

The nark traffic jam was immovable, and cars even had to park for long before any move. The road was filled with people who no longer wished to wait in their various cars anymore; they were hasting to their workplaces by trekking some distance. Their jobs meant a lot to them and in such Urban areas, it was difficult or nearly impossible to survive without a job or a helping hand from rich relatives.

It was barely 8 O'clock in the morning and the road was already locked. On normal days, the traffic would be mere, but on Fridays, everyone was stuck up on the road. It seemed as though the entire city followed the same route to their various destinations. As if Friday was cursed. This Friday was the worst because, no traffic controllers seen on duty and everyone wanted to be ahead of others. The horns from different vehicles parked and even curses from crazy drivers were heard. Causing the worst noise pollution.

“Ugh, this is absurd. I hate this and fuck, the noise is deafening.” Jayden, a young man from a wealthy home, was also stranded as well in the traffic jam. He was an heir of a famous billionaire family. He already called for help from the government, and they promise to rescue in no time.

“Very soon sir!” His personal assistant shivered as he spoke in a shaky tone. Jayden rolled his eyes at him and looked away.

Loverina who was caught up as well in the traffic, followed those trekking. She could not waste more time in the bus she boarded as it was a situation relating to life or death. While in a haste, she was pushed unexpectedly by someone running opposite her direction. Loverina lost her balance and hit her back severely on something.

It was painful because she scowled her face but then, she did not even turn to look at what she boomed into, as she kept walking the way.

“Sorry!” It was all, Loverina yelled and continued on her way. She was all sweaty and exhausted.

It was a Hyundai Equus Limousine. Unknown to her, she broke the left side mirror. Though the pain was great, she was already late and things might get worst if she did not get to her destination on time. Loverina looked ahead from where she stood and sighted the hospital, she sighed and fastened her steps.

“What the fuck! And who the hell is that bitch?” Jayden roared from inside the limousine, as Loverina accidentally hit it. He only saw her figure as she walked away, but did not see her face or how dirty she looked.

“I don't know her, sir!” Andrew replied almost immediately, and it provoked Jayden the more. Andrew was Jayden's Valente man, he knew Jayden so well. If there was no answer given, he could lose his job but if given an answer, he would frown, depending on how the question was answered. Jayden looked at him as if he was the one who broke the side mirror, and Andrew swallowed hard.

“You better gather information about her and bring her to me or else, you will pay for the damages.” Jayden barked coldly and, the affright in the car, increased.

Jayden happens to be the first child of a trillionaire. They were not the richest, but rich enough to shake any nation and were well-respected. Jayden was always a sinful, impish man, he cared about no one except for two women he loved so much. One was his mother and the other he longed to see.

He loved women and his parents feared he might be tagged off as a womanizer; it might chase away sponsors that wish to invest with them. Some rumors have it that he slept with almost every female staff at the company, but no one dared to say it publicly. Not even the magazines or Newspaper companies dared to publish such article.

For years, Jayden refused to visit his family secret house in New York. The house was built without the knowledge of the media and so, no one could tell much about them. In the secret house was where the family meeting would take place and even family conflicts, resolved without the interference of the media. Unfortunately for Jayden, his mother forced him to visit, and that was how he got stuck in the never moving traffic jam.

“Yes, sir. Right away!” Andrew quickly grabbed his smartphone and dialed a private number. He picked up his laptop and placed it aside. The security agency of New York, he called, seemed to have picked up as he placed the phone on his right ear and avoided eyes contact with his boss, “Keep the records of the CCTV footage for …” he opened the car and stepped out. While talking, he got to the driver's side and whispered while putting his call on hold, “The road safety officers will be here soon. Try not to provoke him!” The driver, who understood the statement already, nodded furiously and Andrew walked away. Placing back his smartphone on his ear. He was soon lost in the midst of the crowd.

Loverina got to the hospital and ran straight off to her grandma's ward. Just as she pushed the door opened, she saw the doctor, and fear gripped her.

“Grandma Clara!” Loverina called out.

Grandma Clara and the doctor turned to Loverina and as soon as she set her eyes on her grandma's pale face, she signed and walked in, shutting the door behind. Grandma Clara was so weak to turn properly, but for the fact her body moved, calmed Loverina's troubled mind.

Loverina walked closer to her grandma's sick bed and sat by the side. Then she turned to face the doctor, “I got scared after your call. What is it this time?” she asked.

The middle-aged male doctor gave a pathetic expression and avoided Loverina's eyes but focused the gaze at Grandma Clara, “You see the thing is that, your grandmother needs urgent treatment as soon as possible. Her immune system can no longer fight, they are frail and most of her active cells are dead. The illness is eating her up and she might not stay long enough.” He paused and took a breath, “You need to get the money within two days, else it might be too late for her and she will eventually.” He looked at Loverina, “You know what I mean, right?” He asked and she nodded continuously.

“Thank you. I will get it soon.” Loverina reassured like she had somewhere she could get the money from. She turned to face her weak grandmother. Poor old woman, she looked so sick and only had a little girl by her side.

As the doctor walked out of the room, Loverina sat properly on the bed with one leg hung above the ground. She gently grabbed her grandma's hand really tight and muttered, “Grandma Clara, I do not know to get the money. Our friends gave what they have, but I used it to buy for something the doctor wanted me to pay for. Now, there is nothing. No money and I don't know where to get it. Grandma Clara, please don't give up yet. Keep fighting it for my sake. I promise, I will get the money. Maybe half for now, so the treatment will commence. I must get you out of here alive.” She swore and cleaned her tears.

Loverina could not for once imagine life without Grandma Clara. She was only 18 years old, and Grandma Clara was her only relative. No one cares so much and treated her with so much love like her grandmother. Loverina doesn't know her mother, and her father abandoned her even before she was born. Her grandma saved Loverina from being taken to the orphanage home. She had nothing to offer to the little girl, but she ensured the girl was happy always. When Loverina got to know about what her parents did, it did not make much impact on her since she had enough love given to her by Grandma Clara.

Grandma Clara had some years rolling down. Loverina saw them and wiped them off, “No, grandma. Don't cry!” She pleaded and rested her head on her grandma's chest. She was sobbing and could hear the fast pounding of her grandmother's heart. Grandma Clara freely moved her right hand and dropped it on her granddaughter's back. She wished she could help her little girl, but even words can't come out. The touch on Loverina made her pouted as the pain she got when she hit the side mirror returned, but she overlooked it and turned to look at her grandmother, “Do you promise not to leave me here all alone in this wicked world?” She asked and Grandma Clara, blinked her eyes in respond since, she was too weak to talk and was still surviving with the artificial oxygen. Loverina rested her head back on her Grandma.

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