Chapter 4
Rosemary's POV
Mal looks EXTREMELY nervous. I kept telling him that it was going to be okay. He's starting to look like he has to throw up.
There's no way that was the only thing he was going to say.
There must be more to this.
Maybe Noah and Adrian know something I don't.
I'm sure I'll find out eventually.
"Would it be okay if you brought me to school in the morning? I don't like walking alone."
"Oh. I don't walk to school anymore. I haven't done that in years. My mom drives me. I'm sure it'll be fine if we pick you up."
Noah covered his mouth and started whispering into Mal's ear. Malakai smacked the back of Noah's head.
"Why the hell do you keep doing that?"
"Well maybe if you stopped saying shit then I'd stop! Isn't your dad supposed to be here by now?"
"He's running late I guess."
"There he is!"
Mal got behind Noah and started pushing him out of my house.
"I'm going! I'm going!"
"I should get going too. I'll see you tomorrow."
"Bye guys!"
"I'll see you at 7:30!"
They walked out the front door and my brother locked it.
"Uh oh. Somebody's blushing. Which one is it?"
"Huh? Oh! Nobody!"
"It's still HIM isn't it?"
"I knew it! I knew it!"
"What? How?"
"I'm not blind! I see how you look at him!"
"It's that obvious?"
"To me yes. To him probably not."
"What do I do?"
"Tell him."
"Bedsides that! No!"
"You really should tell him."
"I-what if he doesn't feel the same way?"
"You're not seeing my point."
"You're trying to make a point?"
"Never mind. I'm going to look for a job tomorrow so I'll probably be back late."
"Okay. I'm going to go eat then go shower."
I ate something quick then brushed my teeth. After I did that I got in the shower.
I can't stop thinking about him.
Why am I like this?
When I was done showering I got ready for bed.
It feels so weird being back here.
I hope nothing between the seven of us doesn't change.
I mean if I do tell him it might change.
Maybe Adrian is right.
Maybe I should tell him.
I'm worried he won't feel the same.
I'm overthinking it.
Just go to bed Rose.
I closed my eyes.
"Rose! Are you okay?"
"Huh? Yeah I'm fine."
We swung back and forth on the swings while we talked.
Why does this seem familiar?
We started kissing then I heard ringing. I woke up.
Those dreams are back.
It's always the same dream.
Just us sitting on the swings talking.
But the kissing part was new.
I got up and started getting ready for school. I got dressed then stood in front of my mirror. I don't remember the last time I looked this happy.
"Rose! Mal's here!"
I grabbed my bag then walked downstairs.
"Morning. It's too early for this. Why can't we start school at like 10?"
"Then we'd get out of school at like 5 instead of 2:53."
"Wait. We get out of school at 2:53?!"
"Yeah. We start at like 8:15. It's better if we get there now so you can get a mini tour or something."
We got in the car and Ruby started driving.
That's it?
"That's not a good color."
"Thank you! Somebody else agrees!"
"Can you show me how to use a phone? I completely forgot."
After I got my schedule Mal showed me around the school.
"If you get lost then ask for help. Jack's in your first class. Noah and Blake are in your second and third classes. Harry is in your fourth class. You're with me and Leon for the rest of the day after that. You're with all of us at lunch. We sit in the middle of the left side of the cafeteria. I'll see you then. My class is on the other side of the building so I need to run. Bye!"
"Bye Mally!"
He started running.
"Morning Holland."
"Hey Martinez."
"Got a idea on where to go?"
"Not really. I'll get it eventually though. Why did Mal have to run to his class?"
"He has Miss.Ford. She scares him. He used to be late to her class but she started saying he'd get detention if he wasn't on time."
"I have her next period."
"You and Harry can suffer together. She also doesn't like any of us. The six of us are not allowed to be in her class at the same time anymore. Try to stay on her good side. You do not want to piss her off."
"Shit. She's here."
"Leslie Casey. She's OBSESSED with Kai."
Someone else is obsessed with him?
Maybe I should tell him.
"noah she cannot have him!"
"why do you care? are you telling me what i think you are?"
"yes now keep your mouth shut. the only ones who know are you and my brother. you need to keep this to yourself."
"you should tell him."
"i know i should fucking tell him. i just don't know how."
"then just tell her to back off."
"i doubt she'll listen to me."
"Hey Leslie?"
"Is he doing a sport this year?"
"No. Every year you ask this and it's always "no" he doesn't like playing sports."
