
Chapter 12

*Izabella’s POV*


The wind blew and the familiar scent that made me want to either puke or unwillingly smile flooded my sense of smell. I looked up and saw him standing there, looking the same way he always did. The black-haired idiot was standing, a gun in his hand, a scowl on his face and a look in his eyes that I could not decipher. He did not look happy. He was not looking at me. I was about to turn to see what he was looking at when I heard someone else speak.

"Sean! What the hell are you doing?!" It was Adan. I looked over at my brother.

"What I've needed to do all this time I spent in hell." Sean said. I glanced around confused. What was going on?

"Sean, put the fucking gun down! What the hell is wrong with you?!" That was Cohen. I looked at him before looking back at Sean, my breath caught in my throat when I saw the gun in his hand pointed right back at Cohen.

"You don't understand. I don't expect you to. You're not going to get in my way –” I screamed as an ear-piercing shot went off.



I jolted awake, my eyes wide as I immediately sat up. Sean shot my brother? No. Cohen wouldn't have been able to shout his name afterwards. Then who did he shoot? Wait, it didn’t matter. It was just a dream. I gave a light laugh at myself as I lifted my hand to wipe my forehead. Though now there was no way I would be able to look at Sean and not think that he would aim a gun at my brother if he felt he had to. I didn’t trust him... But it was just a stupid dream. Yes, well, I never liked Sean to begin with and maybe the dream was connected to the green glow on my wrist.

Was I seriously thinking that? I wasn't psychic. I was probably just looking for more reasons to hate Sean.

I sighed getting out of bed and pushing the heavy curtains that covered the glass wall open, immediately having to shut my eyes and cringing back when the light flooded in. I was an idiot. My wolf growled in agreement and I felt the urge to punch myself so she would get hurt, but then again so would I. Instead I just blinked until my eyes adjusted and turned to begin getting cleaned up.

Once I had finished getting cleaned up, I decided to have breakfast later and instead spend some time in the forest while it was still quiet.

I jumped out of my window because I knew if I walked through the house there was a chance that I would find Sean if he was awake and he would not leave me alone until I acknowledged him in some way, which was not on my to-do list for the day.

I walked around the huge house quickly, my black shoes contrasting with the green grass. When I reached the backyard, I looked into the forest and sighed suddenly feeling bad. I could not remember the last time I had shifted and run through the trees, I knew my wolf mourned for it. I sighed deciding I would shift even if it hurt because she has not been for a run in forever, now that I think of it, and it was pretty selfish of me. As long as Sean was close by, someone would be able to calm her down if she took control of us again.

I stopped walking when I noticed a pair of legs not far from me and continued a little further until I could see someone seated on the grass with his back leaned against a tree. He had headphones on and a sketch book on his lap. He looked up when I stopped walking nearby him and raised his eyebrows at me before he put his pencil down and pulled his black Sony headphones off.

"I've never seen you before and yet you have my pack's scent on you... You're new?" He asked. I stared into his light hazel eyes. He had chocolate brown skin, a straight nose and a wide jaw. He was very handsome, especially when he began to smile.

"Sort of. I'm visiting. My Uncle is Joe." I said. He tilted his head.

"Oh. Izabella. I heard you were back." His smile broadened into a grin and I had to smile back, it seemed like his smile just did that.

"Yeah." I said.

"Well, I'm Trent." He held out his hand. I took it thinking he was going to shake it but instead I got pulled down so I fell onto the grass beside him. He laughed as I looked at him surprised, "Nice to meet you." He said.

"Yeah? I don't usually get pulled onto the ground when I meet someone." I said sitting in front of him as reached for his book, I paused to receive a nod from him before I took it to place it on my lap.

"It’s just how I greet." I smiled back at him.

"I'll remember that. Wow..." I looked down at his current drawing. It was trees so I turned to see what was behind me and raised my brows seeing that his drawing was pretty much an exact replica, "This is amazing." I said as I turned the page to see some more of his work.

He smiled shrugging. "I try my best. So, you're the one wreaking havoc in the pack, hey?"

I looked at him. "What?" I asked.

"You're driving Joe crazy. You didn't hear this from me, but apparently you're a handful and so is your wolf." He said. I gasped pretending to be very offended.

"Me? No! Just my wolf!" I said. She growled and I rolled my eyes while he began to chuckle.

"You're a Galaxy wolf?" He asked. I nodded.

"Who are you?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Trent. Inferno. Most of the pack just steers clear of me. Apparently I'm weird." He wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed, "I’m currently on break. Started University this year, what about you?"

"12th grade. What are you studying?" I asked.

"Well, my father said to 'get a real job' so I'm studying Accounting. If it were up to me it would have been Graphic Design." He frowned, “I’ll just save up and take the graphics course later anyway.”

"Who is your dad?" I asked.

"Wayne." Whoa. Didn't see that coming.

"Wayne?" I asked surprised.

He nodded. "Unbelievable, right? He's the beta and I'm supposed to be the next Delta of Security. I want to travel but I 'have responsibilities.'" He said. I nodded.

