
Chapter 4 Mistook The Man

Flora struggled to open her eyelids, not because she was intimidated by him, but because she was eager to see the man who had tortured herself like this!

At that moment of opening her eyelids, finally... she saw it! It was a man so handsome that it could make anyone scream, and so cold that it could send shivers down one's spine. However, why did she feel a bit familiar?

She remembered it was the man she had seen on the street a few months ago. Could it be him? The one who had said many mysterious things to her and told her he was Oliver Smith!

"Is it you?" Flora stared at him in astonishment.

Maxwell's face visibly twitched, and he coldly assessed her with a smirk, "What? Have you seen me before? Why do I have no impression of you at all?"

"Oliver Smith! Why are you doing this to me?" Flora shouted at him with difficulty.

Maxwell was taken aback again, then let out a dry laugh and shook his head.

"Miss White, I regret to inform you that you've mistaken me for someone else. I am not Oliver Smith."

How could that be? Flora was bewildered; it was him! How could it not be? After all, Oliver was a man with a dreamy smile, and he was gentle and clean. But the man in front of her had nothing on his face except for cruelty and a thirst for blood. Even though their faces were identical, they couldn't possibly be the same person! Not!

But why did they look the same? What was their relationship?

Moving her parched lips, Flora asked the doubt that was gnawing at her heart with great effort, "Who are you?"

Maxwell leaned down, grasping her jaw, and stared at her coldly, saying, "You don't need to know who I am because you're not entitled to know!"

"Alright, then I have to tell you, I'm Flora White, and I must inform you that you've tortured the wrong person." Flora said!

She believed she had never offended anyone in her life, let alone someone as terrifying as this man. She had been inexplicably subjected to such torment, and she was in so much pain! It was so unjust!

"I also need to tell you that I was looking for you, Flora!" Maxwell increased the pressure in his grip, gritting his teeth.

Despite the pain, Flora held back the tears that threatened to overflow and her little face contorted in agony. He, on the other hand, paid no attention and had no compassion for her suffering. What he wanted was to slowly torture her, inch by inch, until that moment of her death!

"Why?" Flora asked in confusion. What had she done wrong? At the very least, she wanted to understand the reason for her impending demise.

"I've said it before; you have no right to ask me anything!" Maxwell's hand, holding her jaw, moved downward, and it felt like a branding iron scorching every inch of her skin. Every pass of his hand was a humiliating mark of death, relentlessly trampling on Flora's pride!

Flora bit her dry, cracked lips tightly, and her body began to shiver again. Blushing with embarrassment and anger, she forced out two words through clenched teeth, "You bastard...!"

Maxwell's warm palm tightened, and he grabbed her long hair, pulling her upright. His blue eyes became bloodshot. Using force to make her look directly at him, he yelled at her little face, "The bastard is you! It's you, Flora!"


Flora screamed as her head brutally collided with the wooden bedside table, and an intense pain instantly spread from her head, making her wish she could die at that moment!

However, before she could recover from the pain, her naked body was back in his embrace, and a new round of humiliation began, even more savage than before!

As his body entered hers like a raging wave, she chose to abandon her resistance. She wanted to faint away like she did two nights ago, knowing nothing, remembering nothing, and even forgetting how he had abused her body!

Unfortunately, fate did not comply with her wishes. She couldn't escape this time, and her mind was clearer than ever. It seemed as if the heavens were intentionally forcing her to remember him, to remember this cruel and humiliating moment!

The physical pain was nothing compared to the psychological agony. If she could die at this moment, she would not hesitate to choose death!

It felt like an eternity had passed, but the weight pressing down on her finally disappeared. Through her tears, she saw the dark blue dragon tattoo again, rushing towards her with a bloodthirsty gaping mouth, proudly declaring its victory!

The blue dragon, along with the man, moved farther and farther away, and then both vanished in the direction of the door, leaving Flora motionless, lying alone on the snow-white bed.

Her milky skin was exposed to the cold air, but she was already numb, feeling no chill. The only sensation throughout her body was pain—agonizing, piercing pain!

In her heart, she cried out countless times: Henry... save me...!

Amid her despair, she thought of the man she had seen on the street a few months ago. Could it be that he and this man were truly not the same person?

After the argument with Mrs. White that day, Flora ran out of the White Family's house, walking aimlessly on the street. She felt the coolness on her cheeks, knowing it was tears, but she didn't reach out to wipe them away.

Standing in front of a beautiful kitchen window, she stared blankly at the figurine of Princess Athena displayed inside. Suddenly, she envied her because she seemed happier than herself. Then, she vaguely saw a pair of blue eyes, silently gazing at her.

Flora's heart skipped a beat, and she quickly turned around. What appeared before her was a man so handsome that he looked like a work of art. Tall and muscular, with a face that was both cold and breathtakingly beautiful, and eyes so blue that they seemed like a sea.

Flora stared at him in astonishment, and the man stared back at her, his gaze traveling up and down her face, settling on her neck. Flora instinctively touched her neck, placing her hand over the platinum necklace. What did he want? Was he trying to rob her?

The man slightly tugged at the corner of his lips, revealing a dreamy smile, replacing the previous coldness. His long hand reached for her necklace, and a deep, sensual voice escaped his lips, "Miss, I am the true owner of this necklace."

What? Flora was momentarily taken aback. She had seen muggings before, but this was a different approach.

"Sir, are you feeling well?" If he wasn't ill, then he must be intentionally trying to strike up a conversation or rob her.

"Miss, you've misunderstood. I hope you'll consider selling the necklace to me, and you can name your price." The man's face still wore that enchanting smile, exuding an air of nobility that surpassed even Henry's handsomeness.

Flora silently thanked her experience for not being the kind of person who hadn't seen the world or handsome men. She had been momentarily captivated but quickly regained her composure. Regardless of his intentions, they couldn't be straightforward or innocent...!

"Help! Robbery!"

Flora's voice rang out like a bell, causing people around to stop in their tracks. Security personnel from a short distance away rushed over.

The handsome man was taken aback and shot Flora an irritated look, but soon, he wore a gentle smile again. He took a business card out of his pocket and said, "Miss, this necklace will bring you trouble. If you're willing, I can take that trouble upon myself for you." After saying this, he handed the card to Flora, then turned and walked away briskly.

After a few steps, he turned back and said, "Remember, my name is Oliver Smith." With that, he continued walking, instantly disappearing into the crowd.

"I think you're the trouble!" Flora spat at his retreating figure. She glanced at the card, which only had the words 'Oliver Smith' and a phone number on it, and nothing else.

Flora casually tossed the card into a nearby trash can, quickly forgetting about the incident.

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