"I saw you got him to go to homecoming."
"No he won't be going to prom. Don't bother."
Does she not see me?
I cleared my throat.
"Oh hello! Who are you?"
"I'm Rosemary."
"Are you new? I've never seen you before."
"I'm new."
"Is she your girlfriend Noah?"
"No. She's just a friend. She's part of our group."
"So you're friends with Malakai too?"
"Yeah. I've known him I think all my life. You don't know me since I moved when I was 10. I moved back over the weekend."
"Can you put in a good word for me?"
"No. I don't know you and I don't play Cupid."
"Come on please!"
"No I'm sorry. That's not what I do."
"Then DON'T get in my way!"
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
"Noah are you hearing this too?"
"Yeah. I am."
"He's not going to like the fact you're telling his friend to stay out of your way."
"Well I don't care. He's mine."
Did she seriously just say that?
"He's not yours. He doesn't even like you."
"You don't know that!"
"He's told me this. I know who he likes."
"I don't believe you!"
"Ask him for yourself. Don't you see him next period?"
"Yeah. I'm too scared to talk to him."
"Oh well."
"Why do you like him?"
"Um hello! Have you seen him?! He's fucking hot!"
"You only like him because he's hot? You've never had an actual conversation with him?"
"Not exactly."
"He seems nice though!"
"I'd still back off if I were you."
Right after I said that she slapped me.
"What the hell?!"
"Leslie! Go to the office! Noah take her to the nurse then the office. Class didn't start so don't take a pass. Just have them write one for you when you're done."
"That's not the way to the nurse!"
"I'm aware Leslie! We're going to find Malakai!"
"What?! Oh no! Please don't tell him!"
"He told all of us if someone messed with Rose to let him know right away."
"Please don't tell him!"
"You just ruined any possible chance you had with him!"
"Is his teacher going to get mad at us for going to get him?"
"I don't care. I know he won't care either."
"He really doesn't like her?"
"Hell no! He likes someone MUCH better. I'm not allowed to say who she is. If they're not waiting outside then she let them in."
When we got to his classroom Noah knocked on the door before he walked in.
"Yes Noah?"
"Can I borrow Mal for a bit?"
"I'm supposed to tell him if something happens to our friend."
"There's another one of you?!"
"Don't worry. She's not like us."
"Is Rose okay?"
"No. Leslie slapped her."
"I'll let him go. I think we all know how I hate when students fight. The bell hasn't rung yet. Just go."
He grabbed his stuff and walked out of the classroom.
"What happened?"
"Rose told her to back off."
"Don't tell me she's still obsessed with me."
"She is."
We started walking to the nurse's office.
I guess I shouldn't talk to anyone.
"Did Rose hit her back?"
"Are you okay?"
I shook my head. After I was given an ice pack we went to the office. Leslie walked out as soon as we got there. I hid behind Mal.
"Malakai I'm so sorry!"
"Stay away from her."
"I-I will!"
After they talked to Noah they talked to me. At lunch I sat in the middle of Malakai and Leon.
"Rose? Why aren't you talking?"
I didn't answer. I saw Leslie walking towards us and I hid under the table.
"What the hell?"
Mal put his hand underneath the table to help me get up.
"I got it. You're scared you'll get hit again for talking."
"Just because one person slapped you doesn't mean everyone will."
"You've got us in your classes."
"No one will mess with you."
"Especially if you stick by Kai."
"Yeah he's the scariest out of all of us."
"I am?"
"At least I think you are."
"You kinda are."
"How? I don't even do anything."
"You're REALLY protective."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
"Remember Cash Blancher?"
"Not really."
"You went off on him after he tripped me."
"I do remember that."
So as long as I have him I'll be fine.
"You've got nothing to worry about."
"Uh actually she does."
"Why would you tell her that Jack?"
"We should warn her."
"Warn me about who?"
"Might as well tell her now since you brought him up."
"David Dax."
"He thinks that since plays soccer he's hot shit."
"If he wants you then run."
"He tends to permanently damage someone."
"What do you mean?"
"If you're apart of a club or sport he tears you down and makes you quit."
"He convinces them that they're worthless."
"A few people have actually ended up in the psych ward."
"He's that bad?"
"He's the tallest in school so no one messes with him."
"I mean. If I had to I'd mess with him. Why are you guys staring at me like that?"
"You're stupid."
"You're REALLY stupid."
"Do you want to die?"
