
A hunt

Chapter 4


"I can't believe that you're taking a stick on the morning of your wedding," Vladimir strolled towards the bonnet of my car where I leaned on, my mask lying carelessly beside me.

I stared intently at the stick that was almost finished and puffed out some more smoke.

"If you were in my shoes you'd do the same, Vladimir. Getting married to that sassy little girl makes me want to puke and only this cigarette stick can keep me sane." I confessed.

We were in the garage where I liked to stay alone sometimes. For some weird reason, being alone with my cars uplifted my spirit, so I sought succor from my favorite place today.

Taking off my mask was something I rarely did, but today everything felt suffocating and that wasn't a good sign. Vladimir, my younger brother and consigliere, had assured me that the plan had been set in motion and everything was going on smoothly, yet I wasn't satisfied.

"And Margaret? I thought you'd stay with her for some time before coming out here or are you tired of her already?" He chuckled, lighting up his stick.

I threw the remaining cigarette on the ground and snuffed out the light then put on my mask.

"Today is my wedding. I don't think it will be proper to disrespect my bride in such an awful manner," I replied with a note of sarcasm. "Let's go. I can't wait to be bound to the bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh."

He chuckled, patting my shoulder playfully. "I bet you're already imagining how you're going to take her tonight. She might faint before you even do anything to her," He joked and I snapped my head in his direction, taking off my mask again so that he would see how serious I was.

He and the only important female in my life were the people I allowed to see my face after I was forced to hide it.

The wry smirk he had on his face vanished slightly.

"Don't talk about my fiancée like that," I warned him sternly.

He raised his hands in mock surrender. "Oooo, the groom is possessive of his bride. I thought you didn't like her?" He teased me.

"I can't stand her guts, Vladimir. She's too outspoken for a girl her age, but her feistiness..." I held back and entered the car.

Knowing how my brother could be, he would tease me all day if I admitted how much Ariel's feistiness turned me on.

Abram brought the engine to life and the car rolled away from the garage onto the streets, headed to the only place that had the power to change my relationship status.

The church.


Standing idly by the altar, watching the guests troop into the church I sighed in boredom. I wasn't interested in having a big wedding because I was against drawing attention to myself.

Soon the journalists would get wind of my marriage and once again, I'd be all over the news with annoying captions.

However, Rocco wanted his only daughter to have the best wedding ceremony of her life. I doubted that was her wish because the girl—no, the lady I bumped into three days ago didn't want to be anywhere close to me.

My eyes caught the sight of Ariel trotting through the aisle with a lace veil covering her face, her arm entwined with Rocco's. I watched them earnestly, noting the discomfort on his face and observing that the confidence that Ariel usually carried was lacking.

Watching them approach toward the altar, the timid steps of my bride struck me. Ariel didn't walk timidly that day she moved with grace, her shoulders high and her chin raised like the world was under her feet, but this woman coming towards me was nothing like that.

My curiosity was piqued and impatience ate at my guts and then I found my legs traipsing towards her. There was only one way to solve this mystery, I concluded within me.

Our eyes met and a ball of rage shot through me as I yanked the veil off her face with gasps and murmurs spreading around the church hall. My eyes narrowed when I saw a strange woman standing in front of me.


Rocco let out a curse and his wife, Ilaria dashed toward us with a worried expression.

My instincts never lied to me and today it proved itself right again.

"An explanation would save you both from my wrath," I spoke with deceptive calmness.

If there was anything that annoyed me greatly, it was being deceived and the fact that Ariel wasn't present only meant one thing. She had run away.

I admired her audacity, but I hoped that she would maintain the same energy when I found her because I'd find her and she'll pay dearly for embarrassing me.

"Let's leave this place. There are several watchful eyes and listening ears that seek juicy stories to spill around. You know how it is," He urged me on, tilting his head to the side.

"And why should I do that? You made me look like a fool and now you want to protect your reputation? Why don't you tell your people that you are a weak boss who couldn't keep his daughter in check." I spat.

He shot a glare at me, his nose flared but the frown disappeared almost immediately, knowing that he was at fault.

"And I apologize for what you saw, Dmitri, but let's talk about this outside to find a solution to this mess." He persisted.

I brushed past him and headed to the foyer.

His steps resonated loudly behind me and he halted. "I promise to find Ariel and bring her to you but first, you need to return to the church and continue the wedding. Guilia is Ariel's best friend and one of the daughters of an underboss working for me. With her presence, we can find her even though it's going to be hard, but I'll suggest that you pretend to be getting married to her while we comb through the city and bring Ariel back." He advised.

I shook my head, digging my hands into my pocket.

"Forget about the wedding, Rocco. This wasn't a part of the bargain and if you still want me to join forces with you to fight the Outfit then you should never suggest this again. Ariel is my betrothed and as long as I'm still interested, she remains mine." I concluded and strode to my car.

"Where are you going?" His voice rang in the air.

A surge of adrenaline rushed through my veins. "I'm going on a hunt."

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