


The day was as hot as it was humid, with air so thick you could practically cut it with a knife. The people prayed for a sign of rain, but there wasn’t a cloud in sight. It’s funny how things like caring about the weather started to matter the older I got. At almost fourteen, I knew what a drought would do to our crops. It was announced that every pack member was to gather in the meeting hall. Pulling my gaze from the window, I turned to face the people as they made their way in.

I sat to the far left of my father, Alpha Eduard Biscoff of the Clear Mountain pack. He wore a white dress shirt tucked into his fitted black slacks. A red vest was fastened at the front and gold rings adorned his fingers. He had a full head of brown hair, where mine was curly, his was straight. The air pulsing with tension spoke volumes as he held his head as high as only a King could. His gray eyes glared at the pack members as they poured into the hall.

The only buffer between my father and myself was an empty seat directly to his left. My mother’s seat had been removed shortly after her death. Seeing it now by his side meant that it was designated for today’s guest or someone he intended to take as his luna. Nerves fluttered in my belly at the thought of him bringing in a new Luna one day. It had been years since my mother died, I shouldn’t be surprised if he would bring someone in. If someone was coming, it would have been announced. Making the chances of him having chosen someone as his Luna high.

What would that mean for his many parties he threw here?

Would he stop seeing the women in his Harem?

Had someone caught his eye?

Any male child she bore for him would become the heir of Clear Mountain pack. The thought of this new woman disliking me made me worry about my future here. I still had a few years until I was of age, if that was the case I would have to endure it.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves now. There has been no news or rumor of a new Luna. I would have heard something and I’m sure Ava would have said something. I must be imagining things. I decided not to assume and wait to see who our guest was.

His Beta, Alphonse, sat on his right, and Gamma Victoria next to him. They peered around the room in silence.

Something was happening today. I wasn’t sure what it was, but I knew that someone important was coming. I sat as straight as a rod in my seat. My shoulders tense, my hair intertwined into a thick braid that hung down my right shoulder. My silk gown with off-the-shoulder sleeves clung to my body, a silver wolf necklace adorned my neck, and the plunging corset left me feeling exposed. I didn’t have any voice in what I wore today, I was an item to be admired.

I fought the urge to fidget in my seat. I’ve been sitting still for a little over an hour in this mahogany carved chair. The thought of having to sit in this seat a moment longer was unbearable. The hall was almost filled at this point and I wondered how much longer I had to wait for our mysterious guest. The room was buzzing with conversations and excitement. It wasn’t often that the Alpha called them into the meeting hall. My people had gotten used to only being called to the courtyard for executions and the celebratory hall for father’s special parties.

“Daughter,” Alpha Eduard called from behind me. I turned to him.

“Yes, Father?” I asked obediently. When he knew he had my full attention, he continued.

“You will be on your best behavior today. I will not tolerate any attitude or rudeness from you. There is no room for anything less than your best. Prove that you have manners today. Do as you’re told and there won’t be a need for punishment. Do you understand what I’m saying to you, Adealine?” Father asked, even if his face never changed expression, the warning remained clear in his tone.

I understood what he was saying. He wanted me to act the role I’d been playing since I was a child. I was a doll, I was presented during meetings, parties, and gatherings as a trinket. I nodded, smiled, and catered to those with roles high enough to bide my time. Under his penetrating gaze, I had no other choice but to obey. I didn’t bother saying anything, staring back at him blankly. I nodded. Satisfied, he looked away.

How I wish I could run from here. My hand shakes as the thought of going to Shane crosses my mind. Over the years, he had become someone important to me. Somewhere over the past few years, Shane had become my friend. He’s become my… person. I’ve somehow managed to keep Shane hidden. No one inside this packhouse has seen us together. I stayed away from the kitchen. We only ever saw each other in my room. I’ve avoided arousing Ava’s suspicion and yet, there was something off about the way we interacted these days. She no longer sought me out, we didn’t spend time together during the day, and she didn’t speak a word to me during meals. It saddened me, but I chose to cling to Shane’s sleeves, and I loved it.

I enjoyed his company, the light conversation, and the way he looked at me. It was selfish, but I wanted to keep him a secret. I wanted to keep him all to myself. I didn’t want to share him with anyone. Shane was mine and he always would be. I muffled a gasp as I locked eyes with him at the end of the hall. He was seated in the very last row.

I turned away from his highness as he sat on his throne. I tried to block out my father and his follower’s presence, but failed to block out his conversation with his second and third in command. Looking out, I kept my eyes trained in front of me, just above the heads of the crowd.

The double doors of the hall slowly pushed open as the guest entered. Silence fell over the hall as Alpha Eduard rose to his feet. All eyes focused on my father, but not mine. I couldn’t look away from the bulking figure who emerged through the doors.

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