

“Damn it.” Is it raining again? Tsk, it was raining yesterday, and now? What the hell? It’s April, fellas; it’s freaking summer. Dear Santa.

Like yesterday, I waited in the waiting shed; it’s April fourteen, I have to pay for my apartment rent, that’s four hundred, jeez.

“God, I don’t care, okay? She can even kill herself, for godfucking sake, I don’t care,”

This scene was like yesterday, that arrogant jerk who plays with girls; the only difference is, he’s not wearing a jersey; already, I’m not too fond of that dress code. Fuck boy.

“Yes, I will attend, hella yes, that cola shape bitch? Yeah.”

“Pourquoi les garçons comme lui existent-ils encore ? Humains dégoûtants.” I mumbled.

“Whatever, I’ll call you again, yeah bro, later.” I rolled my eyes, two boys, setting aside girls feeling for their pleasure.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, but before I could get it, someone had already grabbed it from my bag, which my eyes widen. It’s the man who was talking a while ago!

“You’re the girl yesterday, right?” wait, what the fuck?! He’s the guy yesterday, “I’m impressed with you, being multilingual, but hey,” he smirked and leaned on me, “It’s rude to judge other people; I told you that, right?”

“I’m not even judging you. I’m stating a fact.” My stubborn side started to kick in; this asshole is one of a kind jerk. I mean, I saw many jerks around the city, but this one is a double jerk.

“Wow, well, ner-”

“Yeah, a nerd, not pretty, not tall, then? What else can you say that I have not heard? Come on, shoot now, dumbass!” he’s not just an asshole; he’s freaking annoying.

“Wait, hey, I di-“I cut him off by running away from him; I have no time for his nonsense words.

As soon as I arrived at my workplace, Pat immediately exited the store, and I bet he had to attend another part-time job; since classes will resume tomorrow, we have to let at least go of one of our four to five jobs. I put on my apron and grab a mop, it’s raining, so the floor was so wet, filled with so much dirt.

I hope the rain stop.

I hate when it rains, it reminds me of many nightmares and painful memories; I always wish to forget, I’m not too fond of rains, I wouldn’t say I like the dark sky, shouting that it’s about to cry.


My days went as usual. I tried to cope with the new environment, with the latest learning system, since I’m no unknown to this school, it’s much easier to adjust to that.

Last night, I heard that someone committed suicide because of so much shame and depression, Jace and his friend, including Alivia and her sorority, ended up questioning in the police station. It turns out they are the possible reason why the student committed such grave sin.

It’s the party held in Jace’s villa, many people attended the said party, and some made fun of the only nerd they called, drugged her, and made her do shameful acts; that video was uploaded and went viral.

This student didn’t attend her class before the viral video, and last night, she committed suicide while in live; she mentioned their names and told them to be happy, for she lost the bet.

Everyone who attended the party, including the son and daughter of high-ranking people, has to be under counseling; since most of them are minors, they can detain in the facility until they turn eighteen; that’s the sad part. They can get away with the crime they have committed.

“Ahhhh! Finally!” I blurted out as soon as I finished my duties, it was seven in the evening, and Pat was already here, so I could finally go home and have a rest. I have my seven am class tomorrow; it’s tiring.

I immediately went home, only to see my landlady waiting for me at the front door of my rented apartment.

“Polaris, I’ve been waiting for you,” I nod and halt in front of her, “You’re not paying your rent for three months, I know, you’re a student and feeding your own, but I also have a business to run, if you can’t pay, then just leave, many students have been looking for a space, a paying tenant.”

“Mrs. Lu, can you give me this week? I’ll pay it, my school had a resume, and I had to use all my salary for my projects.”

“I’m sorry, I want to help you, but I also needed money, so I’m giving you three days to pack your things and leave.” With that, she left.

What the fuck?

What am I going to do now? Shit.

I settle myself in my bed and start to think about where I will go after three days. Three days is not enough to look for an apartment or eve bed space, classes had resume weeks ago, and I bet students already looked and secured themselves weeks or months before classes started.

Damn it.

“Think about it. Here’s my number and name; call me when you change your mind.”

I immediately grabbed my bag and looked for the card I was given weeks ago. Good thing I didn’t throw this out. I fished my phone, input the number, and dialed. It ringed for a minute before someone had finally answered it.

“Hello?” I was so hesitant to speak upon hearing that voice, “Hello?”

“I, I, Uhm, This is Polaris Caelum. The girl you offered a job, three weeks ago.”

It took him seconds before he could finally recognize me, “Oh, the scholar,”

“Yes,” I breathed heavily, “About your offer, is it still open for me? I, I want to take the job.”

“Of course, what took you so long to accept my offer? Anyway, what is important is you have accepted the job, tell me your address, and I’ll send someone to pick you up.”

With that, I ended the call and immediately sent an SMS of my current address.

Okay, so I have an in-house job; I hope it’s legal and safe.

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