
Chapter 3: I am the predator

Aurora's POV

"Don't tell me that you don't like it." Angelo said and dug his fork into the tender chicken, then he glanced at me. "I didn't think you'll do well, but if there's anything the Morettis' like, it's good food and you've won my heart with this."

"Thank you." I appreciated and stared at my meal which was getting cold.

"Eat your food, or it will get cold." Matteo said to me in his deep baritone voice.

I stared at him but he only held my gaze and continued with his food. "Sure I will. I just wanted you all to eat first." I said and dug into my food as well.

Spaghetti didn't bode well in my stomach if it got cold.

After what seemed like eternity, we were all done eating and Ilaria cleared the table while I joined her to wash the dishes. She was a chatty type and I felt drawn to her sad story.

A weary feeling gnawed in my heart when she told me that the Capo had saved her from being raped by her uncle. It was good for her, but the fact that his father made me an orphan would never change.

Ginevra walked into the kitchen with a look of disapproval on her face. "You are a cook, not a maid, Aurora. Why are you washing the dishes?"

"I felt like helping her. Besides, she has been doing alot since I came in and it made me uncomfortable seeing her do all the chores alone."

Ginevra snorted, still in disapproval of my response. "I hope you know that you won't be paid extra for taking care of some of the chores?"

"It's voluntary, Ma'am."

"And make sure that this assistance of yours doesn't affect your job." She warned and was about to walk away when she paused. "The Capo wants to see you in his study now."

My face turned red as anxiety wrecked through my nerves. I knew that I would have to meet him at some point, but I didn't know it would be that quick.

"Alright, I'll be with him soon."

Ilaria released the breath she had been holding. I glanced at her, "Are you that scared of her?"

"Saying that I'm scared is an understatement, I'm terrified." She closed the gap between us and whispered into my ears. "That woman is a she-devil. But thanks to her, this house is in order."

"I don't think I've ever heard such a fearful description."

"She isn't bad, just terrific. I'd like to give you some advice, when going to see the Capo, don't look scared. He detests weak women that can't even hold his gaze." She advised me.

"I'll put that at the back of my mind. Thank you Ilaria, you should go to bed because it's getting late already."

"Good night." She said and turned off the kitchen lights.

I left the kitchen after her wondering what wing his study was. The house wasn't just big, it was enormous and I regretted not having to ask Ilaria how to locate his study.

After going through several rooms, I got to the last room which was at the end of the east wing. The door wasn't locked as light reflected from it.

I walked briskly towards it, hoping it would be the room as my body ached for rest.

"Come in." A deep voice ordered before I even lifted my hand to knock.

The door gave way as I pushed it lightly and entered the room. It was spacious and richly furnished. It was too big to serve as just a study.

My eyes darted to the man who asked me to come into the room and since we weren't talking yet, I was able to gather some of his visible features that weren't hidden under the wooden desk.

His dark brown hair which was styled in a comb-over tousled over his face while he stared at the files in front of him.

"You sent for me, Sir." I said to break the silence. The day was hectic and just like every other person, I needed to rest.

"I know. Sit down." He demanded without lifting his head.

Every word that left his mouth sounded like an order which irked me. I wasn't used to being ordered but since I was here for a reason, I had to take it all in.

"What made you apply for a job here?" He asked, finally taking his attention off the files and resting his amber orbs on me. And I wondered why I didn't notice how beautiful his eyes were in the dining room.

"I was tired of being at the same place for several years, so a job vacancy for the position of a cook came up while I was searching for jobs and I took it."

He regarded me with a speculative gaze but I didn't look away as Ilaria's warning kept ringing in my ears.

"What about your parents, guardians? How did they feel about your decision?"

"I don't have parents, just an uncle. But he trusted me to do well on my own so it wasn't a problem."

He nodded and got up from his executive chair, approaching me fluidly like every step of his was determined to achieve a certain goal. I stared at his firm lips and wondered how many people he had kissed or tricked to their deaths.

"Let's get to the reason I called you out here. You're supposed to be sleeping and I apologise for rubbing you off that luxury but I have to interrogate you and ensure that your reasons for coming to work under me are right."

I held back a snort that almost escaped my mouth. He was very smart, so I had to give it to him. After all, he needed the smartness to trick his rivals, I was sure his father had the same traits.

"Why do you love cooking?"

I took a deep breath. "I'm a foodie and I enjoy seeing the satisfaction that lits up people's faces after they finish eating what I prepare. It's my passion."

He bore his eyes into mine with his face unreadable. His lips remained pursed as if he was trying to think of the next thing to say to me."It's good that you have such passion, but why come here? I mean, you won't get the kind of exposure you need to become a world wide chef if that is your aim."

This sneaky bastard, I thought in my heart.

"Rome wasn't built in a day. Let me give you an example, a footballer doesn't just make a shot, rather, he thinks of the best way to give a goal. That's the exact thing I'm doing."

"Nice points you have there. But I'll warn you ahead of time, don't mess with me or anyone related to me. You might have heard of the former cook that worked here, right?" He asked and I nodded, wondering what he was aiming at. "She was a spy and tried to get information from me, but she made a mistake."

He paused and my breathing became uneven. His gaze lingered on me as he tried to gauge my reaction. I could sense what he was trying to do but I wouldn't let him see through me.

"What mistake did she make?" I asked with a raspy tone.

"She fell in love with me and couldn't stop herself from telling me the whole truth. I didn't kill her, but I made sure that she would never come near me or this city, ever again."

"I'm not her." I countered.

"I know, but if you had such intentions before coming here, be rest assured that I won't have pity on you like I did with her." He stated, fixing his gaze on me so that I could see how serious he was.

His eyes became feral, causing fear to well up in me.

Then I reminded myself of our positions. I was the predator and he was my prey, and I had a greater edge over him because he was ignorant of his position.

I kept reminding myself of that fact as he drew closer to me while I moved away, but he didn't stop until I was backed onto the wall with no way of escape.

"Why are you scared now, do you think I'm going to hurt you?" He rumbled and I almost rolled my eyes.

His father murdered people for a living, did he expect me to believe that he would be any different?

"I'm not scared." I replied firmly, letting him see through my gaze that I didn't give a shit about him even though my heart was pounding furiously against our closeness.

"Oh really?" He smirked with his firm lips parting slightly as he lowered his face to mine.

"What are you doing?" I asked with a slight shiver.

He didn't reply but lowered his head closer so that there was just but a little space left before he kissed me.

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