

Paul held his head his brows pulled together in frustration as he glanced at the list at the back of the class.

"You are my partner" Bimbo said as she stood beside him.

Paul turned to her as he sighed before walking towards John who was talking to someone else.

"John, I want to change partners" Paul said as John pursed his lips.

"You can't. The teacher approved it already" John replied and Paul hissed loudly while furrowing his eyebrows.

"Why the hell would you pair me with Bimbo nah?" Paul asked and John shrugged.

"I just crossed names together. I wasn't really taking notice of the paired names" John replied and Paul rubbed his forehead in frustration. He obviously knew John was lying. He had always being getting paired with Bimbo for almost two terms now.

"I'm tired of this girl" Paul breathed as he walked towards his seat and wore his lab coat.

"He seems pretty pissed" John said to Bimbo who pursed her lips.

"I'll take care of it" Bimbo said and John nodded.

"I know you will" John replied as he packed his notes and wore his lab coat.

"Let's go".

The Chemistry laboratory carried a faint smell of disinfectant. The students were required to wear hairnets, nosemasks and gloves before they stepped into the laboratory.

Bimbo stretched her hands towards Dorathy who helped her adjust her gloves while she stared at Paul who was already seating in front of their supposed experiment.

"Who's your partner?" Bimbo asked Dorathy.

"Adura" Dorathy replied as she also helped Bimbo to adjust her lab coat. She laughed as she hitched closer to Bimbo.

"You guy seems very pissed" Dorathy said and Bimbo pouted.

"Yeah, I think he is. I'll apologise by making sire we have an A in the classwork" Bimbo said and Dorathy shrugged as she patted her best friend's shoulder.

"Goodluck" she said as she walked towards her own seat.

Bimbo took a deep breath before walking towards Paul. She sat down on the stool beside him taking in every bit of his expression but she was bound to be disappointed as Paul didn't even flinch.

As much as Bimbo tried to start a conversation with Paul, he kept ignoring her which made Bimbo very uneasy. As soon as the teacher gave the go ahead to start the experiment, she turned to Paul with a smile.

"I'll start the..... " barely had she been able to say anything when Paul cut her off.

"Its enough that I'm stuck with you. I really don't want to listen to your voice. Do yourself a favour and save some spit" Paul interrupted and Bimbo stared at him in surprise as she kept quiet and started the experiment while Paul watched her intently.

"Seems like you are really pissed this time around" Bimbo muttered as Paul closed his eyes.

"Bimbo.... " he started as Bimbo laughed.

"I won't say anything" she quickly interjected and continued with the classwork while Paul rubbed his forehead.

He had known Bimbo since they were in diapers. Although he was a month older; they started school almost the same time.

At that time; they were young and small and just had fun. They were really good friends. Attending the same secondary school get more closer and everything was fine until Bimbo told everyone that she had a crush on him during a Truth and Dare,  JSS1 second term.

It had caused laughter from the students and it was a joke for a long time and he himself did take it as a joke. It wasn't until the same thing happened in JSS2 and in JSS3 that he and others began to take Bimbo's words very seriously.

She clung to him and at first Paul was cool with it. They still remained good friends although they started drifting seriously apart.

Bimbo used every means to spend time with him, be close to him and stay with him. At first Paul didn't even mind, to him it was something that Bimbo would soon forget and it would become a joke of the past until they started SSS1 and somehow Bimbo became possessive.

She always wanted to be with him. It was worse since she was friends with John who had been the class captain since JSS1. She just had to say a word to him and he would pair them both for every practical they had.

Except for a few times that she would get paired with Dorathy. Paul had started to get annoyed by it. The fact that Bimbo didn't even take his feelings into consideration was a huge turn off.

Everyone knew Bimbo was beautiful. Ticking beautiful, she was hell ass attractive and wasn't his type at all. She had done all kinds of things for him, things Paul would be eternally grateful for. The little things she always did; Paul never failed to take notice.

No matter how many times he turned her down, Bimbo would come up with a new strategy the next day. She was hell bent on making him like her something Paul didn't think could ever happen.

He glanced at her as she did the experiment carefully and sighed. Naturally he didn't hate Bimbo or anything. He didn't even dislike herbut her attitudes put him off a whole lot.

"I'm done" Bimbo announced as Paul checked the results before he started writing in his note. Bimbo pursed her lips at his neat and clear writing before wearing a small smile.

"Would you help me to write mine? I want to have a fine handwriting in my notebook" Bimbo said and sighed inwardly when Paul didn't even act like someone was beside him talkless of replying her.

Bimbo bit her lower lip as she picked her pen and started writing in her own note. Her handwriting was neat and bold as well but was no where compared to Paul's.

"You got number two wrong, you should check again" Paul said and Bimbo turned to her note to recheck the question Paul had mentioned. She easily found her mistake and turned to Paul wearing a huge smile.

"Thank you. I thought you were still mad at me" Bimbo said as Paul dropped his pen and turned to her.

"I still am. The teacher would ask how come we did the same experiment and got different answers. That's why I helped you" Paul said and Bimbo pouted.

"Very angry?" She asked and Paul sighed again.

"I tend to overwork my brain around you. I'm not mad at you or anything. I just want you to give me back my time and space. Don't trying to glue to me as if you are scared I'll run away" Paul replied frustration obvious in both his tone and eyes.

Bimbo stared back at him without a word as Paul continued.

"You give me headaches Bimbo. Mad, crazy headaches. Leave me alone for a while please. I really, really, need it" Paul said as Bimbo swallowed her saliva.

"And stop trying to help me at every opportunity you get. Even Jesus didn't help people the way you help me. You just make me feel guilty of the fact that I don't like you back. So please Bimbo, I want you to stop. Stop all these" Paul said as he stood up leaving Bimbo dazzed.

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