
The Questioning

Blue's POV

"Yes, werewolves," he said. "We are born werewolves because our parents are werewolves. We can't turn anyone by biting or casting curses or something like that."

"That means if the parents are werewolves, the child will be a werewolf as well?" I asked.

"Well, that's usually the case. But a werewolf and a human can also create a werewolf, though there are some factors to consider. The human has to be the werewolf's mate," he explained.

"Mate? Is it like some kind of goddess chooses a particular werewolf for a werewolf?"

"Yes, it's like that."

"Can two humans ever make a werewolf?"

"No. It's not possible," he said. "Anyway, so, when we turn eighteen, we find our mate."

"Ok," I said, puzzled as to why he had brought me here in the first place. He was twenty-four; he surely had a mate. Then why did he have to bring me here? "So, a werewolf can have a werewolf mate only, right?"

"Yes," he replied. It was clear now. He had a mate and he had brought me, God knew why. But what if his mate was dead? Then perhaps that was the reason he wanted to marry me.

But I was not his mate. He said that a werewolf and a human could make werewolf children as well. But then how did they do it if the human was not the werewolf's mate? There must be a reason. But did I want to be his mate? I guess time would tell.

"Then why am I here? I'm not your mate. You must have a mate, right? You're older than eighteen. You surely have found your mate," I said before I could stop myself.

"I'm the Alpha which means I'm the king of the werewolves. Since my father's death, I have been the king being the oldest son. And the kings have a chance to choose their mate. They can choose any mateless werewolf or even a human," he said.

"But why haven't you chosen someone before? I mean, why wait this long?"

"I waited for you to come to age," he replied.


"I told you I know you for a very long time. If I want to make you my mate, you need to be eighteen first to mark you. You'll be eighteen in two days, so I thought it was time."

"Mark me?"

"Mark you and make you my mate. You'll see how it works."

"What will happen if you mark me?"

"Then no one can take you away from me.

You'll be mine fully," he said. He pronounced the word 'mine' with too much force and determination which gave me the idea that no one could ever take something away from him if it was his.

"But why me? I'm just a human. You could have any werewolf as your mate. They are strong and more gorgeous as well," I said.

"But I don't want them. I want you."


"There are a lot of reasons, but the main reason is what you'll find out later. The reason is sweet, Blue," he said, smiling slightly.

The way he looked, he did not seem to be the person who would smile and talk friendly. It felt strange.

"Well, since you're the king..."

"You're going to be the Queen."

"I wasn't about to say that," I murmured while drooling over the prospect of becoming Queen. A queen and me? It seemed to be impossible. I was sure I would never be able to believe that until I truly became the Queen. "I was about to ask, as you're the King, then do you live in a castle or something like that?"

"Yes, I live in a castle. It's huge. You're going to love it."

"Is there Motte? I mean, an earthen mound with a flat top?"

"No. The castle is on plain land. A Motte and-bailey castle is a European fortification. Ours is not like that," he said.

His words made me believe that he, too, knew a lot about things. It made me happy in a way. At the very least, he would understand what I was saying, whereas the majority of people assumed I was insane because of everything I said.

"What about a gatehouse?"

"Yes, we have a gatehouse. It's important for security."


"Yes, our castle is surrounded by a moat. There is a bridge that leads inside. It's the only entrance. The moat is filled with water and makes it hard for invaders to try to enter," he said.

"You have a great hall, right?"

"Every castle has a great hall. Sometimes it's in a separate building. In that case, it's called a hall house. But ours is in the castle. That's where the dinner party for you will be held."

"For me?"

"When you will be the queen, we will invite other kings and queens here in our castle for dinner. It's tradition," he said.

"Oh, right," I said. It was weird to think of myself as a queen. "Can I ask you something?"

"Just ask me, Blue. You don't have to ask for my permission."

"Um... I'll turn eighteen in two days. Then when will...."

"Two days later. I don't want to waste any more time," he replied without letting me finish. He did that a lot. It gave me an odd feeling that he could read my mind.

"Oh ok."O

"Do you want to ask me anything else?"

"Well, there is another thing."

"Spill out."

"Are you marrying me only to have kids?" I blurted out and held my breath, without meeting his gaze.

"Look at me, Blue," he said, in an icy and calm voice.

I looked up at him, my lips slightly trembling as I tried to apologize. However, he pressed his finger to my lips, causing me to shudder even more.

"I'm marrying you because I want you to be my wife. Kids are not my concern at this time. My concern is you and that's all," he said calmly.

"Ok. That's all. I'll ask more when questions will come to my mind. Right now, it feels weird but somewhat clear."

"I expected you to ask about my werewolf."

"You will tell me?" I asked. I wanted to ask him a lot of questions about it, but I could not. I assumed it would be inappropriate or something. I felt strange asking him questions, especially after he said he was the king. I feared that he would be offended and punish me.

"If you want to know, I'll tell you."

"So you can turn into a wolf?"

"Werewolves can turn into a wolf. But as I'm the Alpha, I turn into a much more terrifying creature. It's still a wolf, but a lot bigger and different looking," he said.

"Will you show me?"

"I'm frightening."

"I don't care. I just want to see it. I mean, I've seen wolves before. I just want to see how much different you look from them."

"You saw wolves before?"

"Yes. Well, there was a wolf that was possibly shot by a hunter. I took it to the veterinarian. Because of that..."

I could not finish. The memory of being beaten up by Draven came back to me. I could not just tell him that. I would look weak.

He did not ask anything about it as well. I was grateful for it. Rather, he even had enough sense to change the subject.

"My wolf is quite tall. I'm tall as well, but he's massive. And it's black. Given the color of my fur on my hand, you might have

guessed." I gave a nod.

"So, one of these days, I'll show you what my wolf looks like. It's difficult to look at him because he's so terrifying. But you're brave, aren't you? I'm sure you are. I know you're not going to back down."

His words were soothing. Except for myself, no one has ever called me brave. It sounded strange, but it was also too good for my ears to bear.

"Are you ready to go to the castle then?" he asked.


He stood up and helped me to my feet. I noticed he was always holding my hand, and I was not at all bothered by it. In some ways, it felt good. It was as if his touch made me feel safe as if no one could ever hurt me if I was with him.

"Your family is there too, right?" I asked nervously.

"Yes. They are waiting for you."

"They know about me?"

"They do. Not only them, but the whole kingdom is waiting for you," he said.

"They are waiting for their Queen."

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