I got out of my car as well and made my way to the entrance where my wife was waiting with our counselor.
« Dr. Gondola, Nice to see you again, « I smiled as I shook his hand. « But I do wish they were on different terms. »
He brushed off the comment and shook my hand before turning to Selene. « Shall we get started ? » He asked as he led us to his office.
We came at night because nobody else was here, meaning no one would find out about our shitty marriage.
« So how have you been since our last visit. » I asked, clicking his pen, he hovered it over the paper-covered clipboard.
« Fucking terrible. » I answered earning a glare from Dr. Gondola and a sharp gasp from Selene.
« Lorenzo, « He started. « Let’s use nicer and much more appropriate words. »
I rolled my eyes and sat back in the chair waiting to hear my daring wife’s answer.
« Doctor, He’s still being difficult. He doesn’t even want to sleep in the same bed as me. » She fake sniffled.
« Oh bullshit, » I muttered. « Those tears and sniffles are bullshit. I don’t sleep in that bed with you because it’s the same bed you and Carlo fucked in. »
« Mr. Hernandez, Watch that language in my office, we’re here to fix your problems, not cause more. » He glared before looking at Selene with empathetic eyes.
I wouldn’t be surprised if she was fucking the marriage counselor.
« Have you practiced communication ? Talking about how you feel. » He questioned, looking at me directly.
I guess my eyes gave him the answer because he shook his head sighing. « Turn to each other, »
I raised an eyebrow at his demand but gave in when he sent me another icy glare.
Huffing, I turned to face a red-faced Selene.
You good-acting bitch.
« Now, Selene tell Lorenzo how you feel. » He smiled and waited to hear what she had to say.
She sighed before wiping a fake tear away from her eye.
Dramatic much.
« I feel…I feel like Lorenzo doesn’t love me as he uses too. We use to make love and cuddle and talk all the time but over the years he’s been distant. He doesn’t talk to me unless it’s about Esme. I just wish we could go back to being the same. » She sniffled at the end and this time, she let a tear fall from her eye to her cheek.
Dr. Gondola finished writing on his clipboard before turning to me. « It seems there is a communication problem. Not enough opening up to one another. »
« Lorenzo, how do you feel ? »
« I feel like I’m in a living hell. I’m literally living with the devil. I only stay because Esmeralda doesn’t need to not have an incomplete family, even though her mother is Florida’s most famous day and nightwalker. »
Everything I do is for my little girl. She’s my everything. Esmeralda has all my love. She’s my little girl and I could never have it any other way.
« Esmeralda, where is she now ? I thought you didn’t feel comfortable with your brother babysitting her anymore. » He finished writing from my rant and looked up at me once again.
« She’s with her new babysitter, » Selene responded. « The one Lorenzo is already thinking about fucking. »
« Oh here we go again. I went over this shit in the car, she fucking 18 damnit. She’s old enough to be my damn daughter ?! » I grumbled as I shifted in my seat to move further away from her.
« Her name ? » Gondola asked.
« Adaline. Adaline Martinez. » Selene answered. « She’s quite the doll. Amazing hair, short girl. She’s got some curves, « She eyed me. « Isn’t that right Lorenzo. »
Fuck off damnit.
« No. She’s eight fucking teen for fucks sake, « I shook my head and stood up. « You know what, let’s go, we’re leaving. » I muttered as I made my way to the car.
Once I sat down in the driver’s seat, I couldn’t help picture, Adaline. She was pretty, no fuck that, I sound like a middle schoolboy. She is fucking breathtaking. Her body wasn’t big but she had curves, and her perky little ass showed in the skirt she wore today.
I groaned and rubbed my hands through my thick slick backed hair. Now I’m thinking about her, Mierda.
« Can we go now ? » Selene asked as she slid into her seat. Her hair was a mess and her layered lips had smudged lipstick over the boundaries of where it shouldn’t have been.
I had enough of this shit.
« You know, « I started as we pulled out of the parking lot. « If you gonna cheat do it when I’m not around, you don’t need to rub it in my face that I have a really shitty wife. »
She huffed and rolled her eyes as she started to fix her makeup and hair in the mirror.
The ride was silent which was good meaning no arguing because I had a fucking headache and wanted to hang with the boys.
Once we arrived at the house I noticed Carlo’s car parked in the driveway and felt my anger boil over. « That fucker. » I muttered under my breathe.
I quickly made my way to the front door with Selene behind, frantically trying to open the door. I stormed in the find him kissing her in the living room. His hands cupped her ass, squeezing it through her skirt.
I cleared my throat trying to get their attention and when I did, Adaline was flushed and Carlo had a smirk on his lips.
« What the hell is going on here !? Carlo, What the fuck are you doing in my goddamn house prick ? » I bellowed, my eyebrows frowned and my face heated with anger.
« Oh brother, I’m just here to check on the family, « He turned to Adaline who was still flushed from embarrassment. « Then I ran into this gorgeous beauty. » He smiled and snaked his hand around her slim waist.
The waist I wanted to hold while she rode my fucking dick. The waist I wanted to hold in place as I slammed into her. God knows I would tear that ass up if it was mine.
« Let her go, she’s about to leave, Right Adaline. » Selene sneered.
I knew she was jealous because Carlo and she have been sleeping together and I guess she thought that it was a ‘her and him’ kind of thing. Carlo doesn’t want one woman, he wants all.
« Yes, you’re right Selene, I’m so sorry-«