
Chapter 6: Can she not feel this?


I stepped out of the healing chamber and groaned inwardly. My mind was a mess, and I was going crazy.

After I found out Roxanne was my second chance mate, I quickly left the room. It came as a surprise to me. I never thought I’d be able to get a mate again, but here the moon goddess was blessing me with a second chance mate so soon.

As if it couldn’t become any more shocking, my second chance mate was Roxanne, my childhood best friend whom I had ordered out of the pack six years ago when I discovered Mia was my fated mate.

I was naive and scared that if Mia found out Roxanne and I had sex previously and had something going on, she would reject me, so being the jerk I was, I sent her out of the pack despite knowing she was an orphan and had nowhere to go.

I sighed. How could anyone forgive such wickedness? I didn’t even care to check up on her all these years. I was a self-absorbed jerk; my relationship with Whitney had also gone sore because of that, but I never even made any attempt to fix the relationship because, of course, I was Alpha.

A million and one things were circulating inside my mind. I had failed to apologize to her yesterday because I had to rush to my room to process the newfound information. I ruffled my hair in frustration. I had taken the low part by kidnapping her and forcing her to come back to the pack because Mia had cheated on me and rejected me, plus I also needed her help with my father’s treatment.

I noticed something was not right when we were in the room together, but I decided not to dwell on it; I just needed my father to be okay. It was important for me to find out what was going on with Roxanne. What was the deal behind her sudden change of behavior? Why was she acting so weird earlier? Or was it because my presence repels her? I shuddered at the thought of that.

As much as I didn’t want to think of the possibility, there wasn’t any explanation for it. And come to think of it, the mate bond was a powerful thing; I mean, I could barely restrain myself from slamming her to the door and thrusting deeply into her. I wanted to kiss her luscious lips one more time and sink my teeth into her delicate neck, claiming her as mine, so why was she acting like she was oblivious to the mate bond?

Was she pretending so she wouldn’t have anything to do with me? I mean, that was the only thing I could figure out. Since she was my second chance mate, I presume it must be easy to win her back. The mate bond was a really powerful thing, and I was sure we wouldn’t be able to stay away from each other for long.

First things first, I will make sure to apologize to her. I was on a mission to right my wrongs. I didn’t want her to hold on to the hurts and grudges from the past. I know it’s not going to be easy, but I am willing to try and make things right. I mean, if she didn’t think we could work, she would have rejected me as soon as she found out I was her mate, right?

I smiled to myself thinking about it. Thank God she didn’t reject me; I would win her back and ensure she didn’t return to mix with humans. A part of me was happy she didn’t go to another pack and just went ahead to mix with humans.

A feeling of jealousy crossed my mind at the possibility of another werewolf laying claims on her, and I fisted my hands into a tight ball.

Roxanne Roxanne Roxanne was all I could think about now; I needed to clear my head and balance my brain with my brawn. Being a successful Alpha was not a day job, and I needed to keep myself in check to be there for my people and be their leader.

I must have fallen deep into my thoughts, as I failed to notice that the waterfall in the residence was within reach. I decided to just walk over to the waterfall to relax my mind, and strolling would also give me enough time to ponder on the underlying issues.

As I headed closer to the waterfall, I saw a familiar figure. A lady was sitting close to the fall. Without using my enhanced smell or vision, I could tell it was Whitney. When did she get here? This was the first time I had seen her in six years. The last time I saw her was during my wedding ceremony.

I groaned at the thought of Mia's useless betrayal. Thanks to the moon goddess, I have a befitting mate now.

“Hello,” I muttered when I got to the waterfall.

Whitney raised her head to see who it was, and she scoffed when she saw me.

“You know, this is your Alpha standing before you, right?” I said I was trying to assert dominance.

She looked at me with disgust in her eyes and sneered at me. “I am quite aware that my Alpha is standing before me, and if you don’t mind, I was about to leave." She said this as she stood up and was about to leave when I held her back.

“We need to talk,” I said, looking at her intently, my face void of any emotion. I was serious and kept a stoic look.

“Talk about what exactly," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

“I am sorry about how our friendship ended; I am sorry for what I did to Roxanne; sending her out of the pack was inhumane on my part, and I take full responsibility for it,” I replied, heaving a sigh. I was not used to apologizing for anything, but I wanted to right my wrongs, and this was not such a bad step.

“You’re a joker, Damon, or should I say Alpha?” Whitney said. Her eyes were watering now, and her voice indicated brokenness.

I bit my lower lip and didn’t say anything; I just let my emotions subside, and after a while, she began to speak.

“You do not know the gravity of what you did; you do not know what you have missed out on in the last 6 years. I can understand you not wanting to be with her anymore since you found out my sister was your fated mate, being that the mate bond was such a powerful thing. But you sending her out of the pack was over limits. Do you know what she has gone through in the last 6 years? Do you have any idea how hard it must have been to survive the first few years on her own, especially in her condition? For the pain you put her through, I’ll never forgive you. You made me lose my best friend for 6 years; you don’t deserve forgiveness.” She said and started leaving.

I just sat down there speechless; I didn’t know what to say or do. What did she mean by her condition? Did Roxanne have any underlying health issues I didn’t know about? I had a lot of work to do if I wanted her forgiveness.

I was still deep. In my thoughts, when I heard someone call me, I looked up to see who it was and discovered it was Leo, my Beta.

"Alpha,” he called out with a worried expression.

“What is it? Did something happen?” I said carefully, watching the expression on his face, and he just nodded.

"Spill,” I commanded, and he obliged.

“I got information from a reliable source that the son of the Alpha of Darkwood is lurching around, and you know what that means—they're out of blood, Alpha,” Leo said with seriousness in his eyes.

I thanked him for the information, and he left to attend to other matters. What was going on? Why did the Alpha of Darkwoods son just spring from nowhere after going silent for 2 years now?

I needed to know what was going on; I had to be one step ahead.

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