

I had always been a warrior at heart. A Fae operative trained from a young age by my rulers in the Seelie Court to infiltrate the most dangerous of places. But not even missions to the dark Unseelie Court or the frozen tundra of the Ice Reaches could have prepared me for the horrors of Oriana's Vampire Court in Tenebris. I'd been a spy, a shadow in their midst, my glamor protecting my true nature, until I was betrayed by one who I had come to trust. A vampire I had stupidly thought felt as I did about the excesses and corruption of his kingdom. I'd learned a very hard lesson about trusting any of those bloodsuckers.

I still woke at night in a cold sweat, memories of my torment threatening to drown me. The sadistic games of the Vampire Queen and her cruel guards. How they had delighted in trying to break me, body and spirit. I had endured it all, determined to bend like a willow but never be broken. Never letting them rob me of my inner fire.

When at last I managed to escape, I fled as far from the eastern kingdom as fast as I could. Backtracking through portals, creating false trails in cities in multiple kingdoms to confuse those who pursued me, I had finally lost them. Now, I found myself in Austin, Texas, far from the oppressive rule of Oriana. Here, amongst the humans, I was going to try to blend in and regroup.

As I traveled back and forth from world to world and place to place, I kept hearing whispers about Austin. Its eclectic culture made it a draw for various supernatural beings. Rumors also noted that these beings were disorganized and lacked any real leadership, so I was hopeful I could fly under the radar while I tried to rest and recover. The ley lines that converged there also made it a good place to escape from quickly if need be.

Disguising myself as a human was barely an effort in this place. My long red hair and my moss-green eyes had always been a vanity. Now, however, scars marred the pale skin on my arms and legs, remnants of my ordeal. They were marks of my resilience. I had survived when so many others had perished.

I'd had them worked into intricate tattoos down my limbs and across my shoulders. A woman with a multitude of tattoos might stand out in some places and draw attention I didn't want, but not here in Austin. Here, the locals rarely batted an eye. I blended into the eclectic mix of humanity. And while I favored flowy dresses and blousy boho tops, I received looks of appreciation when I walked out in shorts or the occasional tank top when the weather was too scorching for anything to cover my skin.

I'd found a spacious apartment in an old Victorian home in SoCo, or South Congress Street, that I loved. The area was full of quirky shops, art galleries, food trucks, and live music venues. There was also a thriving supernatural community in SoCo just as I had heard, but I kept to myself. After my harrowing escape, I needed time to heal, both physically and mentally. The scars on my body were nothing compared to the ones on my psyche. Nightly, I jolted awake, my mind echoing with screams that I feared would rouse my neighbors. I often jumped at shadows, wary of watchful eyes and malicious intent.

My Fae heart found solace wandering the hiking trails and parks, surrounded by nature's tranquility. The lakes soothed my tattered nerves as I drifted alone in rental canoes. Sometimes, I even danced with abandon under the moonlight, my bare feet grounding myself in the grasses of the parks, reclaiming my body's grace.

Some nights, I lost myself in crowded nightclubs, blissfully surrendering myself to the pounding beat of technopop or to the sweet twang of a fiddle, depending on my mood. The press of anonymous bodies was a balm, not a threat. Laughter occasionally bubbled up in me, rusty from disuse. Slowly, I was starting to remember there was more to life than fear and survival. I had space here to rediscover who Celeste was, not just the spy, the warrior, or the slave.

When my money ran low, I glamoured myself and sang on street corners. The visiting crowds were happy to reward my haunting voice. My talents once used for deception now earned me cash for survival. I never performed in the same place twice, however, and never let my song completely take me over as I once would have done. Now, I had to stay alert. There were very few moments when I forgot I was still being hunted. As long as she remained in power, Oriana would never let me go.

One night, I wandered into a crowded country bar I hadn't checked out yet. My gaze wandered around the rustic interior taking in the wooden beams, the mismatched chairs and tables, and the strings of fairy lights that hung like stars in the night sky. My Fae senses were tingling, but I didn't see anything that immediately concerned me.

A singer in a nicely fitting pair of Wranglers and a Yellowstone t-shirt was at the microphone, his band playing a Warren Zeiders' cover. Making my way to the long wooden bar, I bumped into a woman I thought might be a half-breed seraphim, her eyes almost glowing white in the dim lights and unnaturally perfect in feature. My senses detected no other supernatural creatures nearby—until I arrived at the bar.

As my eyes fell upon the tall, dark-haired bartender with the sapphire-blue eyes, something deep inside me stirred. My steps faltered as I stared. The crowds moved around me like the river around an immovable boulder for several long breaths. The sounds of the people and the band faded away. I couldn't put my finger on it, but it was as if my very soul recognized him. Just as quickly, however, warning alarms went off like klaxons in my mind.

He was a vampire—I could sense it. One of the monsters I had dedicated my life to opposing through any means necessary. My lips thinned and every muscle in my body tensed. My fingers craved to wrap around the sword left in my bedroom and remove its head in one powerful stroke.

Instead, I tried to regain my composure, schooled my face, and climbed onto a stool directly in front of him. I crossed my jean-clad legs slowly and leaned forward, placing my full breasts on display, hoping to garner his attention. I hardened my heart, plastered a seductive smile on my face, and vowed that if I couldn’t take down my torturers, I could destroy the rest of their kind one vampire at a time. I’d start with this one.

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