"He doesn't scare me."
"He's 6'4 and you're 5'11..."
"Okay so?"
"He's taller."
"Okay and?"
"How are you not scared of him?"
"He's all bark and no bite."
"Uhh he's walking over here."
"Hi McCartney."
"Hi Dax. Do you need something?"
"Normally nothing from you."
He walked to the other side of the table then sat down next to Noah.
"You must be the pretty new girl."
Somebody's observant.
"What's your name?"
"Ask your brother."
Mal started trying not to laugh while he was drinking.
"I didn't have a brother."
"Then ask your sister."
Mal did a spit take then started coughing.
"That wasn't even funny Mal."
"It was to me okay?!"
"Stop playing. What's your name?"
"You're never going to find out."
"Beck what's her name?"
"If she doesn't want you to know then I'm not telling you."
"Baker 1!"
"Baker 2!"
"Go away."
"Has anyone told you how annoying you are?"
"Mal can you show me how to use a phone now?"
"Once he leaves yeah. Do you want to see if you remember how to use it?"
"Can I?"
He took his phone out of his bag and unlocked it. When he handed it to me I started remembering how to use a phone.
I think I was almost 11 the last time I used a phone.
"Hello? Rosemary?"
"I heard my name. Who said it? Oh. You're still here. What now?"
"What time do you want me to pick you up?"
"Excuse me?"
"This is normally the part where I ask you out and you say "yes"."
"Well it's gonna be a "no" from me. Bye bye!"
"You heard me. No. You're not going to be the person who takes me on my first date. And you're not gonna be my first boyfriend. So you can go now."
"You're new. You're gonna need someone to protect you."
"Dumbass I have six people that can protect me."
"I could be the seventh."
"You don't know when to quit."
I gave Mal his phone back. David got up and walked behind me. He grabbed my arm.
"Hey! Get off her!"
"I want to talk to her!"
"Well I don't want to talk to you! Back off!"
He pushed Leon and Malakai away then grabbed my other arm. He made me stand up.
"Get off me!"
"I suggest you reconsider."
"I suggest you get the hell away from me!"
This is NOT how I thought my first day at this school would go. The boys got up and started trying to pull him off me.
"You don't put your hands on a girl David!"
First Leslie now this?!
"Get off her!"
"Let her go!"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!"
Malakai got behind me and started pulling my arms away from David.
I haven't even been here for a week and I already hate it here.
"Answer this. If they weren't here would you say the same thing?"
"Yes! I don't like people like you! Get off!"
I'm starting to panic.
"It's okay. LET HER GO DAMNIT!"
Harrison jumped on David's back and put him in a sleeper hold.
"In about five seconds I'm punching you!"
I can't breathe!
I'm shaking!
"Last chance."
"It's still a fucking NO!"
His grip keeps getting tighter.
Malakai's POV
"Let go!"
"Guys! Get him off me!"
"We're trying!"
"I think I got it now. One of you want her."
That'd be me.
"Back off!"
"How is he not passing out?!"
More people started helping us get him to let her go.
"What's going on here?"
"David! What are you doing?!"
"Nobody rejects me!"
"Please let me go! You're hurting me!"
I'm gonna kill him.
I feel her shaking.
"I swear if you don't get off her you're losing your arms."
He pulled her closer to him. I pulled her back towards me.
"AH! My wrist! You're hurting me! Stop! GUYS HELP!"
"Let her go man!"
"I bet you're starting to regret rejecting me!"
She's starting to fall to her knees. I wrapped one of my arms around her waist to try to help her stay standing.
"I wanna go home! Please let go! MY WRIST! MY WRIST! KAI GET HIM OFF!"
"I'm trying!"
"You gotta try harder than that McCartney."
"You guys don't scare me."
"You're crushing my wrist!"
"If you don't let her go I'm fuckin' punching you!"
Rose let out a blood curdling scream. There was a snapping sound.
I went to punch him then he let her go. She turned around to face me. She showed me her wrist.
"Oh my god. Rosey... Don't try to move it."
"It hurts Mally!"
"I'm sorry."
"What happened?"
"I think he broke her wrist."
"Sit down and don't move. Somebody get the nurse!"
I remembered that the first aid kit was in the cafeteria so I ran to get it. I ran back and put it on the table then opened it. I went through my bag and grabbed a tennis ball that I had to hide from my dog.
"Here hold this. Don't hold it too tight."
"What are you doing?"
