
Chapter 1



A sudden cascade of cold liquid jolted me from my sleep, leaving me disoriented and staring in shock at my soaked dress. Was there a leak in the ceiling? Was it raining?

“Sleep, that's all she ever does. When will you ever get your work complete? We don't have all day!” Lucian's voice cut through the confusion, making me shrink back in fear.

It hadn’t rained. It was my stepfather, Lucian. He hurled the bucket he had been holding, striking me squarely in the stomach. I winced in pain.

“There's work to be done!” he barked. “Yet you lay here shamelessly and even dare to sleep.”

I glanced around the workload in the kitchen and wondered how they got there. The piles of plates, the soup stains on the floor, flour on the table and soiled dish cloths. I could swear I had tidied up the place before sitting down to rest. Then I may have fallen asleep in the process

But one thing I was certain of was that, I had cleaned up earlier, else how would I dare sleep?

“I-I’m sorry,” I stammered, trying to pull myself together. “I didn’t mean to fall asleep.”

“I'm not your father,” he spat and stared at me with disgust. “Don't you know what time it is? Look at all the mess around.”

“I cleaned up this morning,” I tried to explain.

He glared daggers at me. “Is that so? Then how are all these, here? Who used them? Is it me?” He demanded in a cold tone.

I swallowed and kept mute. How would I explain to him that I had cleaned up and I had no idea how all these happened.

“Answer me!” He snapped.

A lump formed in my throat but I still couldn't find the right words to say. He would never believe me anyways.

Lucian approached me and slapped me hard on the face. “I have told you countless times, to never keep silent whenever I'm asking you questions.”

The tears that had been pricking the corners of my eyes dropped effortlessly and slipped down my cheek. As much as it stung, I couldn't dare place my hand on it or he would slap me twice.

“You have just one job,” Aurora, my step sister, said as she came into view. “Tidy up. That's all papa asks of you and you still can't do it well enough.”

Anger flashed in my eyes as she stared at me, a mischievous glint dancing in her eyes. It was her who had created the mess. That, I was sure of.

“What are you waiting for?” Lucian demanded. “Do you want me to lash you with the whip before you do the right thing?”

“I'm sorry,” I apologised hastily and grabbed a broom. “I'll get busy now. I'll clean the mess.”

Lucian sneered, his face twisted with contempt. “You should be sorry for your life. You’re useless, just like your mother was.”

His words were a dagger to my heart, the pain fresh every time he spoke of her with such disdain.

Since my mother’s death, Lucian had discarded any pretence of kindness. I was nothing more than a servant in my own home, forced to do all the house chores.

No one knew my true identity, because I was never introduced to anyone as his daughter. Back then when I was younger, I used to think he was protecting me, at least that's what he told me .

I used to ask my mother why she and Lucian never introduced me to their friends but all they would say to me is that they are trying to keep me safe from the evil of the world.

But they lied. They weren't protecting me. They were embarrassed to have a weakling for a child. It became obvious as I grew.

“Soon, it will be over,” I whispered silently to myself.

It was more of a manifestation than a comfort. In two days I would be eighteen and I would finally have my wolf. Then my life will fall in place as mom had assured. I would get married to the Alpha King and that would be the end of my suffering.

For now, I had to endure.

“Have you told her?” Aurora asked her father, staining the place I had just wiped with her filthy shoes.

My ear perked up at her statement. What could she be hinting at? I was so curious to find out that I forgot I wanted to yell at her for leaving muddy trails on the kitchen floor.

“What is that?” I asked softly.

Aurora grinned. Her very irritating malicious grin sent shivers down my spine and I could tell it wasn't something good. My heart thumped loudly in my chest as I glanced from her to Lucian, waiting for either of them to say something.

“What's going on?” I pressed, trying to keep my tone low.

“You didn't know?” She teased.

This girl was dumb. If I knew, would I ask her?

I shook my head. “No I don't.”

She squealed in excitement. “I guess that's my father's news to tell.”

As I scrubbed the floor, Lucian’s shadow loomed over me. “I have news,” he said, his voice dripping with malice. “Your sister will be marrying the Alpha.”

I froze, the scrubbing brush slipping from my hand. “What? But it was supposed to be me…”

Lucian’s laughter echoed through the room, cold and cruel. “You? Marry the Alpha? Don’t make me laugh. You’re not fit to shine his shoes.”

Tears welled up in my eyes, but I fought them back, refusing to give him the satisfaction. “What will happen to me?”

A sinister smile spread across his face. “I have a better offer for you. The Rogue King has agreed to take you in exchange for a debt I owe him.”

My blood ran cold. The Rogue King was notorious, a monster who ruled through fear and cruelty. “You can’t do this,” I whispered, my voice trembling.

Lucian grabbed my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. “Oh, but I can. And I will. You’re nothing to me. Just a means to an end.”

Panic surged through me as his words sank in. I was being sold like a piece of property to a man who was known for his brutality. The room spun as I tried to process the nightmare that had become my reality.

Lucian released me with a shove, and I stumbled back, struggling to stay on my feet. “Pack your things,” he ordered. “You leave tonight.”


Tears streamed down my face as I began to pack up my clothes into a small bag. I didn't have a lot so the little would do. I don't know how long I had been crying but the migraine in my forehead could tell It had been for a long while.

I had been denied my position because my mother was no longer alive. I was the chosen one for the Alpha. How did the tables turn so quickly?

Darius the Rogue King was not only notorious but a murderer. He murdered people in cold blood and tortured them, regardless of their gender. Whoever made it to his list of offenders didn't live to see the light of day. I loathed him and feared him.

“No, I can't,” I said to myself.

I would not let myself be used as an object. As a price for someone's sin. I stared at my small bag and peeked out the window. Dusk was creeping in and I was certain that my step father would soon send for me. And that would be it.

I had to think of something. My life couldn't end this way.

The sound of my door creaking open invaded my thoughts and I turned my head to find Aurora standing at the entrance with a beautiful smile on her face.

For a minute I was lost, staring at her beautiful face. Who wouldn't want her? She had luscious hair, beautiful eyes and a curvy body. Her hands were delicate and she did her skincare. If she wasn't my sister, I would have thought she was royalty.

Envy gnawed at my insides as I glared at her. I hated her. I was nothing like her. I was a plain Hazel who scrubbed in the kitchen and slept on the floor. There was absolutely nothing beautiful about me.

“Maybe when you're done admiring me, you'll let me know,” she whispered in a soft foreign voice, that sounded nothing like hers.

I shrugged. “Don't do that. It's irritating.”

“My voice, I'm practising. I have to sound soft when I meet the Alpha tomorrow.”

Anger rushed through my veins and I returned my attention to the clothes I was packing.

“You're just going to ignore me?”

I scoffed. “What are you doing here?”

“I see you're all packed up already. I'll miss you so much you know? But that's alright. When I finally become the Alpha’s Luna, I'll ask him to save a spot for you in the kitchen. Every maid has a bed there and they eat good food.”

I wanted to tear her mouth open with my bare hands and ruin her pretty face but I had to keep my cool.

“I'm not a maid,” I said firmly.

“There's no difference,” she said, frowning. “You will crumble, Hazel and I'm sure papa will make sure that happens. You do know what the Rogue King is like, don't you?”

Before I could respond, she walked out, slamming the door behind her.

I sat curled up in a corner with the bag on my lap, waiting for my fate. And that was when it occurred to me.

There was someone I could turn to for help.

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