"Wayne doesn't seem like the type of person to force you to study what he wants you to." I said. He seemed pretty chilled, slightly more laid back than my Uncle was.

"Yeah? Well, he's different with me because I'm his son. He expects too much from me. He sees me as some responsible leader, someone like him. I don’t think I can be what he wants me to be. He wants me to stay at the pack, take care of everyone. I don't want that, but you know how werewolves work with all the destiny crap." He showed me his wrist. It had a tattoo identical to Wayne's and on top of it there was a smaller tattoo that showed he was a Delta, I guessed. I know what he meant. It was just like that being in a wolf pack, if you were born into a Delta position you would not be able to just leave because you were destined to lead.

"Yeah, destiny." I frowned.

"You too, huh?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm not an original Galaxy wolf but somehow I still have the pack mark which is funny because now I have this one too," I showed him my wrist, "And it keeps glowing. Also, my mate is someone that has hated me since forever and now suddenly he likes me, but how can I be expected to mate with the guy that has bullied me since I was little? He told me he hated me every day. I find it weird that he isn't saying it anymore." Trent chuckled. It was true. It wasn't normal for Sean to not tell me how much he disliked me or get pissed every time we walked near each other.

"I guess the moon Gods aren't that into either of us. How long will you be here?" He asked. I shrugged.

"Four more days or so," I said, "I mean, if I stay any longer my mom will probably freak out and come looking for me and then when she finds me I'll never hear the end of all the trouble I put her through." I smiled at the thought of Mom and he laughed.

"My mother's not really like that. She's laid back unless I don't reply to one of her messages, then yes, she'll go crazy thinking I got hurt or something even though she knows very well that I'm old enough to take care of myself and I’m a Delta." He rolled his eyes.

"Only child?" I smiled. He nodded. Figures. "I –” I stopped when I heard footsteps approaching and Trent and I looked up to see who it was. We waited a few more seconds before Tyler, Sean, Alexis and Kaden emerged from the trees.

"Hey, Man. You two our out early." Tyler greeted Trent smiling. I watched as Trent got up and man-hugged Tyler and Kaden before hugging Alexis while Sean frowned at him, "This is –” Tyler was saying.

"Sean Slade. I know who he is." Obviously, because Trent was going to be the Delta of security, he would have to know how to handle every pack that is close to his own, so he would have to know who their leaders are, how they lead and how they could pose a threat to his own pack.

"Yeah... and you are…?" Sean asked between Trent and me.

"Trent Rivers, Wayne's my father." Trent held out his hand, Sean looked at it for a second before taking it to shake it.

"So, you know my mate?" I rolled my eyes at Sean as Trent looked at me surprised once their hands parted.

"It's him?" Trent asked.

"Unfortunately." I muttered holding out my hands. Trent chuckled grabbing them and pulling me to my feet. Sean opened his mouth but I continued to speak, "I'm going to have breakfast." I turned to leave but I stopped and turned back to them, "Can I borrow your bathtub?" I was looking at Kaden. He raised his eyebrows.

"My... my bathtub?" He said slowly as if he thought he heard me wrong. I nodded.

"Why?" Tyler narrowed his eyes.

"I wanna test something." I shrugged. I just remembered I had brought a couple of bath bombs that Hayley had made and I did not trust them… not to stain…

"You wanna break something." Sean retorted.

"Shut up. Kade?" I asked. Kaden sucked in a breath before smirking at me as he lifted his forefinger.

"On one condition." He said. I frowned at him.

"What is it?" I asked.

"We're going to the mall later, all of us. Five girls, five guys. You'll have to be nice to Sean the entire time because he’s coming too. Trent, you coming?" He asked.

"Sure, why not?" Trent shrugged.

"No." I glared at Kaden. Didn't anyone understand that I couldn't stand Sean? I would rather not go than have to be near him all day.

"Fine. No bathtub then." Kaden said. I opened my mouth but then shut it before sighing.

"Fine. I'll be nice to 'it'" Sean rolled his eyes and I frowned at him before I turned to leave.

"You’re so annoying.” He said before adding, “I'll meet you out front at eleven, don't be late."

"Why would I meet you?" I asked.

"You need to get your memory checked, Izzy. I think you may have serious problems in that sector." I shoved Tyler as the guys chuckled.

"So your wolf can get out, you Idiot." Sean said to me. Oh. I forgot about that, but just the mention of shifting had my wolf brewing with excitement in my chest. I turned to leave but stopped when Sean spoke again making me stop, "Your arm… why… is that real?" He looked stunned. I followed his eyes down at my wrist, it was glowing green again.

"It's bad –” Tyler began saying.

"Izzy!" I looked down hearing Clara call out as she ran up to us and smiled picking her up. She was unaccompanied, I figured Joe thought we were close enough to the house to let her into the forest alone. I looked up and noticed that Sean had a weird look in his eyes as he watched her. Clara noticed his staring and shifted in my arms trying to hide from him.

'Stop it. You're freaking her out.' I linked him. He blinked, his face making it seem as if he had not even noticed he was staring at her, before smiling at me.