"I watch too many medical shows. I'm just doing what I saw on there."
I put pieces of cloth between her fingers. I grabbed the gauze that was in there and started wrapping it around her wrist. I opened bandaids and used them to keep everything in place.
"If your fingers start to change colors I need to know. Did one of you call Adrian?"
"I texted him. He's on the way."
I grabbed my gym shirt out of my bag.
"This is probably gonna hurt. I'm sorry."
I tried making a sling out of my shirt. I pressed our foreheads together and tried to get her to calm down.
"Malakai it hurts!"
"I know. I know."
"You're going to be alone forever David."
I stood up and saw the guys had David pinned up against the wall. Rose wrapped her good arm around my waist. I cradled her head with one hand and rubbed her back with the other. Her grip on my shirt was so tight I thought she was going to rip it. I turned my head so I could keep an eye on David. The teachers that were in the cafeteria with us were in shock. Along with the other students.
"I should've said "yes" I should have said it!"
"Don't start blaming yourself. He's just an asshole."
"But he broke my wrist!"
*Phone Call with Mom*
"Mom? I need you to sign me out for today."
"What's wrong?"
"Fucking David Dax broke Rose's wrist."
"Is she okay?"
"No. Can you call Hailey? Adrian already knows."
"Okay. I'll be there in 5 minutes."
*End of Phone Call*
"Please tell me somebody called for help and you aren't just standing there."
"We were supposed to call someone?"
"Are you kidding me?! Of course you were supposed to call someone! We need cops and an ambulance!"
He's dead.
He's so dead.
"My mom's here. Let's go."
I helped her get up then grabbed our stuff. We started walking to the front door.
"How bad is it?"
"I dunno. About time an ambulance shows up! I don't know if I'll be allowed to go with you. If I can't then I'll be right behind you. Okay?"
"I have to go alone?"
"You won't be alone. There'll be a cop in there with you."
When cops arrived everyone had to say what they saw. I was right. I wasn't allowed to go in the ambulance with Rose. We followed them there and we met Adrian there. Rose got sent to surgery because of how bad her wrist was broken. I called Jackson when school was over. I told him where we were and what was going on. When they got there she was being taken into a recovery room.
"I'll come tell you when she's awake."
"Okay thank you."
Adrian and Hailey walked away.
"So what happened with Dax?"
"They arrested him."
"He's basically digging his own grave."
"Wait he's admitting it?"
"Yes and no. The cameras in the cafeteria are doing most of the work."
"The fact they talked to literally everyone is also helping."
We all sat down and started waiting. I had my head in my hands. My legs are bouncing. I started bitting the inside of my mouth.
"Mal calm down. She'll be okay."
"I wanna kill him. I really want to."
"Don't do that. We don't have money to bail you out."
"I mean. I'd help you."
"Aren't you supposed to be avoiding fights Harry?"
"I am?"
"Yeah you are. Mom and dad are tired of getting calls about you beating someone up."
"Oh right. I remember now."
I started pacing around the waiting room.
"I'm going to tape you to the seat."
"I can't sit still!"
"Just let him be. You know how he gets."
After what seems like forever Adrian came back.
"She's awake. I'm not supposed to but all of you follow me."
He brought us to her room and we all went in. Her entire arm is in a cast.
"Thanks guys. They said if his grip was any tighter my other wrist would've broken too. Does he have a thing with left hands?"
"We honestly have no idea."
"Excuse me? How did all of you get in here?"
"We wanted to see if she was okay."
"Before I kick you out who was the one who made the splint and used a shirt as a sling?"
"That would be me."
"Nice job."
"Thanks. I honestly just tried something I saw on tv."
"What happened to Leslie?"
"She got suspended for six weeks"
As the months went by she started getting better. She was doing physical therapy a few times a week. David got sentenced to 14 months in prison.Thankfully this means he'll be out of our way for a while. Rose still struggled with doing some things. She mostly struggled with picking things up and holding them. She was scared to move her hand. She kept thinking she would injure herself again if she kept moving it.
"How do you feel?"
"I'm getting better. I'm almost done with PT."
"That's good. I'm glad you're feeling better."
"Me too. It does feel weird having my cast off. I wanted to keep it but I wasn't allowed to."
"Why would you keep it?"
"I dunno. I still have to be careful about putting too much pressure on it."
I handed her a water bottle and she held it for a few seconds before it fell out of her hand.
"That's getting better too. Normally you would have dropped it right away."