
Chapter 6: A greater challenge

Matteo's POV

I could tell that I was getting to her though she acted unbothered. I'd been with several women in my life and I knew that they loved the chase.

If that's what she wanted, then I'd give it to her and maybe enjoy her for some days or weeks if she was that good then dump her. It would be so good to see her teary eyes when she discovers that she couldn't tie me down.

As soon as she left, Angelo walked into my room with a knowing smile on his face. It was past 3pm already and since it was Friday, we decided that it was a good time to enjoy our single lives.

"That girl just left your room, Matteo, and she looked mortified. What did you say to her?" He asked with a smirk and lowered himself on the bed while I applied lotion to my body.

"I didn't do anything to her, we just had a very juicy deal." I licked my lips, imagining that I was in between her thighs. My dick twitched at the imagination of how she would taste.

"What juicy deal? Maybe I should remind you of what happened to our former cook. You made her fall for you.. Don't think you can do the same to her, besides, I have a feeling that she is different."

"Different? Maybe she is in some ways, but she is still a woman and they all want to be loved and taken care of."

"That's your business though. How did today go? Were you able to catch the traitor?"

"Sure I did. There's a reason why our father decided to make me Capo and I thrive on their fear, especially when they realise that they won't make it the next minute. It's so thrilling." I said in ecstacy.

Actually it was. For a sickening reason, having people cower at my feet before I ended them in the most merciless way ever was the bane of my existence.

"Thank God I don't have to do it with you." He shrugged, scrunching his face in disgust but his eyes told a different story. It yearned for blood. That was a battle between his mind and his heart.

"Can we go out already? I need to loosen the tension I've been feeling for some days." He stood up, checking his watch like there wasn't a clock in my house.

"We will soon, I've got to look good you know."

I turned away from him and put on a black pair of pants and a black dress shirt since I was going for a dark look. Sleeping with women who went head over heels for me was exciting but not satisfying.

Though I was rich, I didn't see the need to have a woman by my side. They were too tasking and clingy which was the last thing I needed. I didn't want someone who would get emotional because I came back late or banged another girl.

"You look good already, can we go already?" He reiterated.

"We will, but I have to call Aurora first. She's going with us."

Angelo's eyes popped, apparently he didn't know what I had in plan. Several crazy thoughts whirled around in my head, but the most dominating thought was the knowledge that she will be in the same club while I'm banging another woman.

"That wouldn't be a good idea. She is your cook, don't give her any ideas."

He was being logical, but he wasn't more logical than I was.

"She told me that she doesn't care about me and I'm about to prove it."

I left him to ponder on my impulsive decision while I headed for Aurora's room. She was supposed to be done with lunch and resting. I knocked lightly and got no response so I turned the knob and let myself in.

She became aware of my presence and quickly hung up her call. She looked flushed and her body shivered with nervousness which struck the wrong nerve.

"I knocked and you didn't answer. Was that your boyfriend?"

The question left a bitter taste in my tongue after asking her. I didn't even want to imagine that she had one wherever she was coming from. Even if it was the case, I would pound him out of her brains.

"Nope, I don't do long distance relationships." She said with an air of nonchalance, it was something I really admired about her. And her admittance made me feel light; she was free for the taking.

Curiosity still took the better part of me as I probed further. "If it wasn't your boyfriend, then who was it?"

I wanted to be sure that she didn't have anyone trying to talk her into a relationship. "My uncle, he wanted to know all about my well being and if I was being maltreated. I told him that I was fine, but I was tempted to tell him that my boss was hitting on me."

A chuckle escaped my lips. "I'm not really hitting on you, Darling, I'm just taking up a challenge and that's why I came to tell you that you are coming with me to my club."

I waited for her response but she didn't look displeased to say the least. "Why should I? You didn't think to inform me before making such plans," She debated then folded her arms. "I'm not going anywhere with you, I need to rest."

Her lips were pursed with her with a look of defiance, but it didn't stop me, rather it kindled the flames of my resilience to make sure she went with me.

"Well, milady, I'm your boss and you are going to do as I say."

"I don't care about that, sir, I have freedom to do as I want."

"Oh," I said and approached her while she regarded me like I was her younger brother. My lips reached for her ears, "If you don't go with me, then I'll kiss you till your legs quavers and you begin to gasp for breath."

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