
Chapter 10

I groaned tightening my eyes as I tried to move my head even though my neck felt stiff and painful. My arm felt heavy.

"Izabella, are you okay?" Without hesitation I flung my fist and it hit the person with a loud smack causing them to cry out at the impact.

"Izabella!" Joe snapped at me. I opened my eyes and smirked seeing Sean rubbing his face as he glared at me, a mixture of anger and pain in his eyes. I wanted to hurt him so much more. My wolf growled at me and he smirked leaning back over me.

"She likes me." Sean said. I clenched my teeth as I moved away from him.

"I'm going to punch you again, but it's not going to be in your terrible excuse for a face this time." I glared at him. My wolf growled so loudly it was forced out of my throat and his smirk only grew.

"Yeah? I'd like to see you try, Izabella. The only reason you landed that punch was because I wasn't expecting it." He said.

"I was expecting it." I smiled at Tyler when he said that.

"Ty!" Alexis punched his arm softly as she frowned at him.

"What? It's true! Tell me you did not see that coming." Tyler pouted at her and she just she rolled her eyes instead of disagreeing. She seemed to have saw it coming too.

"Guys, drop it." Wayne frowned, "And you two really need to sort things out." He looked at me. I shook my head. We had nothing to sort out.

I lifted my hands to push myself as I tried to get up but I cried out as pain shot through my right arm.

"Izabella, watch your arm," Joe frowned.

My eyes dropped to look down at my arm and I found it in a cast. That’s why it had felt heavy. A cast? But I healed fast unless...

"Who broke my arm?" I asked.

"Sean did." Kaden said. I glared at Sean.

"No, no. I did not do that." He said raising his hands in surrender, “You did that to yourself.” What?

"Kade, stop trying to cause fights. You opened the door, remember?” Joe asked. I looked back down at my arm. Oh yeah… the explosion… “Someone had planted a bomb there while we were at the bonfire. You hit your arm against the tree, broke the bone. You scared all of us when you passed out. I called your father and he said to tell you that you have to stop being careless." Joe said patting my hair softly.

"Careless? How was I supposed to know there was a bomb behind the door?!" I asked.

"You're a wolf: smell and hear, Izabella." Sean rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't asking you, Asshole." I snickered at him.

He clenched his fist at his sides as he glared down at me.

"I'm getting really tired of this, Izabella." He said through his grit teeth.

I glared right back into when I was in bed his eyes as I pushed myself out of bed and stood in front of him so he not looking down on me as much as he had.

"Then get lost. Leave. No one is asking you to stay here." I said.

"Izabella –” Joe began.

"One day, you will realise how stupid you're being." Sean cut him off.

I let out a short breath of disbelief deciding that I was not even going to bother arguing with him. Instead, I walked by him and everyone else to get out of the room.

"Where are you going, Izzy?" Joe called after me.

"You said I need to learn to control my wolf, right? Come on. Let’s do that." I responded. He chuckled.

"Wayne, tell Ben, Carlos and Nathaniel we need them in the chamber." Joe said. I stopped walking and turned to look back at him.

Chamber? Why?

"Why the chamber?" Kaden's voice came from behind me.

"She's shifting." Joe said.

"She's doing what?" For once, my thoughts mirrored Sean's. She was not going to let m shift, she was being stubborn.

"Shifting. Hard on hearing, Sean? I see you take after your Alpha." Joe smirked. I laughed lightly remembering the conversation between Joe and my dad on the phone.

"But her wolf won't let her shift." Tyler said.

"She will now, because he's here." Joe said looking at Sean. My wolf agreed. I could feel her excitement at shifting in front of him and being near him. If she did anything outrageous I was going to kill her.

"You can't let her shift." Sean said looking completely shocked.

"Why not?" Wayne asked.

"Because her wolf is out of control, she's crazy –” My wolf let out a loud growl at that, Sean looked at me and smiled, "I mean it in a good way, Babe." He said.

What did he just call me? I didn't hesitate before I dove at him, but right before I could touch him someone grabbed my arms before pulling me back against them and patting my hair.

"Calm down, cuz. You'll have your time to beat him up soon enough." Tyler said from behind me. I glared at Sean as Tyler let me go once I stopped trying to fight out of his grip.

"There will be no beating up of anybody." Joe frowned.

'That's what he thinks' Kaden and Tyler linked me at the same time. I laughed and Joe frowned knowing they had said something he probably would not approve of while Sean’s eyes shifted between Tyler and I suspiciously.

"Downstairs, now." Joe commanded.

"But she'll end up hurting herself –” Sean was saying.

"Hurt myself?" I looked at him. What was he talking about? I never hurt myself in wolf form because I had never trained with any other wolves. He bit the inside of his cheek and I narrowed my eyes. He knew something I didn't. Before I could kill him Alexis grabbed my hand and began leading me downstairs.

