
A Dance

Celeste wrenched her arm from my grip, eyes flashing dangerously. "That's none of your concern. Now let me pass, vampire, if you value your life."

Her threat washed over me unheeded. "I'm not letting you disappear into the night until you tell me what the hell is going on. How do you know Draven? Why are his hunters after you?"

She let out a sharp, bitter laugh. "You truly have no idea what I am, do you? Then allow me to enlighten you, bloodsucker. I know Draven because I spent the last year as a prisoner in Oriana's court, tortured by your buddy, Draven, and five or six of his best friends. Does that surprise you?"

I recoiled as her words registered, shock and dismay twisting my gut. Oriana's prisoner? I had escaped the queen's depravities myself not long ago when I wouldn't play along with her escalating depravity. If Celeste had been caught as a spy, she would have suffered far worse.

She gave me no chance to respond, continuing relentlessly, "I was spying for the Fae realm when I was betrayed to your queen. I should have known none of your kind had any honor. Draven in particular took great pleasure in trying to break me. And now that I've escaped their twisted games, they will stop at nothing to find me again." Her words dripped vitriol.

My head swam, trying to reconcile this stunning revelation. We were surrounded by enemies, and yet this extraordinary woman had somehow become my sole focus. I should be strategizing our next move, but my mind snagged on one vital question instead.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded hoarsely, knowing how incongruous the question was even as it left my lips.

Celeste's answering laugh held a bitter edge. "Tell a vampire I was fleeing his own kind? I think not. I've learned the hard way your race cannot be trusted."

I flinched, her condemnation landing like a blow. But strangely, her distrust cut me far deeper than any threat against my life or finding out she was not only a Fae but a Fae spy as well. A spy hunted just as I was.

"I'm not your enemy, Celeste," I implored, willing her to believe me.

She searched my gaze, a wariness in her eyes that pierced my heart. I had never had to convince another of my good intentions before. I had never cared so much.

"Pretty words," she scoffed. "But they mean nothing. I don't know you, vampire. Only what your kind are capable of."

An unfamiliar desperation clawed at me. She had to understand. "I am nothing like them, I swear it. I left Oriana's court myself rather than serve her any longer. Draven hunts me as well."

Her eyes widened but then narrowed at my statement. I could tell she wasn't sure whether to believe me or not.

"Why? Why do they hunt you?"

My hands raked through my hair. How much should I share? "Let's just say Queen Oriana was going too far for me to continue to support her. And you don't simply choose to walk away from the Queen's guard. If they catch me, it means certain death."

I heard the earnestness ringing clearly in my own voice. Celeste's eyes remained shuttered, but she made no move to leave. Taking that as encouragement, I pressed on.

"So, you see, we may be strangers, but I believe we were meant to find each other tonight. I know you have no cause to trust me, but I give you my word—I mean you no harm. Let me help you. Please." My heart pounded as I willed her to believe. To place her fate, however fleetingly, in my hands.



I searched the vampire's—Nick's—stormy blue eyes, looking for any sign of deception. But I found only earnest integrity shining back at me. Could he be telling the truth? After the cruelty I had suffered, trusting his word went against every instinct.

And yet … something in his steadfast gaze called to a deeper part of me. Past trauma and bitterness, a faint but undeniable tether connected us—predator recognizing predator. Every moment we delayed put us both at greater risk, and despite myself, I did not wish to see this man come to harm.

"You may not mean me harm, but Draven will tear us both apart if he finds us," I conceded reluctantly. "We can't stay here."

Nick's shoulders slumped slightly in what seemed like relief at my words. "You're right. Come, I know a safe place nearby."

He held out his hand in entreaty. I wavered, instincts warning me away even still. But the sounds of the hunters in the distance decided me. I had little choice but to trust him for now. I placed my hand in his again, allowing him to guide us deeper into the shadows. Perhaps together we could evade our mutual enemies, at least for tonight.

We moved swiftly through the darkened city streets, avoiding more populated areas until we reached the outskirts of downtown. I tensed as Nick led me back to the bar, my breath coming faster. Was he taking me back to the hunters? Just as panic spiked, he guided me up an exterior staircase to a secured door. After punching in a code, he ushered me inside a spacious loft.

"We should be safe here for now," he said, securing the door with multiple locks and an iron bar that resembled something out of Oriana's dungeon. I swallowed thickly.

I surveyed the modern, welcoming space before turning back to Nick as he watched me from across the room. He was clearly trying to provide me space, not impose upon my uneasy trust. I was struck by how very different he seemed from the vicious vampires I knew.

"It's late, we should rest," I finally said, trying to ignore the heat that still lingered between us.

Nick nodded, raking a hand through his dark hair. "I'm going to shower and grab a blanket and pillows. You can have the bedroom; I'll take the couch."

As he turned, I saw a tautness in his broad shoulders, as if he was holding himself rigidly under control. I crossed the room swiftly, grabbing his wrist. Expecting coolness to meet my fingers, I was surprised that his skin burned feverishly under my fingertips.

"Thank you for the kindness you've shown me." The admission was difficult after my trauma, especially with desire still simmering traitorously inside me.

Nick's blue orbs flashed before dropping briefly to my mouth. His tongue darted out to lick his lips, and I saw the edge of a fang before he gave a gentle smile. "You're safe here, Celeste. Get some rest."

As he went to leave again, doubts plagued me along with frustration at my unwanted longing.

"How can I know I can really trust you? That this isn't some elaborate trap?" The words escaped before I could stop them.

Nick turned back, his jaw tightening. "You can't know that yet. But I vow you have nothing to fear from me … tonight." His eyes blazed with sincerity and banked heat.

I searched his gaze, torn between my instincts and an inexplicable conviction that he spoke the truth. A tempting, dangerous truth…

Sensing my conflict, he stepped closer. "Get some rest. We'll talk more tomorrow when emotions aren't running so high."

His meaning was clear. Passion still simmered dangerously between us, barely leashed for now. With effort, I nodded and stepped back, allowing him to exit. I had to believe he was not like the others of his kind. That I was safe here tonight, despite our magnetic attraction. Tomorrow we would find clarity, but for now, I would try to trust.

I considered him as he walked away, his movements lacking the tension they had held a moment before. In the doorway to what I assumed was the bathroom, he turned on his heel and met my gaze again. He pointed to another door. "That's the bedroom. There is a sturdy lock on the door as well if it will help you." Again, his lips tipped up in a small, almost gentle smile. "Rest, Warrior. You have my word I will not disturb you."

This time as Nick departed, I didn't stop him, turning his oath over in my mind. Could I dare trust his vow that no harm would come to me beneath his roof?

Perhaps it was foolhardy, but something deep within whispered that he was not like the savage creatures I had known. No, somehow, I discerned there was honor in him, and a kindred spirit who had suffered similar torment.

I left the living room, cautiously entering the room he had motioned me to. The thunk of the heavy lock sliding home was a balm, though suddenly I had a certain feeling that it was unnecessary. In my jaded heart, I knew he would not attempt to come to me unless invited.

In the quiet, I lowered myself to the grey silk coverlet on his large bed and pondered our bizarre encounter. He seemed so unlike the cruel vampires of my past. But could I allow myself to hope that he might prove different? That this night in his sanctuary could be a refuge rather than trap?

I didn't know but something niggled in my chest, telling me to trust him though the past had taught me harsh lessons about misplaced faith. But the kindness in his storm-colored gaze held fascination and a promise of … something. For tonight at least, I would attempt to set fear aside and trust until the dawn. Perhaps when the dawn came, the future would seem more clear.

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