
Chapter 2 Friends

A few months into being a NICU nurse, she met Gerald. He was an intern and it was fun. He wore her down by being persistent. Two months into dating him, she found out he was prospecting to be in a motorcycle club. When her mom found out, she went ballistic.

Then Gerald aka Taz, got arrested and wouldn't tell her why. She broke up with him. But he kept coming around, and she agreed to give their relationship another try. She really enjoyed being with him as he was a lot of fun.

He never asked her to go to the club parties. And she never asked to go either. She was torn between being who her parents wanted her to be, and being the fun girl she was with Taz.

A few months went by and things were great. She hated lying to her parents about not seeing him, but she really didn't understand why her mom was so against it.

Friday night was a rough night. A baby was born at 21 weeks. As much as they tried, they couldn't save it. Addie was devastated. She always took them really hard. They'd been lucky in the past year and not lost many. Her hospital was top-notch and a level three.

About 2am she left work and headed to see Taz. She got to his apartment and the music was loud. He obviously was having a party. Taz wasn't in the living room or kitchen, so she went to his room. She opened the door and found him naked with two women.

"Well, I have to admit, this is a first." She retorted.

"Fuck!" Taz muttered.

"Don't let me interrupt. And by the way, lose my dang number you two timing cheating piece of shit!" Addie yelled at him before slamming the door and leaving.

It felt good to curse him. She felt sad she was losing her fun boyfriend, and realized she was only upset over that fact. The fact she was losing out on having fun. Not the fact she lost another boyfriend.

She had started little by little to talk with the other nurses her age. It was difficult for her, and she had been shy, and really didn't know how to make friends.

Taz tried calling and texting. He came by her apartment, but she refused talking, texting, or letting him in. He then, one night, was waiting at her car when she got off work.

"Can we talk? Can I explain?" He asked.

"Hmm, can you explain why you were with two women when you promised we were exclusive?" she asked. "That's a big heck no! Me not responding to calls or texts and me not allowing you into my apartment should have been a huge sign it's over for good!"

"Come on baby. Don't be like that. We're great together." Taz grinned. "Hey, what can I say? I love sex and with the club I have to protect my rep, and it's expected."

"We'll run along and get to it. You don't have me holding you back anymore!" She retorted. "Don't show up again. Or I'll get a restraining order for stalking!" Then she got in her car and left.

He called and texted for a few weeks. Gifts showed up at her apartment that she refused. Finally, after a couple of months, he gave up. She enjoyed the single boring life again for a little while.

Then she met Anthony. He was a pediatrician. She decided to give dating another try. Anthony was safe and treated her right. He took her to dinners, bought her gifts, even texted her often. He was perfect. Even her parents approved of him.

He just was not perfect for her. She stayed with him a whole six months, playing it safe. But she was so bored, and it became a chore to stay in the relationship. Her conscience got the better of her, and she broke it off with him.

Addie finally had her first real friend. Paris was also a NICU nurse and only a year older than Addie. After much pleading and begging, Paris finally talked Addie into going to a nightclub with her and the rest of the nurses who hung out together.

They mostly hung out and enjoyed unwinding from the stresses of work. They would drink some, but not get drunk. Paris finally talked Addie into tasting her first beer. Addie was not a fan. So then she tried her first mixed drink.

"Ok what do you call this? It's sweet and tastes good. I can't even taste any alcohol." Addie replied.

"It's called a strawberry daiquiri. It doesn't have much alcohol in it." Paris agreed.

That night, a group of bikers walked in. They were hot and dressed in leather vests. The Taz experience had Addie refusing a second look. One club was enough, no matter how hot and sexy the guy was looking her way.

She had to admit he was hotter than any guy she'd ever seen. But he was obviously in a motorcycle club and her one experience with that was enough. And then she realized who he was. It was him, her biker, well not hers, but the one she always fantasized about.

He had aged very well. There were even more tattoos and muscles than she remembered. What she wouldn't give for him to be her man. It must have been the alcohol making her think these things.

"What's with biker boy giving you a second look?" Paris asked.

"Who?" Addie replied.

"You know exactly who I'm talking about. You have both been looking at each other all evening," Paris retorted.

"I really don't know. Just a guy I've seen around." Addie explained.

"Somehow I don't believe that's the whole story," Paris mused.

"He's in a biker club. I dated a guy who was in one before. He went to jail, and then when I gave him a second chance, he cheated on me with not one but two women at one time." Addie replied.

"Well, not all bikers are bad. I should know, my brother is one. I also dated one for a while until I got bored with him." Paris explained.

"Is your brother in the biker club that's here tonight?" Addie asked.

"Yes, he is. His name is Ian, and he's one of their Sargent At Arms. His road name is Joker." Paris replied.

"Road name?" Addie asked.

"Yeah. It's like their nickname the club gives them." Paris explained.

"Do you know the one that I was looking at?" Addie asked.

"Yep, I know biker boy who's been staring at you. His road name is Cage," Paris replied.

"Why Cage?" Addie asked.

"He's a damn good mechanic for cars and trucks. A cage is what bikers call cars." Paris explained.

He continued to stare at her most of the evening. Women came up to him all through the night, but he sent them away. He never approached her, or held eye contact for too long. Addie wished he'd at least try.

Yep, it has got to be the alcohol. She promised herself she would drink water the rest of the night. Addie and Paris became very good friends. Over the next few weeks, she'd go out with her friends.

Sometimes he'd be there with his friends. He'd check her out but never approach her. She felt very disappointed that he never even so much as said hi. She had asked Paris all about the biker club, and about Cage.

Paris told her what she knew, which wasn't a whole lot. After she quit dating the biker, she quit hanging around the club. She did, however, describe in detail about the wild parties they threw at the clubhouse. Addie was horrified, but also a little intrigued.

It made her face burn, but also excited her. She felt sure she could never handle that kind of life. It made her feel disappointed, because she really would like to get to know that particular biker. She started spending some nights with Paris.

Her mom didn't approve because Addie was spending nights out with Paris and overnight. They often argued about it. But Paris was good for Addie. She helped her realize it was OK to stand up for what she wanted.

She was an adult after all. Addie would still feel guilty, but Paris would explain to her about her mom controlling her. Paris was helping Addie find her true self. She no longer felt bored with her life. Or felt she was just existing.

She loved her job, and for once was happier than she'd ever been. Finally, she felt like a person and not a robot. But she still wasn't content with her life just yet.

All that was missing was that special someone she could truly love. And figuring out completely who she really was and wanted to be. Her mom was still turning on the guilt when she could. But Addie was learning to understand she wasn't wrong for feeling like she did.

Little by little she was starting to understand that it was OK to be mad at someone and let them know. And it didn't make her a bad person for wanting to speak her mind. Paris helped her to also understand that the only person she needed to please was herself.

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