
Chapter 3 You're Ethan Wright???

Ethan's POV

I came down from the airport putting on my shades. I'm finally back to the country, I had been gone for over seven years.

"Boss ". My driver and also right hand man, John walked up to me and bowed.

"Everything is ready your coming Sir ". He said and I nodded.

"Let's get going, it's getting dark and the wind is picking up". John rushed to the backseat to open the door for me and closed it back after I was seated.

" Boss, it would be faster if we followed the bridge". He advised and I gave him a goal ahead.

We were driving across the bridge when I saw a thin frail figure climbing onto the bridge's railing.

"Stop the car" . I ordered, and immediately got off rushing to met the said person.

The figure was just about jumping off the railing when I got to her, taking her thin body in my arms.

Looking down at her, my eyes widened in shock when I saw her face.

Rachel Andrews. Who also happens to be the main reason why I came back to the country.

What the hell did she just wanted to do? My heart skipped a beat realizing that if I had been even a second late I would've lost her forever.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, but she just stared at me.

Her gaze like a child who had lost everything. She kept her gaze on mine until her eyes slowly shut, then she lost consciousness.

"Rachel!" I called her but there was not reply.

"John! Start the engine".


I stared at Rachel's beautiful face as she slept. She looked so peaceful unlike someone that had just tried to commit suicide.

It was my fault and seriously, I didn't regret what I did.

Her eyes flicked open slowly, I panicked, standing up from my previous position which was beside the bed where she laid.

She sat up straight as soon as she saw me.

" Where... Where am I?" She questioned looking around in fright.

" You're in my house". I calmly answered walking away from the bed, even though I was anything but calm at the moment.

" You're house?" She repeated looking at me suspiciously.

" Who are you?"

So she didn't even remember me.

I scoffed trying to fight back the surge of emotions that rushed through me when she asked who I was.

" Your savior". I curtly replied walking away from her.

"Savior? Who said I needed saving? You should have just left me there". I heard her yell.

Then I heard shuffling noises.

"What are you trying to do?" I stopped her just in time before she could get down from the bed.

" Leaving your house". She answered shaking my hands off, but I wouldn't budge.

" I doubt you're in the right state of mind to do something like that".

" Let go of me". She struggled, trying to leave the bed.

" What is you're problem! Huh! You can't just stop me from leaving, or is this a kidnapping? " She yelled. Her tone told me she was beyond frustrated.

" It's not but you have to calm down Rachel". I said trying to calm her down.

She stopped for a moment then raised her eyes to mine.

What was she thinking?

If only I could read her mind to know what she was thinking.

"How do you know my name?" She asked glaring at me.

Then it was as if something clicked in her brain. She looked down and then at me, repeating the action a few times.

" You know me? From where? What do you want? " She asked all at the same time.

I looked at her amusedly.

What was going on in that head of her's?

Seeing my amused expression made her intensify her glare.

" If this is a kidnapping I promise you there would be no money, you just saw me trying to end my life and trust me when I say I would've been happily dead if it wasn't for you ". Rachel muttered in-between her clenched teeth.

I clenched my jaw tightly. Is this how much she wanted to end her life?

" Happily dead... Do you really think that there is something called happily dead?" She rolled her eyes murmuring an obviously.

I opened my mouth to speak when I heard a phone ring. Rachel looked around, my eyes caught her bag and I gave it to her.

She brought out her phone.

Fuck! I heard her murmur.

Who the hell could it be?

" Where the hell are you!!!" Despite how far I was from Rachel I could still hear the loud voice of the person from the other side of the phone.

Rachel stretched the hand that held the phone away from her ear wincing at the loudness of her grandfather's voice.

"Grandfather I..." Rachel tried to explain but the man wasn't giving her a chance.

"How dare you child! Why would you agree to divorce your husband!" The man shouted again.

Wow, that man had a loud voice, I could make out everything he said despite being so far away.

Wait a minute, was she divorced? Was that the reason she tried to kill herself?

" It was he who divorced me grandfather, after I caught him cheating". Rachel shouted back.

Her husband cheated on her?

My hands clenched to a fist

I knew she was married, who didn't? The beautiful and resplendent Rachel Andrews got married to her high school sweetheart, that bastard David Hart

Rachel went quiet, her grandfather was probably still talking. And by the look on her face, he was not saying what she wanted to hear.

The emotion on her face went from anger, to hurt in an instant.

" What should I do? Grandfather he cheated on me, David cheated on me". Rachel's eyes turned red as she sniffled.

My heart felt like it was being pulled.

I hate seeing her like this.

Her grandfather stopped shouting because I couldn't hear anything else he said. But whatever he said to her definitely hurt her because her lips trembled and she shut her eyes tightly to hold back her tears.

" No, I am not going to apologize to him, he should apologize to me". Rachel said defiantly shaking her head.

Does her family want her to apologize to a man who cheated on her?

"Arghh!" Rachel yelled throwing her phone on to a wall as soon as she was done with the call.

"What happened?" I came forward to ask.

She turned to me sharply, her glare made me take a step back.

" This... This is all your fault. If you had just let me die in peace I wouldn't be in this mess right now. Like seriously what the hell is your problem? Who in their right mind saves a stranger from committing suicide? ". She yelled.

She was almost at a point of breaking down but when I went towards her she pushed me away sharply.

" By now I would be dead, free from everything. From my failed marriage, from the disappointment my family feel toward me, from the hate I feel towards myself, from the betrayal of my best friend and my husband, everything would be all gone, but you... " She pointed at me poking me in the chest.

"... You just had to save me. Why would you save me? Who said I needed saving huh? Why? " She yelled and I suddenly lost control of my feelings.

" You are no stranger to me Rachel and I would save you over and over again no matter what the yell you put yourself through ".

My breathing stopped realizing what I had just said. I almost admitted my feelings for her.

Rachel raised her head up to look at me shocked by what I had just said.

"Who the yell are you?" She asked stepping back a few meters away from her.

I don't want her thinking I was a stalker or anything, for God sake I just came back to the country today.

It would be best if I just told her who I was, so I did.

" Ethan... Ethan Wright your favourite passtime". I answered with a hint of sarcasm.

She thought for a moment before her eyes widened in realization.

" No, you can't be, are you... goggle glasses Ethan?"

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