
Chapter 14 Embarrassing the Sawyers

After lunch, the Sawyers invited them to the garden for tea.

"Well, since we both families have a good relationship all these years, I won't beat around the bush." Lee spoke up only after the servants poured the tea.

"Of course, Lee, just say what's on your mind. We will follow your lead regarding Hannah and Charles's marriage."

"Then I won't hold back. The wedding is scheduled for next month, and we won't skimp on it. As two of the four strong powers in Kensbury, both our families should celebrate the union with grandeur. The arrangements and expenses for the wedding venue and banquet will be borne by our side, and all the gifts received will go to Hannah and Charles."

"Agreed." Miguel acknowledged.

Michelle chimed in as well.

"As for the betrothal gifts and dowry, let's not speculate on each other's demands. If you have any requests regarding the betrothal gifts, feel free to mention them, and we will try our best to fulfill them." Lee appeared genuinely sincere.

Miguel remarked, "Since you're taking care of the banquet, which is no small expense, and considering we have only one daughter, Hannah, who will inherit everything we have, we don't have any specific demands. Let's see if Hannah has any suggestions."

Hannah received the signal from her dad and quickly replied, "None at all. The wedding is about joy and happiness for everyone. I don't have any requirements."

"Do you have anything special you want? I can buy it for you, Hannah." Loretta Sawyer, Charles's mother, interjected.

Hannah glanced at Loretta. In her mind, all she could see were images of this woman pretending it was for her own good while forcing her to take medication and pressuring her to give birth to an heir for the Sawyer family. Only at her death did Hannah discover that the so-called medication was nothing but deceitful concoctions made from disgusting excrement. Every time she took it, she would suffer from vomiting and diarrhea for days. And she endured it for eight long years, all to bear a child for her beloved man.

"I only ever liked that sapphire, and now I already have it. I don't need anything else." Said Hannah. The mention of the sapphire was evidently a taboo for the Sawyer family. Uttering those words caused a noticeable change in their expressions. Fortunately, the Sawyers were skilled actors, swiftly brushing aside any unfavorable topics.

"Since that's the case, I won't take the liberty. After all, when Hannah marries Charles, we'll all be one big happy family. If there's anything you like, you can always come to me, Hannah." Loretta said.

"Thank you, Aunt Loretta."

"Then let's consider the betrothal gifts settled. As for the dowry, we don't have any specific requests. We only hope they will live a good life." Lee paused, seemingly burdened by something he found difficult to express. Letting out a deep sigh, he continued, "However, there is something I truly need assistance with now."

"Speak your mind, Lee." Said Miguel.

"During that period, the Sawyer Group has been working on an e-commerce project, and initially, there were no financial issues. However, our bank loan is due and has to be repaid. We face a funding shortage for this project. We planned to borrow more from the bank, but the bank was also facing some tight conditions and rejected us several times. So, I thought it would be better to seek a small favor from you, Miguel, instead of begging others. The Sawyer Group will belong to Charles, and now that Charles and Hannah are married, everything will belong to the two of them in the future. Though it’s difficult for me to ask you for help, but it just happens." Lee made a convincing argument.

In the last life, when the Sawyer family faced financial difficulties, the Cooper family had indeed provided strong support. Since Lee Sawyer had brought it out so bluntly, there was no reason to refuse.

Miguel glanced at Hannah, who nodded. Only then did Miguel say, "We're all family, we should help each other.How large the funding gap is for the Sawyer Group this time?"

"I made a preliminary estimate, and it's about 2 billion." Said Lee casually. It seemed like he considered it a small amount.

Of course, it wasn't that the Cooper family couldn't come up with the money, but this amount was not something they could easily spend.

"As far as I know, the e-commerce project of the Sawyer Group also requires 2 billion in funding. Are you not able to come up with a single penny, Uncle Lee?" Hannah asked.

Lee felt a bit embarrassed. He didn't expect Hannah to know about this project. Even more so, he didn't expect her to say it directly. The meaning behind her words was clear—the Cooper Group was investing in this project, while the Sawyer Group was empty-handed.

Everyone was a businessperson. No one could accept this kind of deal.

There was a moment of awkward silence. Charles quickly explained, "Sawyer Group's stock market plummeted, so we used a portion of the funds to fill the gap and balance the market."

"Oh, I see." Hannah replied. Others couldn't tell at all that she knew only a few tens of millions were needed to fill the Sawyer Group's stock market, which could be considered negligible compared to several billion.

Charles secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Hannah's expression. He thought Hannah understood a lot, but now it seemed that she had only heard rumors about this project. Hannah, a woman who was solely focused on marrying him and being a good wife and mother, couldn't possibly know much about business matters.

"Dad, since the Sawyer Group is facing difficulties in their investment project, we should help them." Hannah said to her father.

Charles smirked. He knew it, Hannah was still the same, a easily manipulated woman.

Miguel couldn't understand her daughter either. Now she was helping the Sawyers again. Although he had many doubts, he still nodded and said, "We're all one family now, we should lend a hand."

"In that case, Miguel, I appreciate your help. Of course, I won't borrow the money for free. Once the project becomes profitable, I'll repay you immediately." Lee quickly said, unable to contain her smile.

"But what if it ends up in losses?" Hannah suddenly asked, seemingly casually.

"We've conducted a comprehensive assessment of the project, there's no possibility of losses." Lee smiled nervously and replied.

"In business, you can never be certain," Hannah muttered, then turned to Charles with an innocent smile. "Isn't that right, Charles?"

"Yes, but we have thoroughly planned this project, so don't worry, it definitely won't incur any losses." Charles reassured gently.

"But if it does result in losses, then the 2 billion won't be repaid, right?" Hannah asked.

"How could that happen?" Lee quickly replied. "Sawyer doesn't rely solely on one project. Even if this project fails, there will be other sources of income. We will be able to repay the 2 billion."

"Well, since you insist on repaying, let's write up a loan agreement, Uncle Lee?" Hannah suggested with a faint smile as if they were discussing something trivial, rather than a matter that could hurt relationships.

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