
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

I am not comfortable sleeping with someone in the same bed, especially since I am always getting conscious every time he moves. To stop my worries, I put a pillow between us. I stared at the ceiling. In just a span of time, I get to know Damon’s attitude. He’s sometimes rude, arrogant, and ruthless but he’s not bad.

I still don’t get his world. The werewolf thing and alpha king…things. But I know when he said alpha king, I know he’s a big person. He’s important to this kingdom. And that made me think about why he needs his mate. Unfortunately, I am that mate.

Deep thoughts lead me to sleep until I woke up the next morning without him next to me. I yawned and stretched my arms. I sat down on the bed and search for a slipper and there I noticed that there are marks on my ankle. It was the chains mark.

I sighed heavily. Why did he chain me after all? Well, if he didn’t chain me, I’d probably run for hills and hit him using my own fist.

“Good morning, Ma’am! Your clothes are here, and the bathtub is ready now ma’am,” a girl with his housekeeping uniform said. She looks young. Maybe a bit four years older than me or so.

“Thank you,” I said.

“By the way, ma’am. Alpha Damon said that you need to wait for him in the dining. He said that you’ll eat together,” she added. My brows furrowed. Why would he make me wait? What’s he doing anyway? Is he busy? Ah, I almost forgot that he’s an alpha king. Alpha king my ass. I almost rolled my eyes.

I took a bath and changed into the clothes that the girl prepared for me. My brows furrowed when I noticed that it was a long-sleeved dress. What the hell? What am I? Going to the church?

“Excuse me?” I asked the housekeeper. She looked at me. I am only wearing my bathrobe when I went out.

“Yes, Ma’am?” she responded.

“Do you have any clothes other than this?” I asked. She immediately shook her head. “I’m sorry ma’am but Alpha Damon wants you to wear that,” she said. I raised a brow. She suddenly looks scared when she saw my reaction.

What is that man thinking? He wants me to wear this dress? It’s for an old hag! I entered the walk-in closet and looked around and smirk when I saw a scissor. I have an idea. I used the scissor to cut the sleeves and make some designs on the waist part. When I finished, I immediately look myself in the mirror. I smiled with triumph when I saw how sexy I am with my own design dress. It’s now sleeveless and has small cuts on its waist to emphasize my curves.

That’s fashion, Damon! Well, he’s a 200-year-old freaking guy, he won’t understand the trends nowadays. Now I wonder…I didn’t know that wolves like him lived a longer life. I don’t think I can live that long.

“I’m done,” I announced as I went out of my walk-in closet. The housekeeper’s jaw drops because of what I look.


“Don’t worry, Damon won’t mind it,” I confidently said. But she looks worried or something. I went out of the room. There are guards everywhere. I bet they are all wolves. Am I the only human here? Now that I think about it…they are all carnivores! Wait…they are not literally those wolves, right? They can be human too! Argh! Why is this thing so messed up?

The guards opened the door for me, and a long extravagant dining table welcomed me. I blinked twice when I saw a lot of food prepared for us. Are these really all for breakfast only? Why is it so many?

“This is your place, ma’am.” The housekeeper pulled a chair for me. I sat there and was about to touch my spoon when the housekeeper said something. “Ma’am, Alpha Damon said you have you wait for him,” she informed me. I rolled my eyes and leaned on my chair.

What the hell? Do I really have to wait for him? What if I am really starving now?

Five minutes had passed, and Damon was still not here. I am now glaring at the food in front of me.

“Can you tell your Alpha if he’s going to eat or not? I am starving!” I demanded. The housekeeper immediately nodded. I heaved a deep sigh and stared at the food once again. I wonder if mom’s, okay? Does she have food to eat? I really need to get out of here. I really need to escape.

“I’m here,” Damon’s voice filled my ears. I saw him take the seat in front of me. But the moment his eyes surveyed my clothes I saw his brows wrinkled.

“What are you wearing?” he asked darkly. I smiled at him, almost faking it.

“It’s the dress you want me to wear,” I said obviously.

“No. It’s not,” he said clenching his jaw. He even glanced at the housekeeper who brought the dress to me. The housekeeper looks constipated now.

“I just put some design on it. Your type of dress is only for old hags. So—”

“Didn’t I say to you to follow my rules?” his tone is getting dangerous. Damn! I am starving! Can we talk about it later?

“What? So even the kinds of clothes I want to wear you’ll have to decide on it? Why? Are you the one who’ll wear it? Why don’t you try and wear them instead, huh?” I sarcastically said. His brown eyes narrowed. I don’t know but I suddenly felt nervous about the way he looks at me.

“Stone,” He called the bulky man. So…his name’s Stone huh?

“What is it Alpha?” Stone asked.

“Get the plate and foods in front of Athena. She’ll not eat her breakfast today,” Damon commanded making my eyes wide open!

What the fuck?!

“WHAT?!” I screamed.

“And put a tape on her mouth. She’ll have to watch me eating,” Damon added.

“You fuck—” I didn’t have the chance to continue my words when Stone put a tape on my mouth and handcuffs my hands behind me!

Damon coldly looked at me. I cannot believe it! Fuck him! Fuck him! After he made me wait for breakfast, he’ll do this to me! Fuck you, Damon! You bastard Alpha king!

“I told you so. Break my rules means punishment, Athena.” He said ruthlessly.

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