The men all catcalled and Thea quickly moved away. She’d been waiting for Josh to ask her out for the last few weeks. She thought he liked her but she couldn’t be too sure. Thea was too afraid to ask him either in case he said no. Better to have a one sided love than to be rejected.
Walking back to the bar, the front door opened and two men walked in. They appeared to be in their early thirties and could only be brothers. She guessed they were European, dark brown hair hung to their shoulders, their brown eyes scanning the room. Their skin had a slight olive tinge.
Shae grabbed Thea’s arm. « I claim them. Don’t even think about smiling at them. »
« I wasn’t. » Thea watched them, a strange sensation forming her chest. Something was wrong about them. « I think you should stay away from them, Shae. I don’t like them. »
« Just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean I have to. Go ahead, hate them, » she teased. « More hunky men for me. »
Thea laughed, her eyes following the men as they sat near the bar. « Please be careful then. »
Shae pouted. « You’re no fun. »
The night passed by in a blur of drinks and friendly conversation. Closing time was filled with celebration as Brazil passed through to the semi finals and Matt was reluctant in handing over Thea’s winnings from their bet.
Josh gave Thea a smile and said goodbye as he was shoved out the by the men stumbling behind him, still cheering from Brazil’s victory. The smile made her heart flutter but Thea was disappointed again at no date offer.
Shae closed the door on the final customers and twisted the lock. « Never mind, Thea. There’s always tomorrow to try and get in his pants. »
« Shut up, Shae. »
Shae shrugged, trying to look innocent. « What ? I mean in a normal situation, it’s the guy trying to get into our pants but I guess we are living in modern times. You have to be more aggressive if you want to succeed. »
« Shae ! »
Shae giggled, poking her tongue out. « Lighten up ! You know I’m cheering for you. »
« I know, in your own weird way. »
Matt walked over, keys jingling in his palm. « Do you girls mind closing up tonight ? I have to pick up Sharon from work. »
« Sure, say hi for us. » Thea held out her hand.
Matt tossed the keys to Thea who caught them easily. « Will do. Good night. Be safe. »
« Yes, dad, » both girls called out, teasing their boss.
Matt chuckled and walked out the door, locking it behind him. The girls quickly collected what empties they had missed and wiped down the chairs and tables.
« Did you have any luck with the two guys who came in ? » Thea asked, still feeling nervous about them.
« No, » Shae sighed, not seeing Thea’s relief. « They seemed more interested in you than me. Just my luck. »
« Sorry. »
« Don’t be sorry girl, it’s not your fault the hotties are all attracted to you. Just lend me some of what your throwing out and I’ll forgive you. »
Thea laughed, « When I figure out what it is, I’ll give you all of it. »
« Deal. »
« Smouldering hottie left early, not long after those guys arrived. » Shae commented, grinning at Thea suggestively. « Maybe he was threatened by the competition ? »
« Or perhaps, » Thea shook her head in amusement, « He had other plans and had to leave ? »
« Your reason sounds more logical but mine sounds more fun. I’m going to stick with mine. »
Once all the tables were cleared and cleaned, the girls set the alarms and walked out the back door, putting on their jackets.
« What are your plans tonight ? » Thea asked, searching through her bag for her phone.
« I got a party on the east side to go to. Michael asked me to go, I think he wants to get back together but I don’t think that’s going to happen. He’s just too immature for me. »
Thea snorted, thinking of Shae’s own immaturity level. « He must be like a baby then. »
« Hey ! » Shae laughed, punching her arm. « Whatever. Do you need a lift home ? »
« That would be awesome. »
Two figures appeared at the end of the alley, before they reached Shae’s car and Thea paused. It was the two men from the bar.
Shae however was not as wary. « Looks like I get a second chance ! »
Thea grabbed her arm, holding her back. « No, Shae something feels wrong. »
Shae shook her off. « Don’t be a baby, lighten up and have some fun ! »
Shae ran over to them, flicking her hair back seductively. « Hey boys. You didn’t have to wait around for me. »
The one on the right, slightly smaller than the other answered, sending fear down Thea’s spine. « It’s not you we were waiting for. »
His accent was strange, a mix of American and European. Shae gasped as he grabbed her by the throat and Thea screamed, reaching for the mace she kept in her purse. « Let her go, you bastard ! »
The larger one moved fast and grabbed Thea’s arm before she could blink. His hand was at her throat and he slammed her into the wall, causing her to drop her mace.
« Well met, Lissandre. » His voice sounded amused.
« Who ? » Thea gasped. « I –«
« Shut up ! » He gripped her throat tighter and Thea clawed at his wrist but he wouldn’t budge. He turned to the smaller one. « Get rid of that one, she is not needed. »
Thea watched in slow motion, as Shae was thrown against the brick wall like a doll, hitting with a sickening crunch. Looking down, her blood ran cold.
Shae’s lifeless eyes, stared up at the sky, fear still instilled in them.
A deep burning began in the pit of her stomach, rage unlike anything she had ever felt. The overwhelming urge to release it made her fingertips itch.
« Have you got Lissandre contained ? » The one who killed Shae, asked.
« Aye, she is not going anywhere brother. »
« You bastard ! » Thea screamed, raising her hands, her rage desperate to be released and Thea watched in horror as fire spurted from her fingertips, setting her captor on fire.
Howling in rage, he released her, hands brushing at the flames encasing his body.
Thea watched numbly as he tried to put the flames out, her body going into shock. Had she just set him on fire ?
« You little bitch ! » He spat, patting the last of the fire out.
The fire burned out and Thea, whimpered. He wasn’t dead. He didn’t even look injured.
« What the hell ? » She whispered.
« You’re going to pay for that. » His huge hand came up to strike her. Thea closed her eyes, knowing she couldn’t move in time. They opened again though as an arm snaked around her waist and pulled her back against a firm chest.