
Chapter 04


I was waiting outside the ice cream parlour for Jeremy and I had this feeling that someone was watching me, but when i looked around i didn't see anybody.

Jeremy comes out of the store and he must see the worried look on my face. "Lena, are you okay? Did something happen?"

Not wanting to worry him plus I'm not sure if somebody was actually watching me. "No, nothing happened, I'm fine just feeling tired."

"Oh, ok then lets get you home." He says still looking worried.

I feel bad for lying to him because I know he cleared his whole day just to be with me today.

"No, I don't want to go home yet, you cleared your whole day for me, i want to stay with you."

He smiles looks down at me and caresses my cheek. "Ok then how about we go to my place and I make us dinner and you can just put your feet up and relax. How does that sound?"

I put my arms around his neck and kiss him. "That sounds great."

So we walk down the street to where his car is parked, but I still can't shake the feeling that someone was watching me.

As we drive down the road the gravel road that leads to Jeremy's house, i can't wipe the smile of my face. Jeremy's house is amazing. Its an old Victorian home that he restored it sits on 10 acres of land, it has 10 bedrooms and indoor and outdoor pool, a hottub and the most amazing kitchen with all the appliances you can dream off.

But the reason why I love his home is because the backyard opens up to a private beach where you can just sit and relax and be alone with your thoughts. I spent a lot of time there after I lost Lyanna, it was the only place where i could quiet my mind. Where I felt at peace.

We finally get to the gate and Jeremy types in the code and he drives in and parks in the driveway and we both get down.

He comes around to my side. "Home sweet home."

We walk into the foyer and then the living room as I'm about to head into the kitchen he stops me. "Why don't you go out on something to watch and I'll bring you a glass of wine and you can just relax. I'll take care of dinner."

I smile at him. "Well if you insist." I walk back to the living room and put on the Kardashians. I know what you're thinking, really a reality show? But don't judge me they are my guilty pleasure. Just as I'm relaxing and getting ready to start watching Jeremy bring me my wine and tells me, "Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes."

I must have fallen asleep because i wake up to Jeremy tapping my arm telling me to wake up.

"Hey there she is, you must've been really tired."

"Yea, I must have. I'm sorry i dozed off."

"No worries, dinner is just ready."

I get up from the couch and stretch, then we both head to the dinning room. But when I walk in the whole place has been transformed. The lights have been dimmed, there are rose petals all over the floor and there are candles on the table with the dinner plates set for two.

Shocked, I turn around and stare at Jeremy. "What's the occasion."

He shakes his head, he looks nervous. "No occasion I just wanted to make you feel special. Now come lets eat before the food gets cold. He pulls out my chair for me and he sits down opposite me.

"The food looks great Jeremy." I'm not sure he even hears me. I sense his nervousness. The constant tap of his foot under the table is driving me to distraction, his hands clutching the napkin with a tight grip, turning his knuckles white. His smile is genuine, yet something’s off.

I put my hand untop his and he finally looks at me. "Jer is something wrong?"

"No on the contrary everything is great. I just have something to ask you."

"Ok, what is it?" Now I'm the one that's nervous.

“Lena, you’re the most amazing, beautiful, smart, talented woman I have ever met. This last five months with you has been nothing short of spectacular. I’ve been thinking a lot about us and where I want to be. I love you, Lena, but this isn’t enough for me…”

Wait a minute, is he about to break up with me?

“Lena, I want you in my life every day. I want you to be the first thing I see when I wake up, the last thing I see when I go to sleep, and between those moments, I want you with me in my dreams, and i know I'm not your mate but I promise to make you happy.”

Jeremy drags his chair out, standing before me. Confused, I wait on edge until he gets down on one knee, his eyes staring right into mine as a wave of panic hits my chest.

“Lena Hayes, will you marry me?”

Struggling to breathe, my heart begins beating unevenly. But then I stare into the eyes of the man who has only shown me love and kindness since the moment we met. He protects me when I need it the most, yet allows me my freedom and respects my boundaries, often encouraging me to go beyond my normal levels of comfort.

He loves me and only me.

I catch myself by surprise, throwing all caution to the wind as I open my mouth and say, “Yes.”

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