
Chapter 2


Jane knocked twice and waited for a response, leaning on her bag for support. It hadn’t been easy locating this place especially since it had been a long time she had been here. Abigail wasn’t picking up and she knew a hotel was out of the question not because she didn’t have money but because Abby wouldn’t hear of it. 

She raised her hand to knock again when the door burst open and her cousin Abigail’s form appeared at the doorway. 

“Hey cuz, I missed your call. I was in the kitchen.” She made a move to hug her and then paused when she spotted the bags close to Jane’s feet. “What’s this? Are you leaving town or what?” 

She frowned when Jane didn’t laugh at her joke and tugged her arm, pulling her inside before grabbing the bags. 

Half an hour later, Jane was sitting on the couch with a cup of hot cocoa in her hands. “Thanks for letting me stay here Abby, I can’t thank you enough.” 

Abigail Warren sighed and stretched her hand out to touch Jane’s shoulders. “I’m so sorry babe, I wish there was something I could do for you besides give you a roof over your head.”

Jane smiled but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. “I should go freshen up.” She rose to her feet and placed the cup on the centre table before turning to face Abby again. “I can’t thank you enough for helping me, Abby. I promise I won’t stay here for too long.” 

“No, you can stay for as long as you want.” Abigail insisted and Jane blew her a kiss before walking away. 


Later that day, Abigail walked into the guestroom and sighed when she saw Jane sprawled on the bed. “I think you should go out for a bit and get some air Jannie, you can’t remain stuck in this house forever. Don’t let that bastard keep you locked up forever.” 

Jane groaned and sighed. “I don’t want to.” 

Abby glared at her and stalked towards the bed with sure determined steps. “Jane Roberts Dreame, if you don’t...” she pulled the covers off her body and tossed it aside. “Get up, now!” 

Jane grunted and sat up, staring at Abby with sunken eyes. “I don’t feel like doing anything.” 

Abby nodded and sat on the bed. “I know sweetie but it’s not nice for you to stay cooped up in here when that bastard gets to enjoy his life.” 

Jane nodded. “You’re right.” She rose to her feet with a smile, the first real one since everything that happened that morning. “What should I wear and where would I even go?” 

Abby winked and stood up, walking towards her. “I can help you pick an outfit and I can also recommend a nice place too.” 

“Thank you so much for doing this Abby, I owe you plenty.” 


Half an hour later, Jane found herself in a bar and was on her second drink. She looked dejected and worn out, staring miserable around the place, feeling disgusted and fighting back the tears about to espace her eyes. 

"Look at them, all laughing and happy!" She sneered and took a big gulped from the bottle she held. 

"Don't mind their smiling faces, they'll dumb you girl! They'll dumb you!" She said to no one in particular, in an inaudible voice, sniffed and gulped when she heard footsteps beside her. “Jane Roberts?” 

She looked up at the good-looking stranger standing in front of her and frowned. “Who is asking?” 

He ignored her question and took his seat on the barstool in front of her. Jane watched him settle in as if he owned the place, her frown deepening. 

“What do you want and how did you know my name?” A puzzled expression crept upon her face.

“What I want for now is not as important as what I can do for you.” 

Jane sized him up and scoffed. He looked rich, he was good-looking but that was all he had going for him plus she had never seen him before in her life and she hated the arrogant vibe he was giving off. “I don't appreciate this, whatever this is. Please leave me in peace. And I don't talk to strangers" 

"I'm not a stranger... I'm a friend."

"A friend I know nothing of?" She rolled her eyes and gulped once more from the bottle. 

"I mean I've known you for a while now... Following you and__"

"You mean you've been stalking me?" She kept a deadpan expression and instantly hated the expression. 

"I don't see it that way as you put it."

"What else do you know about me?" She rolled her eyes and crossed her legs. 

"You're the wife of Marcus Dreame" 

She looked at him with a sullen look, more perplexed and worried. 

"You're creeping me out and I don't want to further any conversations with you anymore"

She was staring at him, waiting for him to leave but he didn't. 

She ignored him and asked for a refill, deciding to ignore the man, thinking he’d take the hint and be gone so she could drown her sorrows in peace. But he didn’t seem to take the hint but leaned closer, speaking to the bartender. 

“I think she has had enough, don’t serve her anymore.” 

Jane scoffed and glared at him wondering why such a good-looking man like him would be so arrogant. “I don’t see how this concerns you.” 

“In case you don't know, this bar belongs to me,” he replied with a shrug. “I don’t believe in drunk patrons even if it’s to forget one’s problems.” 

Jane got off the stool unable to hide her irritation and started to walk away but he grabbed her hand. “Don’t touch me,” she fumed, shrugging off his hand. 

He raised his hands in mock surrender, a smirk playing on his lips. “Here is my card, call me if you ever need me.” 

"And why do you think I'd ever need you, arrogant sir?"

"I won't let you go until you take it" he smirked and leaned closer to her while she stepped back. 

She was craving to take the card, but didn't want to appear desperate as she watched the card, then stared at him, hesitating and thinking of what to do as gravy thoughts went through her head. 

'He said I may need his help' she thought. 

"I do not know why he knows me, and I do not know what he wants from me, but I have no choice now. He may be right, I may need him anyways" she kept staring at him, looking at the card too. 

Jane scoffed and snatched the card from his hands. “I won’t be needing this but sure so you can stay out of my hair.” 

He chuckled as she walked away, her ass wriggling in her beautiful blue dress. 

"What a careless human, she didn't even pay for the bottles" he scoffed and shook his head sideways, then turned to the bartender. 

"Hey, Jake... Put whatever she ordered on the house"

"Sure, boss" Jake replied. 

Caleb was about to leave when he noticed something shiny on the counter beside him. He smiled when he recognized the purse sitting on the counter. It looked just like the one Jane had brought out of her bag before. 

“This must be hers right?” he asked, eyeing the Jake who nodded. 

"I'll keep it until she returns for it" Jake muttered. 

"No... I'll give her myself. Or If she comes for it, tell her I'm with it"

"Of course boss" Jake replied. 

With a sigh, Caleb slid off the stool and walked towards the door intent on catching up to her. 

His phone rang as he got to the door and he stopped to take the call aware that Jane was getting away. “Caleb Lockwood speaking,”

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