"Relax, Sean. She wouldn't go crazy with you in the room." I heard Joe say. Sean and I snorted simultaneously. We both knew how wrong that was, “Oh look, you agreed on something. Progress.” Joe laughed causing me to frown.

I walked into the chamber and looked at my casted arm. Since the rest of the bones in my body were about to get bent and broken, I guess my arm wouldn't hurt that much. I broke the cast off and set it on the table beside the door before walking further into the room so I was away from everyone and bit my lip feeling my chest tighten. Maybe it was not a good idea shifting with so many of them around. Alexis, Tyler and Kaden could go upstairs. Why were the extra men there? Did Joe think they were strong enough to keep my wolf at bay?

"Are you sure about this, Alpha?" Now even Tyler sounded as nervous as I felt.

"Yeah, we’ve got it." Wayne said pushing up his sleeves.

"No." I glared at the man behind Wayne when I saw him enter.

Everyone looked at him.

"What? It's an extra measure." He said waving the tranquillising gun in his hands.

"No." I glared at him, "You're not shooting anything at my wolf." I said, she growled softly in agreement. I hated her sometimes, but there was no way I was letting anyone stick a dart into her.

"Yes, well if I don't, you might –” the man was saying.

"She said no," I heard a snap and the gun was in two pieces in Sean's hands. I was not going to thank him, even though I was grateful. I would have broken it myself if the man kept on insisting.

"Do you know how much that fucking cost, you idiot?" The man said shoving him which immediately resulted in Sean getting shoved back and I tensed feeling my wolf rile up.

"Show me." Sean glared at him as his eyes darkened.

The man laughed. "You? What are you? A Novoluní? Like you could even touch me." He said.

Sean chuckled amused as he look down and I felt myself smirk despite trying not to. This guy didn't know what Sean was capable of. Our pack was pretty strong, because of my mother's powers she had taught us how to hide our power from other wolves so that we did not waste as much energy controlling high power levels all the time. You didn't have to be part witch to do it. Sean was much stronger than I was, I knew that even though it seemed like he was just a little more powerful at first sight, which was why I could never have fought him.

"Want to put your fist where your mouth is?" Sean asked.

"Ben, back off. The kid's not showing you all his power. He's a Galaxy wolf, don't be stupid.” I noticed the Ben guy’s eyes widen slightly at the mention of our pack, “Also, if you two want to fight, do it where there is not a house made out of glass because I doubt either of you two could rebuild it." Joe said.

Sean smirked shoving the gun back into Ben's arms.

"You should probably get a new gun, big guy." Sean said. Why was he still messing with Ben? Was he trying to start a fight?

Ben's jaw clenched but before he could answer I shut my eyes and began shifting deciding if I waited any longer they were going to start exchanging blows, my wolf didn't object – probably because Sean was in the room. I grit my teeth trying not to cry out as I shifted. It hurt a lot because I did not shift often so my body never go completely used to it. In fact, I could count the amount of times I had shifted since I was little on my fingers. Seven times to be exact. I tried to keep control of us and my wolf seemed to have no problem with that.

When I opened my eyes I was a black wolf, my nails were scratching the floor as I stared ahead at Joe who stared back at my wolf shocked.

"When did Amarelos become black?" He whispered.

"We didn't. It's just her." Wayne said.

I looked down at myself. Lots of Galaxy wolves were black. I had always been happy I shared my colour with my pack because everything else was so different. I shut my eyes feeling my wolf begin to try to take over us before I looked up and felt them narrow as we took in the people around us. Tyler took a step forward and I growled at him bearing my long canines. I did not trust him being near us when I did not trust her.

"Keep your distance, Tyler! She doesn't look friendly." A man I didn't recognise said. I stepped back growling as my blood began to pump. She did not seem to like being surrounded by everyone and wanted to get away but I did not want to leave so she was going to make us. I could feel myself slowly being drawn into us.

"Izab –” I barked at Sean and he shut up stepping back. I don’t know why, I guess I just did not want to be blamed if he got hurt.

I looked around the room suddenly feeling claustrophobic and angry. Very angry. It was my wolf's feelings. She wanted to be outside. I stumbled back as black dots began blurring my vision and my head began to pound with how hard she was trying to take over.

"She's losing it. I-I can feel it." Sean said.

"Izabella, don't let her control you, you –” Joe’s voice disappeared as the black dots turned into a wall and suddenly I was surrounded by black. There were no door, no windows, it didn't look like a room. It wasn’t unfamiliar this was usually what happened when she took complete control of us. All I could hear was my wolf's growling and all I could feel was my head pounding.


