Heather couldn't believe her eyes. Ben, the boy she had met today, was the wolf she had seen yesterday.
- Hide it! She screamed, pointing at her machine.
She looked away, which had wandered too long over the handsome blond's body. The girl heard a small, serious laugh.
- I can't. You see, I don't carry around my clothes when I'm a wolf.
Heather sighed and looked back at him. He had sat down so that his legs concealed his intimacy.
- Well... So you're a werewolf.
Ben raised an eyebrow. He seemed to refrain from throwing a remark at her. The girl was trying to put her ideas into place. She didn't really know how to react. What would happen now? Her family didn't hunt werewolves, but she felt uncomfortable.
- I shouldn't have transformed myself, confessed Ben. It makes things more complicated.
Heather nodded. Now she didn't know what to say or what to think.
- You... Are you alone?
Ben looked around, then nodded.
- No... I mean, are you a lone wolf?
- Looks like you did some research.
The girl blushed, then gave him a sheepish smile. He looked at her strangely.
- I know practically nothing about werewolves, she confessed. You're the first one I've met, by the way.
He mimed a bow with his arms.
- Nice to be your first.
He gave her a teasing wink. Heather felt her cheeks heat up again. His tone was a little... flirtatious, which had a way of making her feel uneasy.
- And to answer your question, I'm a Beta.
Heather nodded, not really knowing what that meant. He wasn't a pack leader, which meant he wouldn't be useful to his parents. The Alphas were the ones with the most information, because they, for the most part, ruled a lot of people.
- Where's your Alpha? she asked.
- He's out of town.
- He was your friend who had to leave, but who came to get you.
Ben nodded and the girl sighed. She would have liked to meet him. She wanted to learn more about wolves.
- He was with you when we first met?
- No. I was with another Beta.
The girl's throat constricted. The fact that he was with another pained her strangely. She shook her head, collected herself, not without calling herself an idiot.
- Why are you so interested in my Alpha? Do you like him ? You told me I was the prettiest, he was offended.
- I never said that !
She stood up, outraged. Ben did the same, not hiding his nudity in any way. His muscles rolled under his skin in a sexy way. Heather blushed and looked him straight in the eye, so as not to look away. The Beta moved forward until only inches separated their lips.
Heather opened her mouth, searching for something to say, but she couldn't make a sound out of it. Ben meanwhile, did not lose the north. He gave her a charming smile that shook the girl's heart. He seemed to notice, as his smile widened considerably. He then brought his mouth to her ear.
- Say it, he whispered.
The hunter's breath hitched. She couldn't put her thoughts in order anymore. The werewolf was driving her crazy, he knew it and he played it.
- Say it, that I'm the most beautiful, he smiled.
Heather regained her composure and pushed him away. He didn't move an eyelid, so she took a step back. He stared at her with his laughing blue eyes. He was handsome, that was undeniable, but there was no way he was winning. A wolf howl was heard. Ben froze and tensed. The moonlight molded to the shape of his muscles. The Beta's eyes turned bright yellow. His bones cracked, an eerie noise that Heather could have done without. Seconds later, the brown wolf Heather had seen earlier was facing her again.
The wolf gave him one last look before disappearing. Heather bit her lower lip. She couldn't understand what had happened. She had been totally bewitched by the werewolf, unable to control her thoughts or her actions. Ben unsettled her. Were all werewolves like this?
When Heather entered the classroom the next day, she took her seat again at the back of the room. A few seconds later, Ben was on her left, at the next table. He gave her a cheerful smile with a wave of his hand.
The girl replied with a small smile. The English teacher arrived and the lesson began. Heather was perfectly focused on the professor's explanations when a piece of paper arrived on her table. Startled, she looked around and met Ben's blue eyes encouraging her to read the note.
She unfolded the paper, shaking her head. Ben was adorable, way too hot for his liking, bordering on annoyed, but he was also still a kid.
"Say it, I'm the prettiest. I'm still waiting."
Heather snapped the paper shut, blushing. She remembered their closeness the night before, how she had been uneasy, but strangely attracted to the werewolf. Luckily she hadn't met her parents when she got home, because she could have competed with the tomatoes, concerning the redness of her cheeks.
She glared at Ben, who shrugged sheepishly. The lesson passed slowly for the young girl, exasperated by Ben's glances and his charming smiles which maddened her little human heart. When the bell finally rang, she put her things away and walked out of the room without further ado. She put some things in her locker. When she closed the metal door, she jumped. Ben was on her left, she hadn't heard him coming.
- Good God, Ben! You scared me !
- Sorry, that was not my intention.
She knew he wasn't lying and reassured him. He seemed somewhat agitated.
- Something is wrong ? she asked.
- I don't like when the Alpha is far away, he confessed. I feel a bit lost.
- Oh. It must be strange to feel that.
- What do you mean ?
- To need another to lead his life.
He frowned, seeming to think, then he shook his head.
- I never thought about it. I don't feel like a prisoner of my Alpha, quite the contrary.
- I did not say that as a criticism, she defended herself.
- I know. You're human, it's normal that you don't understand. I was born like that, the pack and the lead of an Alpha, that's what I've always known. But Aiden is a good Alpha. I'm really lucky to have him. He is a person that I respect enormously.
- You can hear it.
Ben gave her a questioning look. Heather leaned on her locker as she clutched her books to her chest.
- You can hear it in the intention of your voice. He's someone you love very much.
- Aiden was there for me when I needed him. I will give my life for him.
- Hope you don't have to!
The ringing ended their conversation. Together they took the path of their future course. Several girls turned around to literally stare at Ben's plump buttocks. This pissed off Heather.
- You still didn't tell me that I was the most beautiful.
- Oh seriously!
The Beta laughed and continued until they arrived in the classroom.