


How could that get out of my dumb mouth? I wanted to live, didn't I? Why then was I throwing everything down the drain? I chanced a look in his eyes to weigh his reaction. My words probably hit his ego hard. My mind played a million ways this scenario would play out but the dominant outcome was I either ended up dead or fucked. When you put those awful odds together, it did not seem that difficult to confess that some part of your fucked up brain wanted to see your captor naked. He looked awfully calm but beneath that facade, I could feel a rabid beast fighting its way through chains to make me take back those words. It was clear he did not believe me but he wanted me to admit it with my own lips and for my lies, he wanted to punish me. His thoughts revealed that much.

"Fascinating," He drawled, inching forward to wipe some sauce off my lips. "I have to say, that is a first." He continued, putting the sauce to his mouth and as much as I hated to admit it, the act made me shiver in all the right places. "I guess I have to be on my best behavior if my looks aren't going to do it. Till then be a good little girl and you have nothing to fear from me."

It took a lot for me not to scoff at his kindness. A monster I believed only existed in fairytales and with the ability to read my every passing thought fell for my lie? I doubted even a fragment of that could be possible. He was on to something. But as he had warned, I had to be on my best behavior so I did the only rational response.

"Thank you so much, Alpha."

I wondered if he could sense how much that title of his made my stomach twist. Perhaps he did not even care. Nothing made sense with this man and the fact that I was saying this out loud in my thoughts with him in it confirmed my thoughts that I was dealing with a wild card. Or was it all in my head? Was the mind-reading stuff a thing they did with their recent toys?

As my mind sunk deeper into the wormhole of baseless ideas and paranoia, there was a knock on the door. Before Jason could get up to open it, It flung open by itself and a black cat trudged in.

"Hey," The intruder waved at me.

I didn't return his gesture. It felt weird to do so. Did he even know what I was going through at the moment? He looked nice but who was I kidding? If he was of them, he surely was another psychopath waiting for the right moment to pounce. Pity.

Jason rushed to the open door and single-handedly pushed his mate outside. They began to speak in hushed tones but I kept my eyes on Zeus the whole time. His green eyes hissed madly at the sight of Luna sitting by my feet. Despite my condition, it almost made me laugh.

Jason retrieved a small nylon bag which I assumed contained my things from the kinder-looking man and slammed the door shut.

I looked up, faking a smile as he approached my side. A part of me wondered what that bit was for. He tossed the nylon to my side and I gave him a grateful smile owing to the fact that he did not dig through them before he gave it to me. His gaze remained on my cat. I could sense the judgment pouring out of those soulless eyes. Zeus noticed him staring, trotted up to me, stared at Luna with disgust clearly written on his face before bypassing me to sniff and rub up against Jason's legs. I know, disgusting and outright unacceptable. Of all the strange to happen, Jason picked him up and placed him in his lap, stroking his underbelly and giving me a smirk when he purred. The imagery!

"What is his name?" Jason asked.

"Zeus," I whispered.

He looked up, raising an eyebrow. "Why did you name him after a manwhore?"

I gave him a weak smile. "I didn't name her," I felt bile rise to my throat just thinking about it. I hated that I was being honest but it, however, did not stop me from continuing, "My brother did.

Jason frowned. Somehow he could sense there was a sad story behind my cat's name. My life was that pathetic I guess. Then, like our conversation was over, Jason glanced at the wall clock and spoke, "It is getting late. You should freshen up and go to bed before you exhaust yourself."

I did not need a repeat before I got to action. In mere minutes, I fled for the bathroom door and shut it from behind.

Finally, I was alone.


I let out a slow breath in front of the mirror. For some reason, the bastard outside was playing carry your throne by Jon Bellion. I ran here to feel safe for a moment behind the locked doors of the bathroom, but holding a pile of clothes beneath my arms and having to look at my horrible state, I knew safe was a fleeting memory. How was I to take a bath, brush my teeth and floss like nothing freaky was going on right now? I wanted nothing more than to scream for help and know that somebody cared enough to come help. Tears dropped carelessly off my cheeks and the awful truth dawned on me. Could she slip into my nightdress and get into bed with that man knowing I was seconds away from being violated.

My mind went back to the question he had asked about earlier, if I found him attractive. I did. My disgusting self found him to be A+

But it was wrong. I knew it was but it didn't blur the lines. Bonded... Was that what it was or was I really disgusting to find my kidnapper physically and sexually appealing on strangely high levels? I had many questions. None of which I had an answer to. What I did know was I had to keep fighting and screaming. I needed to plan my escape and run as far away as I could. Nigeria perhaps. But there was also the damning truth that I feared what he could do if I failed. I didn't want to die. I wasn't ready to. I didn't want to go before my time, before I could show what I planned to do with my messed-up life. It was easier to be his slave, in a mansion than run and wait to be gunned down in the streets or worse. Just remembering the fate of that man returned common sense into my empty skull. I was dealing with far dangerous people. Men who could morph into throat-slashing killing machines.

I did the little I could. Brushing, flossing, a warm bath, and several failed attempts to force the tiny window to freedom open. I remained seated on the edge of the tub after. I considered going outside to him. If I took too long in here, there was a decent chance he would get mad and maybe punish me in his twisted way. But I could not help it. I could not convince myself to leave the room. It was easier pretending all of this was a nightmare. It was easier praying he would forget my existence.

But the knock on the door burst that irrational thought. "Ola. Are you all right in there?"

A hysterical laugh left the back of my throat. This time, I did not care if he heard me. His question was hilarious and from his tone, I could tell he was serious. Was I alright? What felt fine in this kind of situation?

I washed my face of the tears and finally opened the door. Nothing prepared me for the sight that stood in front of me. Jason was right in front of the bathroom doors, wearing literally nothing but his signature smirk. I tried to avert my eyes from his dong but it was difficult to avoid if it kept rising. I found it difficult to breathe. He had promised. I had been a good girl! Why was he going back on his word now? I could imagine the horrible ways this was going to play out and death was beginning to feel like true peace. Still, I had to play dumb, I tried dodging his path and head for his bed in high hopes that he would get a hint. I needed some saving this time.

He blocked my way and playfully tilted his face in my direction. "Strip."

I forced myself to look at his face. "What?"

"I don't want you wearing that in my bed. I want you naked."

My heart had a heart attack. I took several steps backward. "E-excuse me? I-I thought you said..."

"I mentioned nothing about night clothes," He smirked again."Take it off."

His words were slow and animalistic... nearly like an animal who was ready to enjoy a worthy meal. If I obeyed him blindly and took it off, what would protect me from him?

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