*Sean’s POV*

My eyes widened as her eyes went completely topaz before she let out a terrifyingly loud, angry growl and launched at Tyler. He shoved her away quite easily having expected the move but she then pounced on Alexis.

"Alex!" Tyler yelled when Izabella bit Alexis's arm making her scream.

Joe launched across the room and shoved Izabella off Alexis, it resulted in a chunk of shin from Alexis’s arm being ripped off because Izabella refused to let go. Joe shouted at Tyler to get Kaden and Alexis out of the room, but naturally Kaden refused and Tyler was in too much of a hurry to get his mate out to argue with the young Alpha.

Joe launched at Izabella when she tried to attack him and I watched as he wrestled with Izabella's wolf feeling my chest tighten as I thought about her getting hurt. When she suddenly let out a loud, pained howl, I automatically clenched my fist thinking he had hurt her as my wolf got ready to fight. He must have thought the same because he instantly let her go, but she was playing him and before any of us realised she was faking injury, she launched up and sunk her teeth into Joe's neck. I stared stunned at the fact that she just went straight for the kill, I was not expecting her to try to kill her uncle.

"Alpha!" Ben shouted as I stepped forward to help but I froze when an ear-piercing shot went off. My eyes widened as Izabella's wolf cried out before and consumed me. Where had that bastard got another gun?! And it wasn't even a dart gun! He literally shot her! I launched at him and slammed my fist into his face. He fell back but I kept at it, jumping onto him as I punched him repeatedly not even caring when I saw so much blood streaming from his face that my fists were completely coated in it.

"Sean! Stop! Calm her down! You're the only one her wolf will listen to! She will not try to hurt her mate!" I heard Wayne. I punched the guy one last time before I turned to see Kaden slam Izabella's wolf away from him, but she was persistent and got right back up, even with the bullet in her leg.

"Move!" I shouted at Kaden as Izabella launched towards him, I dove and caught her in mid-air before we went rolling on the ground. I wrapped my arms around her trying not to hurt her injured leg as she tried to fight out of it, but holding her tightly enough for her not to break loose while she swung her head around trying to bite me. "Calm down." I whispered. She growled and then let out a whimper, "Shh, shh. Calm down... Shift back." I said. She growled defiantly, ‘Please? You'll shift again. I'll shift with you. I promise. Calm down and shift so we can get the bullet out of your arm.’ I linked to her. I felt her relax slightly in my arms as I stroked her fur softly but did not let her go in case she was tricking us again. Her fur was soft. That must have been a benefit of never shifting. She gave a soft, sad whimper that made my heart clench, "I promise, Babe. Shift." I smirked. If Izabella could hear me, she was going to kill me as soon as they shifted.

I felt her relax completely in my arms and begin to shift but I knew what was coming so I quickly pulled off my shirt and held it over her as she sifted. I watched as she shifted and quickly tugged my shirt onto her once she was nearly back in her human form and before I knew it, Izabella was lying on the floor in front of me unconscious. I bit my lip reaching to pull the shirt as low as it could go over her thighs. It had always been weird to me that when she shifted back she could not stay awake, maybe shifting was just that exhausting.

"Shit, my neck. She sure can bite." Joe stretched his already-healed neck. I chuckled pushing Izabella's mess of brown hair from her face. It was the first time I had ever touched her face, her cheek was soft and slightly chubby. I kind of wanted to squeeze it, but it would have been really weird with everyone watching me.

"Why is she unconscious?" Kaden asked.

"It's exhausting to shift if you haven't done so in over four years." Joe said.

"How do you know she hasn't shifted in four years?" I looked at him.

"She's my niece. You think I'll dump her at some pack and never check on her? Her father's ghost would kill me if I did that." Joe said. I chuckled but tensed when one of the men I didn't know stepped closer to Izabella and clenched my teeth getting ready to shift, "Relax, Sean. He's one of our pack's best doctors. Go ahead, Nathaniel." Joe said.

I watched at Nathaniel knelt down and handled her arm gently, there was blood all over her arm. The wound wasn't healing. That was weird, usually the skin would just heal around something and we would have to reopen it to take it out.

"It's pretty deep... Why… isn’t she healing…?" He muttered before gasping.

"What is it?" I asked, alarmed.

"Wayne, my bag, quickly." He said ignoring me and that only made me more worried but I figured he needed to move fast for whatever reason.

"Why? What is it?" Joe sounded as anxious as I felt as they handed him the bag and he rampaged through it.

"It's a platinum bullet. He shot her with a fucking platinum bullet." Nathaniel said pulling on his gloves.

My eyes shot to him shocked. Is he serious? I turned as I got up ready to murder Ben, but Joe and I both gasped when our eyes fell on the spot where he had been lying after I beat him until he lost consciousness. He was gone.

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