
##### Chapter 6

It wasn’t a surprise that Juliet would take a liking to Allen at the first meeting, but the request for marriage took me off guard.

My hand shook and I did all I could to stay balanced, and hidden from their view.

Juliet knelt down before Margaret sobbing while the latter comforted her by running her hands through her hair.

They were waiting for father who after the departure of our honorable guests had taken the pleasure to escort them out.

My eyes flickered between Margaret and Juliet. I couldn’t comprehend why I felt so disappointed when Juliet declared her interest in Allen.

Those glances he stole my way during dinner was nothing, I was a nobody and he couldn’t possibly fancy me. Juliet had everything he desired in a woman, yet I couldn’t help the jealously in me.

It was the first time that someone had taken the time to look at me with keen interest.

Father appeared disheveled, his tie was loosened and it looked like he would pass out any minute from fatigue.

We were all waiting for him to say something. After the long silence, he uttered, “Since when did you develop such feelings?”

Juliet hid her smile behind a frown. She toyed with her fingers and said aware of Father’s unwavering gaze, “The day I saw him at the bar, two years ago. And at the dinner tonight, I fell in love with him more than I did that day.”

Father shook his head in contempt and watched Juliet carefully. Juliet raised an eyebrow at Margaret who seemed clueless.

“Darling you must discuss this with Mr. Ian. Juliet had declared her utmost love for their son and—” Margaret pleaded.

We all knew the only reason why Juliet was attracted to Allen was because of his family status and wealth, and that’s also why Margaret was standing up for her.

“Enough!” Father ordered. It was dark, Usually at this time of the day everyone would’ve succumbed to sleep.

“What do you think Cheryl?” at his question, Margaret glared at me, and folded her hands in frustration. I couldn’t understand why father was interested in my opinion, but it left a warmth in my heart.

“I think Juliet should marry Allen—” I whispered. I was aware of the consequences that would follow if I hadn’t supported Margaret and Juliet on this.

“And why might I ask,” father inquired. He wiped the sweat off his forehead with a handkerchief.

I gulped hard. If I were being honest I had no reasons to back up my comeback. One thing I was sure of was if I said the wrong things I would be dealt with.

And so I said the only words that came to me, “They look good together. And if that’s what Juliet want, then I think she should get married to him.”

A smile curved at the corners of Juliet’s lips, it was the first time ever that she had looked at me with such delightfulness.

“I will discuss this with Mr.Ian in the morning.”

Margaret wasn’t satisfied with Father’s statement, she huffed, “Why don’t you call him now?”

Juliet was satisfied by her response. The atmosphere was thick, and the sofa suddenly felt too hard to sit on. My stomach rumbled, all I wanted was to retire to bed. But I knew if I stood, Margaret wouldn’t like it.

“Why can’t we just leave it till morning. They just left, wouldn’t I be a bad host if I disturb their evening?”

But Margaret wasn’t having it, neither was Juliet.

Tears streamed down her oval shaped face, the makeup she had on was flowing along with it creating a huge mess. Juliet always got what she wanted ever since we were kids and I knew she was going to pull a stunt when she knelt down before Father.

“Please daddy, I really need this. I can’t sleep like this—”

Margaret rubbed her head affectionately and guided her back to where she sat previously.

Reluctantly, father took out his cell phone and dailed Mr. Ian’s contact. I could’ve sworn I saw a smile on Juliet’s face.

“Yes sir…I have a marriage proposal sir…okay, dinner tomorrow will do.” Father murmured.

He got off the phone and nodded at Juliet in acknowledgement. We all knew that Mr. Ian had agreed to discuss the marriage proposal, but that wasn’t what Juliet needed, she wanted a reassurance.

I heaved a sigh, my heart beat profusely at the thoughts of meeting Allen, and those deep azure eyes of his that seemed to stare deep into my soul.

And so after the meeting was dismissed, and Father, Margaret and Juliet had gone to bed I snuck the family telephone that was a long the corridors to call my best friends.

Indiana picked up at the first ring, “ Juliet’s marrying Allen.”

These were the first words that came out of my mouth. It felt wrong coming from me, it wasn’t like I had a chance with him or anything.

“Girl….tell me more,” she squealed. I had to remind her to keep it down because if I got caught on the phone I would be punished severely by Margaret.

“They came over for dinner, some business partners’ of father’s and Juliet apparently had an eye for him—” I proceeded to inform Indiana about the dinner and how Juliet tried to get his attention through out.

Indiana hummed every few minutes urging me to go on, when I was done she uttered like a junior high student who had her first crush. “ her likes you Cher, wait till grace know about this.”

Grace wasn’t the first person I called because I wouldn’t hear the end of it.

Before I could respond the lights were switched on and Margaret came marching with a furious expression and a shoe in hand. She gathered her dress with both hands, and I knew I was in serious trouble; I couldn’t be saved.

Oh no.

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