
Chapter 3: Kidnapped

It has been a month since I got that letter from Damon. I had been expecting to get another letter from him again, but I didn’t hear from him again. It seems he gave up after his first trial, and I honestly couldn’t be more relieved.

I loved my life here. I had a man who loved me so much. My career was buzzing, and I wanted to be away from the pack. In my defense, he had chased me away from the pack like a common criminal.

I pondered how he was able to find me; what else did he know? Was he aware we had kids?

I sighed at my thoughts; it was of no use thinking about things like this. I was sure if Mia hadn’t cheated on him and rejected him or if his father was healthy, he wouldn’t have remembered me.

“Are you ready?” Kylian’s sweet, gruff voice sounded from behind me. He hugged me from behind, planting kisses on my neck.

“I just need to pack lunch for the kids and apply some light makeup.” I moved towards the lunch boxes I had previously brought out and started stuffing food inside them.

Kylian was sorting the rest of the meal and clearing the tables. “Is there any need to still add candy and cakes today? I already added some fruits, "he said.

I glanced over at him and smiled lightly.

“Now we’re all set." He raised his hands to give me a high five, and I just chuckled.

“Thank you, baby, you deserve a kiss,” I said and went ahead to kiss him.

“Don’t you think it’s time for us to get married, baby?” He said immediately we broke off the kiss.

My heart started beating immediately. I had been avoiding this conversation for a while now, and I was not ready to get married.

Aside from not being ready, I was scared because he didn’t know my real identity. I was living a life of lies with him, and he had done nothing but show me genuine love.

I couldn’t bring myself to think about what his reaction would be if he ever found out I was a werewolf; it would scare the shit out of him, and I was sure he'd be traumatized and abandon me.

Besides, the kids will turn eighteen someday, and they will meet their wolf. What would be his reaction knowing that the kids he had loved with everything in him were werewolves and not humans?

"Babe," he called, taking my hands into his. He settled his eyes on me, staring deeply into my eyes.

“Is there anything I lack, Roxanne? Why won’t you accept to marry me?”.

I sighed and closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. I didn’t even know what to say to him because I knew my hesitation had nothing to do with him.

"Kylian," I called, lovingly tightening my grip on his hands like I was afraid he'd run away.

“It’s not about you," I said, deciding to come out clean.

“Then what’s stopping you, milady? If it’s the kids, I could simply talk to them; they love me Roxanne, and they’ll understand.”

I shook my head and took a deep breath before blurting out, “This isn’t about the kids either; there are some things you need to know about me." Oh God, this was going to be hard.

“Then what is it? You should know you can tell me anything, right?”

“I…” I opened my mouth to tell him but immediately decided against it. What was I thinking? I would just tell him Kylian, I am a werewolf, and you've been wasting your love on me. If we get married, I’ll give you hybrid babies.

I didn’t want to scare him, and I didn’t want to lose him either. I enjoyed his company a lot; he was there for the kids and me. I had told him I was an orphan and grew up in the orphanage, so I wasn’t really worried about the fact I had no family.

“You what? Say something, baby,” he said with pleading eyes.

"It's nothing; I told you before that I don’t think I’m fit for love, and I don’t think I’ll make a good wife. I replied immediately, discarding my plans to tell him the truth.

“You’ll make a good wife, Roxanne; you’re fit for love because I love you, I cherish you, and you know that." He said, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me into his embrace.

“I accept your proposal; I’ll marry you; just please give me some more time." I stretched my fingers and played with his beard.

“I’ll wait for you,” he said.

I heaved a sigh of relief and kissed him immediately, and after a while, he released his grip on me.

“You should take the kids to school; I’ll go out to shop for some groceries.”

"Okay, Milady, your wish is my command,” Kylian said and bowed playfully, which made me giggle lightly and punch him playfully.

“I’ll see you later; let me quickly go to the supermarket,” I said, and he kissed my cheeks.

I entered my car and drove off. I kept thinking about my little discussion with Kylian. I had resolved within me that I would keep my identity a secret so we could be together. I found peace with him.

After driving for some time, I noticed a black car following me from my rearview. I brushed it off as me overthinking things, but I noticed the car kept following me.

To confirm my suspicions, I swirled the car around and drove off in another lane, and OH MY DAYS, I was right; I was being followed.

Who could be following me? I started sweating profusely and increased my speed. Whoever was in the black vehicle noticed the increase in my speed because he or she immediately started following my vehicle in hot pursuit.

I dialed Kylian’s number immediately. “Please pick up, please pick up." I cried silently, but it went to voicemail.

I couldn’t even use my powers; ever since I stopped hearing from my wolf, my powers had also seized; it seemed I was a wolf bane.

Before I knew what was happening, the black car stopped right in front of my car with a loud screeching sound.

Immediately I stepped down from my car and started running. There was no way they were going to catch up with me, but I was wrong, as the last thing I felt were strong arms pulling me, my nose covered with a handkerchief, and I passed out.


I woke up and felt pain all over my body. Where was I? My vision was still blurry, but in an instant, I remembered I was being chased by some men, and my eyes snapped open.

My kids! Kylian and the kids must be so worried. I hope they’re able to track my phone soon enough.

I looked around the room, and it was dark and cold.

"Hello," I said, my voice echoing through the walls of the room.

I didn’t get a response, so I bent my head, whimpering in tears. Who was after me?

Heaven knows I have lived a life free from troubles. What kind of situation was this? I continued crying, unable to stop the tears, and for the first time in 5 years, I prayed to the moon goddess to come to my aid.

After a while, the door to my room opened, and my mind wasn’t prepared for the next thing I heard.

“Roxanne”, Someone called out softly,

Wait a minute, my eyes dilated. That voice—there was no mistaking it. It belonged to only one person!!

I turned around and lifted my head, and there he was, standing tall in his black robe.

“Alpha Damon," I called out in shock.

He looked better than I remembered him and was looking every inch like the hot Alpha he was.

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