
Chapter 4.


"You are my body guard meaning you stay at least ten feet away and watch me! Not ruin my dates!" Maximilian yelled at me as we drove back to the palace in the back of Kendall's Lexis.

Kendall raised his eyebrows at me and I just rolled my eyes before I looked back at my phone running my eyes over some new weapons we had just received, that I wouldn't be able to even try out.

"That was a date?" I asked faking shock to tick him off more, "My job is to protect you. There was a fire..." I said shrugging.

"Which you started!" He cried out as he glared at me.

"You have no proof of that." I responded not looking up at him.

"I do not need proof." He snapped before he calmed down, but kept his glare on me, "You back off, or I guarantee I will make this the worst assignment you have had in your life." He said. My eyes lifted from my phone as we stopped in front of the place doors, in the yard.

"Is that a threat?" I asked narrowing my eyes.

"Is it?" His question was his reply as he got out of the car and slammed the door shut behind him.

"Aria..." Kendall dragged my name. He was undoubtedly going to give me a speech about keeping our clients happy and sticking to mission basics.

"I've got it." I shook my head following Maximilian's lead and making my way into the house where I could finally take my eyes off him for a few hours.

The thing is, after soccer practice, Maximilian had gone to Candice's house. I had to follow them while trying to look unsuspicious as the bicycle I was on made every turn their car did. When they had gotten to her house, I had to park down the street and then find a way to watch them through every window of her house as they moved around, and to top all of that off, they had moved to her room to continue the... stuff... they had started at school. He was literally taking hours at the house, so I started a fire in her kitchen, made it look like the stove was left on and a table cloth caught fire.

On my terms, it would be school and home. He can bring her to the palace so that I don't have to watch their every move.

I left my bag with Arthur as Maximilian did before I followed him towards the dining room.

"You have lipstick on your collar." I muttered, unsure of why I was helping him. He just glared at me and pulled his blazer collar over his shirt's before we entered the dining room greeting his family who were currently already eating dinner.

Maximilian took a seat beside his father who scowled at him for his manners, but I really didn't mind pulling my chair out myself. I reached for it but hands pulled it out before I could. I looked up and met a pair of green eyes.

"Jessica, our eldest son, Adrian. Adrian, Jessica." The Queen said.

"Thank you." I said giving him a smile as I sat down and he pushed my chair in.

"You're welcome." Adrian gave me a wide white-toothed smile before he sat down next to me.

I took in that he was the only one of the brothers that had his father's black hair. He was twenty-one years old.

"So, how was school, Max?" he smiled at his brother.

"Great. Especially since I had my cousin around tracking me every second." Maximilian gave a sarcastic smile and his brothers chuckled. "How was your trip?"

"Good. Emily is..." Adrian drifted, "She is nice." He finished.

I noticed the twins smiles falter where Maximilian's completely dropped.

"What did you do?" The Queen asked raising her brows.

"I do not think this an appropriate subject to discuss at this table–" Adrian began.

"Family is an appropriate to discussion for the dinner table." The King interrupted him.

"If only she were family." Edgar received a disapproving glare from both his parents before Arthur clearing his throat cut through the rapidly building tension at the table.

"I have decided to end the engagement." He said.

"What?" The Queen asked shocked. His brothers did not look very shocked, Maximilian looked rather guilty as he began pushing his food around his plate with his fork. Yes, they definitely knew about their brother's choice beforehand.

"Better now, before anyone has found out about it." He said, "I will call her today –"

"You will do no such, Adrian –" The King was saying.

"I will." Adrian cut his father off, "She really is nice, but she does not come close to what is said about her, she is not the right women." Adrian said.

"No one would be in your opinion, would they?" His father asked.

I shifted in my chair uncomfortably as their voices rose slightly. I wasn't really one for arguments.

"No, not –" Adrian was cut off by coughing from Maximilian. We all turned to him as the fork in his hand dropped and he clenched his throat coughing. I jumped to my feet listening to Maximilian's cough. "Max?" Adrian rushed to his brother. "He is choking –" Adrian was saying.

"No, he's not. We need a doctor." I shook my head.

Everyone looked at me; it was Arthur who actually listened. I grabbed Maximilian's plate slipping his food into an investigation bag. From what I saw by the way Edward had been stuffing his face so far, if this was poison, it was only in Maximilian's food meaning that it could not have been the cook, because he didn't know which plate went to who.

"Who brought his plate?" I asked no one in particular as I looked up at all the servers, they looked amongst each other before they shook their heads.

"Kenneth, but he's gone." One answered wide-eyed.

I grabbed the guy's arm and motioned for all the others to follow me as I walked out, I glanced back seeing they had finally gotten a doctor for Maximilian.

"I want to you describe him to Jessie, all of you are going to find a guard, and then you're going to search the palace with them because no one else knows how this guy looks." I said. They nodded and dispersed really quickly.

I frowned at myself. I should have checked his food before he ate, it would have been weird but it was my job to. How could I let this happen? This was weak for a 2nd level agent; I was going to get it from Steve later.

I could not possibly slip up like this again or I would be dead... and he would be. Which, based on his behaviour, didn't seem that bad, but hey, he was my paycheque, if he was dead, I would be one step closer to being broke.

I watched Jessie create a quick sketch before she emailed it to the offices who would undoubtedly have people all over this place searching for him.

I sighed walking back into the dining room where Maximilian was sipping on a glass of juice, his face red. Behind him the King was speaking to the doctor. No more rookie mistakes...

A few minutes later we were headed up to our rooms, I wasn't paying any attention to him, his brothers were a few feet in front of us and I was immersed in the conversation I as having with Steve on my phone. Well, if you call a conversation him yelling at me as I just sent 'yes's and 'I understand's back to him.

"I almost died. You are a terrible bodyguard." I knew he was joking, but I was seconds away from punching him in the face. I gave him a tight smile back.

"Be quiet, Max." Adrian spoke from behind us. I looked at Maximilian to see him roll his eyes before smirking at me again.

Good times...


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