
Chapter 4 Their 1st Meeting

"My name is Taylor, but my road name is Cage." Cage replied.

"I’m Adeline, but my friends call me Addie." Addie replied.

They danced a couple of songs before he led her back to her friends. Then he took a seat beside her. He looked over to his buddies who were watching. A couple of them made sex gestures.

He listened to her friends talking. And learned they were all NICU nurses that deal with high-risk babies. He was impressed with what he had learned so far. She definitely had the beauty and brains covered.

He got a text from the Prez to report to the clubhouse. He looked over to see the others were also checking their phones. They all looked at him and started to stand. He nodded to them.

“Sorry gotta head out.” He explained.

“Ok. Thanks for the dances.” Addie replied.

He grinned and left. She watched him walk over to his buddies, and then they all left. Paris was watching her. She could see there was more going on than just a guy asking a girl to dance. They all said good night and Paris and Addie got in her car.

"So what's the story?" Paris asked.

"What story?" Addie tried to deny.

"There was something going on there, almost like you knew each other?" Paris asked.

"No. I told you I'd just seen him around town." Addie told half the truth.

"I don't believe you. Now spill!" Paris ordered.

"Fine. I first noticed him when I was in tenth grade. A few friends and I went to the beach. His club was there. They were playing football on the beach. I don't think he saw me. At least I never saw him looking." Addie explained.

"Maybe he did, but you just didn't catch him at it?" Paris mused.

"Who knows? I thought he was the most gorgeous boy I ever saw. I'd often let myself fantasize about what it would be like if I were the type of girl he'd notice. From time to time, I'd also see him in town. When I was a senior in high school, I'd see him around town with a different girl every time." Addie remembered.

"Guys are like that, not just bikers." Paris replied.

"It doesn't matter anyway. He probably just asked me to dance on a dare. He didn't even ask for my number or give me his." Addie sighed.

"So let me get this straight. You've seen him from far, and lusted after him for ten years?" Paris asked.

"No! I don't lust after anyone. I just let myself imagine what it would be like if he were my boyfriend. And if I was anyone but me." Addie sighed.

"Addie, there's nothing wrong with you. You are shy, your parents have kept you from living and finding out who you really are. But the good news is you are a beautiful woman. And you're young and can still figure out who you are. You can still get out there and live and have fun." Paris explained.

"I would like to do that, I am just not sure how. I'm also scared. And I worry about my parents. I love them and don't want to disappoint them or make them mad at me." Addie replied.

"Addie only you can figure out who you really are. And what makes you happy? If those that love you can't understand that, then that's too bad. They should love you no matter what. You can't go through life pleasing others and making yourself miserable." Paris replied.

"I know. I want to try. And I want him to ask me out and for my number!" Addie stated.

"That a girl! Go big or go home." Paris laughed.

That night Addie had some very erotic dreams about Taylor. She woke up disappointed they weren't real. Her body was hot all over, and she was very wet between her legs. That had never happened to her before. She started to feel embarrassed like she had done something wrong.

But then she remembered the discussion her and Paris had. She decided if it felt good for her, and it made her happy, then she was going to refuse to be embarrassed about it. With those thoughts she fell back asleep with a clear conscious.

The next week, Addie and Paris went to the bar by themselves. Addie kept watching for her biker man, but he didn't show up. She felt very disappointed. Finally, she and Paris decided to call it a night. Neither had to work the next day, and they had planned to go to the beach.

They were talking when they walked outside. At first, neither noticed the bikers parked next to Paris's car. There were four of them. Addie finally noticed them and stopped walking and talking. Paris finally saw why her friend had frozen in place.

Paris grabbed Addie's hand and went over to her car. Dragging Addie behind her. When they were only a few feet away, Taylor smiled at her. She finally became aware she was acting weird.

"Hey bro. What's up?" Paris asked.

"Nothing much. This big dufus wanted to stop by and check out his new interest." Joker replied.

"Knock it off Joker." Cage warned.

"Hi." Addie finally said.

"Hey." Cage replied. "Thought I'd stop by and see if you'd like a late-night bike ride?"

Addie was both scared out of her mind, and excited, he asked. She definitely was curious about riding on his bike behind him. Cage could see the war she was fighting with herself. He hoped she didn't turn him down. His brothers would never let him live it down.

Making up her mind, Addie replied.

"Sure. But I've never ridden before." She explained.

"It's easy. Just hop on, watch the exhaust, hold on tight, and lean with me in the curves." Cage explained.

"Sounds simple enough." She replied.

"Hey Paris. Looking good." Diego smirked.

"Knock it off Diego." Joker warned.

"Paris if you want, you can ride with one of us." Diego replied.

Joker gave him a dirty look. Paris smiled. She walked towards Diego like she was going to get on his bike. He grinned really big. At the last second, she put her leg over her brother's bike that was beside of him. His brothers laughed at him.

"Oooh burn brother!" Sym laughed.

As they roared out of the parking lot, Addie let out a squeal and hugged Cage tighter. Paris laughed loudly. Taylor grinned. He may be screwed where Addie was concerned, but he was going to enjoy the ride while it lasted.

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