and I can’t pack shit well, ehh?”

The man tsks. “Nah. This ain’t what I’m looking for.” He grouses and retracts his steps away from my front door.

I slam the door shut, muttering. “Another disaster!”

Come to think of it, Lizzy didn’t specify the roommate needed would be a girl. That’s why the man showed up.

Another set of weirdos comes by for a room check. Two guys and one girl.

“Hey, bird. We’re here for a room check.” One of the guys smiles cheekily.

From the look of it, they’re punksters with red, blue, and green Mohawk hairs. Lounging in their hands are their equipment for singing punk--- guitar, saxophone, and a microphone stand.

“Oh,” I mutter, staring at them fixedly.

“Is it still open for Survey?” The guy with red Mohawk hair asks, his voice scratchy.

“Yes.” Is my tentative response.

They yip in joy when they troop inside the living. “Hell, Edgar. This living room is big enough for our concerts, don’t you think?”

My brows pluck together at the blue-haired's words.

They wanna use my apartment for a concert? What the freak!?

“Excuse me!” I step in quickly, disrupting their little munch of joy. They stare bizarrely are me. “Um…this place is for conducive living. Not for concerts. So, I’m sorry but it ain’t gonna work.”

“What? Bird, you’re gonna get some tips from us!” They grouse, the girl glaring daggers at me with her scary cat-eye makeup.

I scuttle to the door, holding it open, and I mouth politely. “I’m sorry. It can’t work.”

As soon as they’re gone, I heave a huge sigh of relief.

Fuck me, but this is a bad day and this interview or hunt for a roommate is a bad idea.

I’m already sinking into claws of sorrow when the doorbell rings. I swear, it’s on the tip of my tongue to tell the person off.

But as I tug them open, fluttering my lips to send them off, my mouth only hangs open with drool tainting the corners of my lips.

The sight before me quickly makes my panties drench.

Who the heck is this Greek God? I hum inwardly.

And when I hear his deep baritone, my knees buckle.

“Hi, I’m Ledger. Here for a room check. Tell me it’s still available, pretty!” He gushes, his eyes roaming around my curvy body, and my nipples become taut.


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