

Loverina woke up, agnising her eyes were tied and her hands too. She was on a chair and was tied to it. How on Earth did she get into such position and then, she remembered the man who approached her at the hospital and that was all.

“Where are my?” Loverina screeched, that her voice echoed through the dark warehouse.

“You are awake?” The voice was lull, but for Loverina, it sounded shuddery. One do not need to announce it to her that she has been kidnapped.

“Who are you and what do you want from me?” Loverina yelled and tried to sputter herself free, but to no avail.

“Shhh… You are too loud! And, don't struggle to get free because, you will only hurt yourself the more.” And true, the ropes were tight against her skin.

Loverina was quiet and tried to think of something, but she was so scared to think straight and that was when she heard footsteps approaching.

“Sir, you are here!” A voice said and Loverina knew it their boss.

“Nice work!” The approaching footsteps stopped.

“Thank you sir!” Voices responded and Loverina's heart, skipped a beat.

“Please, whoever you are, I beg of you…. Please do not hurt me, I have a sick grandmother and I am all she has. Let me go, please!” Loverina voice was shaky. The room suddenly fell into total silence, and it frightened her.

“Hm mmm… Remove the sack, let me get a proper look at her!” The voice ordered, and Loverina began to shiver.

The sack was removed from Loverina's head. At first, her sight was a blur and there was only one bulb in the warehouse. It was hard to see clearly.

The man, who looked like the boss, looked huge and powerful, he had a smirk on as he matched closer to Loverina. Her beautiful green eyes won't stop staring at the man in front of her.

“Who are you, and what do you want? Money? Okay, I don't have any, I swear. Please, just let me go.” Loverina demanded with her tiny feminine tone. She then scanned the room and noticed it was just the man. There were four more persons behind, and she swallowed hard again, “Please, I have nothing to of…” She was about to finish her statement when the man in front of her shouted.

“Shut up, your fucking mouth! And who told you I only kidnapped you for money?” He asked, and Loverina's eyes widened in shock. Was she about to be sold to a trafficking Lord? Was the person in front of her going to trade her?

“What do you want?” She struggled again but as expected, the ropes were tightly tied.

“You make a lot of noise young girl and I hate noise, you know?.... So, you asked why I got you kidnapped, right?” And Loverina nodded helplessly, “Play the video!” The young man commanded.

Only if Loverina was rich enough to own a television or a smartphone, she would have known it was Jayden, the heir to the Oscars' family company. Jayden stepped aside and Andrew walked over.

Loverina recognized the face and her eyes widened, “It was him! I remember now!” She muttered to herself and looked up at him again to confirm, “It was you! You were at the hospital, and you approached me outside. You kidnapped me!” Loverina orally attacked and got a slap from Jayden. He didn't care who whatever gender, since the feminist claimed they were men too, he treated all the woman so. Everyone was equal and so, beating a lady was the same as beating a man. His slap was so severe that it left red blood shots on her pretty cheek.

“If you want a harmless conversation, talkless pretty.” Jayden touched her already red cheek and laughed. Loverina turned away, but Jayden forced back her face to look and his smiling face. He was the devil himself and Loverina spit on his face.

“You are a one tough bitch!” He pushed her head away, stood straight and cleaned the saliva on his face.

“So sorry, sir, should we teach her a lesson?” One of the men behind him asked,, and he nodded.

The three men walked up to her, One have her a blow on her stomach and another, on her face. She groaned and cried out! The three gave her hot punches until Jayden signaled them to stop. They were beasts like their boss. Jayden matched up to Loverina and the other men paved the way.

“How is it now? Still feel like it?” Jayden asked and burst out in laughter. His laugh was so loud that one would think it was the devil laughing at his captives. He turned to Andrew, “Now, play the video to her!” He ordered and Andrew nodded.

Andrew was as tough as his boss, but he hated to hurt a woman. He could only give orders but cannot hurt a woman. Loverina happens to be the only lady he had laid a hand on… Andrew walked up to Loverina's seat and dropped the tablet on her laps and clicked on the play.

Loverina stayed quiet and focused on the video. It was a video of her on the way to the hospital and then, she bumped into a car and Andrew stopped the video. Loverina remembered and swallowed her saliva. Indeed, she was in trouble because, the side mirror was broken and that was why, the pains on her back was severe.

“So?” Jayden's question woke her back to reality,, and she felt hopeless.

Loverina looked up at the man she thought to be the boss, “I am sorry! I swear, I did not know about the damaged mirror.” Tears began rolling down from her eyes. She knew now that the man wasn't an ordinary man. He was wealthy to have such an expensive car.

“And you think your sorry will repair it? You have to pay!” Jayden said when walking around the chair, Loverina was tied on.

“If I even have the money, I will use it to save my grandmother first. I don't have any money on me and if I don't leave here to get out the money for her treatment, she will die.” More tears rolled down. Loverina couldn't look up at Jayden, she felt unworthy.

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