
Chapter 8 Charity Banquet (4) I'm in Love

Hannah met Oscar's gaze. Their eyes locked for a brief moment. Perhaps after a second passed, both of them looked away at the same time.

Oscar turned to the host and said, "Don't stop the deal!"

The host, still caught up in the excitement, quickly regained his composure. "30 million going once!"

"30 million going twice!"

"30 million for the third time!"

"Sold! Congratulations, Mr Wells!"

Applause filled the room. Amidst the gazes of everyone, Oscar went up on stage and took possession of the gemstone. The gemstone was housed in an exquisite glass jewelry box. Under the lights, it emitted a dazzling blue light, making many people unable to resist the urge to get a closer look. Many people noticed that Oscar walked up to Charles and Hannah.

Charles frowned. He thought Oscar was deliberately showing off. But unexpectedly, Oscar handed the gemstone directly to Hannah and said, "This is for you."

The whole room was stunned. They said Oscar was a prodigal who never played by the rules, and now they finally witnessed it. Hannah looked at Oscar.

"Don't you like it?" Oscar asked her, his tone carrying an indescribable hint of affection.

It stirred something within Hannah, leaving her momentarily speechless.

"Perhaps Hannah wouldn't..." Charles hadn't finished his sentence.

Oscar directly shoved the jewelry box into Hannah's hands.

She accepted it without refusal. Charles couldn't believe what he was seeing as he looked at Hannah.

"Mr Wells, since you insist on giving it to me, I can't possibly refuse." Hannah said.

Oscar smiled knowingly. That wicked smile could enchant any woman. He shifted his gaze and said to Charles, "This is what it means when they say, 'Love is not measured by money.'"

It was a clear mockery of the hypocritical words Charles had just spoken. Charles couldn't hide his anger.

"See you." Oscar said to Charles.

But Hannah felt like he was speaking to her. She watched Oscar's graceful departure. It had to be said, even though Oscar was a bit arrogant tonight, he truly fascinated women.

Was this how he won women over?

"When did Oscar become so handsome?" Susan, always straightforward, couldn't help but express her thoughts. Once she said it, Charles's expression became even more unpleasant. Hannah, however, smiled discreetly without leaving a trace. Charles always prided himself on being different from other heirs of prestigious families. He excelled academically, and he prided himself on being out of the ordinary, looking down on others. The outside world also held Charles in high regard, praising him as a rare genius in Northfield. His family background, knowledge, and abilities were so perfect that it made people question God's fairness.

Later, Hannah found out that all these reputation and praises were simply purchased by the Sawyers for Charles with money. He grew up under the shadow of his reputation, with a seemingly perfect path paved for him. And Charles believed it all to be his true abilities, truly thinking he was superior. Now, being compared to Oscar like this and losing left him feeling disgruntled.

Susan seemed to realize that she had said something untimely.

She said, "Hannah, it's getting late. I'll head back first."

Hannah nodded and said, "Take care on your way."


Susan left.

The charity gala came to an end, and people gradually left one by one. Charles swallowed all his displeasure and offered to drive Hannah home.

Hannah didn't initiate a conversation inside the car but casually glanced at the blue sapphire.

Charles remained silent, clearly still very upset. He could even imagine how the media would describe him tomorrow. The more he thought about it, the angrier Charles became as he looked at Hannah and said with a noticeably harsh tone, "How could you accept his gift?"

He actually held back what he wanted to continue— “How could you accept his gift? Didn’t you make me embarrassed?

Hannah replied, "It's almost my mother's birthday, and she really likes this blue sapphire. I planned to give it to her as a gift."

"Even so..."

"I wanted to buy it for myself," Hannah interrupted him, "but you stopped me."

Charles suddenly found himself speechless. At the time, he thought Hannah wanted him to pay for it. Hannah calmly continued, "I had already told my father before coming to the event that I wanted to buy this gem to surprise my mother. My dad agreed and didn't set a spending limit for me."

Charles seemed visibly embarrassed. After a while, he finally said, "I was also worried that Oscar would take advantage of you, so I tried to stop you."

Hannah didn't expose his lie. She said, "Since Oscar doesn't appreciate it, there's nothing wrong with me accepting it."

"The prodigal son of a bitch..."

"Charles, you've never insulted others before. Why have you changed?"

Charles was taken aback.

"It makes me feel like you're a stranger. I thought you couldn't say such things." Hannah appeared disappointed.

"He deliberately targeted me tonight that I got angry. If you don't like it, I won't say it anymore, okay?" Charles quickly explained。

Hannah nodded.

Initially filled with rage, Charles had to forcefully suppress his urge to vent due to a few words from Hannah.

“Doesn't he want to be a fake gentleman? Well, I allow you, you should play that role for the rest of your life.” Hannah thought to herself.

Charles drove her back to the Cooper Manor. As Hannah got out of the car and headed inside, she sounded that sudden voice again, which started her almost out of her skin

"Miss Cooper,"

She angrily looked towards the elegant man leaning against the wall under the streetlight, arms crossed.

"Is this how you always appear out of nowhere?" Hannah asked, not in the best mood.

"Isn't that how affairs are conducted?" he replied.

"Who said anything about an affair!" Hannah felt like she was about to lose all her manners in front of this man.

"I thought you wanted to elope with me because you was infatuated with my physicality."

"..." Could she just hit him with a stick?

"Since that's not the case, give me back the card." Oscar changed the subject.

Hannah took a deep breath, trying to remain calm, and said, "Wait here for a moment."

Oscar nodded slightly.

Hannah then went home to retrieve the card and returned it to Oscar. Oscar took the card and was about to leave.

Hannah called after him, "I'll transfer the money for the blue sapphire to you later."

"No need," Oscar said, "I won against Charles tonight, and I'm happy about that. I don't need those money."

If he didn't need the money, why did he chase after her for the card?!

"Goodnight, Miss Cooper." Oscar hopped into his flashy red sports car and left in style.

For some reason, there was always a feeling that the way Oscar presented himself was completely different from his true self.

Was it an illusion?!

No, it wasn't.

Oscar was always hiding his true self. And this man, who kept his true self concealed, was now driving while playfully looking at the card between his fingers. On his face, you could never tell what he was thinking.

He connected his Bluetooth. "Theodore,"

"Manuel has returned Northfield."


"I heard you spent 30 million on a blue sapphire tonight just to get a smile from the beauty?" Theodore couldn't help but gossip.

Oscar's lips curled up slightly. "Yeah, I'm in love."

"..." Theodore was shocked. He felt like he had just heard the biggest joke of his life. The man who always enjoyed being close to women was now telling him, like a shy boy, that he was in love.

Oh, come, on!

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