"Weren't –” Kaden was saying when we all heard an explosion that caused me to step back slightly as I covered Clara’s head. It must have been far away because it sounded distant. I looked in the direction it came from and froze.

"Oh my God –” Sean set off running. I felt my heart stop as I put Clara down in front of Tyler and sprinted to follow Sean.

"Guys! What's going on?!" Tyler shouted from increasingly further behind us.

"Our pack is that way!" Sean yelled back.


When we reached Galaxy territory all I could smell was smoke despite us still being quite far from the houses. I picked up my speed to run by Sean but he grabbed my wrist and shoved me back forcefully, I stumbled but regained my footing before I could fall.

"Stay here. I'll check it out." He told me.

"No, I'll do that myself." I attempted to get by him again.

"I'm not asking you. I'm commanding you. You will come no further than this." He said using the tone that all Alphas used to command people in their pack. I scoffed. I was not really in his pack, he had no authority over me as I had not been born into Galaxy. His commanding tone would not work on me.

"And you think just because you 'command' I'll –” I stopped when I tried to walk but I was frozen to my spot. I took a step back but when I tried to move forward, I couldn't. It was like there was a glass wall in front of me. It was not possible, he was not my Alpha. This could not be working. I looked at him and cursed as he smirked.

Fucking mate. Even though he was not originally my Alpha, he could make me do anything because he was my mate!

"Undo this now!" I yelled feeling my voice edge.

"I can't do that, Sweetheart. Looks like the only way you can go is that way." He looked behind me. I clenched my fist panicking about the fact that I really could not move forward, but I could smell so much smoke.

"Sean, that's my pack too! You can't make me stay here! My family is that way! You can't keep me from them when they could be hurt! You can't do this!" The knot in my throat was growing as tears filled my eyes while I shouted at him. I would rather he beat me up and constantly made fun of me then keep me from my family.

"Yeah, well, if you came closer, you could get hurt. I'm not letting that happen, so yes. I can do this. And I am." He turned to leave. I tried to follow him and let out a frustrated growl because I still could not.

"If you leave without undoing this, I will never accept you as my mate. You will never mark me, I will never be with you." I said. He turned to look at me.

"Yeah? That doesn't really matter because I'm never going to reject you and we both know Amarelos can't reject their mates. You’re stuck with me whether you like it or not, Izabella. I'll mark you one day." He said before he ran into the trees.

"Sean!" I shouted after him. My heart was beating hard as tears I couldn't stop began falling while I continued trying to follow despite it being impossible. I had never cried in front of Sean or for something he did but this was new. I hated him. I hated him now more than ever. I was so angry and so worried about my family and friends. What right did he have to force me to stay back?!

"Izabella? What's going on?" I shut my eyes hearing Trent as my shoulders shook with my crying. I hated having people seeing me cry.

"Izabella, what did he do?" I heard Tyler.

"I-I can't go – He –” I felt my anger consuming the sadness as I lifted my shaking hands to my face. I hated him so much. I was going to hurt him if I saw him again, I was going to make him wish he never knew me.

"Izabella, calm down.” I heard Kaden.

"I can't." It was true, I was shakingly mad and terrified about what was going on. My wolf was angry too, she wasn't going to let him control us, even if he was our mate and the angrier I became the less I could control her.

“Izzy, listen to me.” I shook my head feeling arms on my shoulders as I clenched my teeth together tightly, "Izabella –” Tyler stumbled back away from me as I began to shift.


*Tyler’s POV*

I grabbed Alexis’s hand as I saw Izabella begin to shift and immediately began running, dragging her with me.

"Run!" I shouted looking back at her. Luckily she shifted slower than normal because of how little she shifted.

"Run?" Trent said, "Why don't you just calm her down?" He asked.

"Because the only person that can calm her down is the one that made her angry!" Kaden said following my lead as he dragged Trent along by the sleeve of his shirt.

"But –” Trent began.

"And she can't control her wolf!" I shouted back as I turned to look where I was going and stumbled out of the way when I almost ran into a tree. I heard Kaden and Trent not too far behind us. When I figured we were far away enough for Izabella to take some time to catch up to, I stopped running and turned to Alexis. "Go home, get Joe and Wayne." I said.

"No, what if she gets into trouble or hurts herself?" Alexis asked.

"That's why we're staying here. We'll watch her. You need to hurry, Alexis, Titan territory isn't that far away and who knows where she is right now, she won’t stand a chance against one of their stronger wolves if she decides to attack one of them." I said.

"I think I might have a good idea about where she is." I looked at Trent but a growl drew my attention further in front of him. Trent stood looking like he was ready to move is she jumped at him as the black wolf stood somewhat crouched, growling as she did not move her gaze from him. Her eyes were completely topaz showing that she was pissed and Izabella was clearly not conscious anymore.

"I think now would be a good time to shift." Kaden said. I nodded as I slowly pushed Alexis behind me.

'Go.' I linked to her as I began shifting. I had no idea what we were going to do after we shifted but I assumed it went along the lines of 'don't hurt her and don't let her hurt you.'

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