
Chapter 1

Alyssa glanced at the door in front of her. Her curvy body was surveying the area. This was part of the deal that she had to fulfill when it came to her scholarship. She got a scholarship to one of the most prominent schools in the nation, in a field that she never thought that she would get to get into. To her, it was a miracle, but of course, with every good thing out there, there was always a catch.

She knew what she was getting into the moment she agreed to the demands in that office. She sat with the head of Financial Aid, and the woman said that all of the scholarship money would be hers, but she needed to also do a bit of interning as well. She planned to go into sports medicine as an athletic surgeon, one who would be able to help with sports injuries, so the woman said that she would need some time interning with the sports teams. She chose the football team, mainly because she got a glimpse of them practicing the other day, and holy hell, were they hot.

She blushed, realizing that her dream would be coming true. Alyssa would be able to help the coach, get the scholarship that she needed, and then she would be able to work under a coach and some attractive players. They were all big, and muscular, and they all seemed determined to help their team win. She wanted to be a part of that, and that’s her reasoning for doing what she did.

That was why she was in front of this office, and with a trepid sigh, she knocked on the door. She hoped that the coach wouldn’t be too mean or anything, and she hoped more than anything they would be cool with her. She wasn’t the fittest person in the world, but she tried her best to make sure that she stayed in some sort of shape. She did run a couple of times a week and was working to lose the bit of pudge that the freshman 15 had caused her to gain.

“Hello there,” the man said.

She felt the record needle scratch in her mind the moment that she saw him. Holy hell, he was as attractive as the players. He was but a few years older than her, not some crusty old man that she was expecting. He had brown hair, blue eyes, and a smile that seemed to resonate all over the place.

“You must be Alyssa Smith. I’m Jackson, welcome to the team,” he said, extending his hand.

“Thank you. I’m surprised about this already. I was expecting some old dude to be leading the team,” she told him.

“Well, I’m not just a pretty face, my dear, I know exactly what I’m doing,” he told her.

She blushed, realizing that this man was already flirting with her. She thought that it was different, that’s for sure, but the man was nice, and she could see this as a certain benefit in a sense. It was better than being paired with some guy who would rather die than be here.

“So, what do you want me to do?” she asked him.

“Well, I don’t know if they explained anything to you, but I know that our goal is to make sure that we have our team all squared away and ready to win. Your job is to assist me with that. You’ll also be the nurse on-site in case they get any minor injuries. I have you in charge of taping and getting any minor items for minor sorts of complications. Anything major will be sent to the official nurse and sports trainer of the school, but so far the guys know not to fuck around, so I’m sure that you won’t have to worry much about that. I’m glad to have you. It’s kind of nice to have someone training under my wing, especially a cutie like you,” he said with a purr.

That made Alyssa blush. This man was already making her feel even more confused about what to feel, and it was something that she liked in a sense.

“Well, I’m glad that you’re happy to have me here. I’m glad to be here.

This isn’t what I was expecting in terms of an internship this year, but this is something that I’ll take,” she admitted.

“I’m glad. I’m glad that you’re enjoying this already. I’m enjoying it too, and I can assure you now that you’ll learn a lot about football by the end of this. Do you know much about it?” he asked.

“Kind of. It’s a sport that I’m not super familiar with, but it’s a lot better than my knowledge of basketball. I don’t know shit about that,” she admitted.

“Well, I’m glad that you’re not helping the basketball team then, and you’re helping me instead,” he joked.

“Totally. So when is practice?” she asked.

“In about an hour, but let me show you around and show you where everything is,” he told her.

“Okay,” she replied, blushing as Jackson brushed against her. She was sure that he did it on purpose, but she was trying her best to keep her body calm as she walked with him to the locker rooms that would be provided for her.

There were locker rooms for people who weren’t playing, and she put her stuff there. He then showed her where the water was, where the medical kits were, and even the separate classroom for plays and power points. She felt like she was going to accomplish a lot with this, and she felt like working with Jackson was a dream come true.

A part of her wondered what the catch was, but maybe there wasn’t anything. Overall, Alyssa was ready for action, and she was ready for whatever it was that was about to come her way. She was anticipating quite the time, but little did she know that she was about to get the surprise of her life with all of the attractive players that she would be around.

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