
Chapter 5


Six Years Later

“Will you marry me, Erica?” Lorenzo was on his knees, stretching his hands, he showed me the

little box that had the most beautiful ring in.

“I want to make you the happiest woman, Erica, give me the chance to make you mine.”

“Will you marry me?” Why was I giving this a thought? I had agreed to get married to him, I had

told my parents I will get married to Alpha Lorenzo for the sake of my children so why was I

finding it hard to say yes. I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and I nodded. It was

just the both of us in the open field.

“Yes Lorenzo, I will marry you.”’I smiled, I am happy that I am doing this for my children.

“Thank you.” Lorenzo grinned from ear to ear, he put the ring in my finger then stood from his

knelt position, and cupped my face gently.

“Thank you for making me the happiest Alpha alive.” He kissed me on the lips and I kissed him


“I’ll scream to the world and tell them that Erica is mine.” I laughed. It was all fun with Lorenzo

and if I had not thought my heart to not fall in love again then I would have loved Lorenzo more

than the way I do.

“Thank you so much Lorenzo.” I pulled him into a hug and he held me tight.

“No thank you for letting me in your life, thank you for letting me be a father to your children.” It

was like my smile faded but it was still there. I thought, maybe if Dante had loved me he would

have been a part of his children’s life.

It’s been six years since I had been divorced, six years since I had been saved by my real family, I

had found out about my twins which turned out to be triplets. Life had been going smoothly for

me and I had learnt to take charge and control.

I was no longer the same woman that begged her husband to love her even after I had caught

him in bed with his mistress, and even if I am not a Lycan or I am not as strong as he is, I am an

Alpha and will be getting married to an Alpha soon.

I had gotten to know Lorenzo the day he had come to our pack for a meeting with my father, I

had bumped into him that day, his charming smile somehow gave me butterflies in my tummy.

He was very polite and since then we have shared this strong bond, he’s always been there for

me, for the three years that I have known him and I think it’s only right that I should be there for

him too.

Lorenzo, a good looking Alpha that ruled a very huge pack with a lot of warriors and members

and had worn wars in the last few years since he became Alpha, as gentle and as loving as he

looked, Lorenzo was also fierce, strong, agile and good looking.

I sat beside him on the mat we had spread out in the open space, it was just the both of us

having a little time. The kids never gave us the time to be alone because Lorenzo always wanted

to be around them.

I wiped the crumbs of cake on his lips and he chuckled, I stared deep into his black beautiful eyes,

he is so huge and only a hug from him will probably swallow me up.

“You’re a good man.” I muttered.

“And you're a good woman.” He gave me a soft kiss on my lips and I smiled.

I chuckled.

As we cuddled each other up, my phone rang out loud. I took my phone from my bag. It was Beta


As I placed the phone on my ear all I could hear were loud screams, yelling and wailing of people.

“The pack is under attack.” as he said this I stood to my feet and turned to Lorenzo.

“The rogues attacked. We needed to go.'' Before I could finish my statement, Lorenzo was on his

feet, we drove back to the pack and indeed we were attacked, it wasn't a minor attack we had

lost a lot of soldiers, who had risked their life to save people.

I had been gone for only a few hours and all of this happened?

I and Lorenzo helped get everything in order and when things had become a little stable we

headed back to the pack house.

“Ian.” I called as I walked in.

“Where are my babies?” I asked.

“They are with your mother” He replied and I heaved a sigh.

“Where is my father?” Everywhere was tense, warriors were running around trying to help save

lives. The pack was a whole mess.

“Baby.” My father walked out of the meeting chambers and the moment I saw him I ran into his

arms, seeking warmth and comfort.

“Dad what’s happening?” He slowly pulled away from the hug.

“We need help, Erica.” He held me in my arms.

“We are losing our pack, we might lose our pack Erica.”

“No we won’t, we will fight, we will get help. Lorenzo’s pack can help us.” As I spoke I looked at

Lorenzo and who was standing beside me.

“We were also attacked. I also need help.” He nodded his head negatively.

“I don't think my pack can help you.” At this moment I got scared, just hearing this from him.

“What can we do dad? We are slowly going down.” We had earlier contacted a few packs and

they had bluntly refused to help us because we were at war with the rogue King and no pack was

ready to get into the mess with us.

“I have asked for help from the Lycan King but he needs our help too.”

“Lycan King?” I froze, hitched an eyebrow and then stared at him. I know one Lycan King in the

state here.

“Which Lycan King?” My dad looked at me and all I could see was the pain and the worry for his


“King Dante.” He stated.


“He has said he wants to meet me, Erica but I cannot go. You know I have to be here to take care

of my pack. Ian is too young to go either, he has no clue on what to say.”

“You want me to go in your place, dad?” I asked and he nodded.

Dad gave me a calm look and used his eyes to tell me he had other things to say. He knew

Lorenzo had no clue about my past and he was not going to say anything in front of him.

How do I tell my Fiancé that the Alpha my father is asking help from is the Lycan King that is the

father of my children and the Lycan King that has made me what I am.

Lorenzo rubbed my back softly as he tried to calm me down.

My dad stared at me like he had a lot to say to me.

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