
Chapter 5

As Xavier and I entered the grand ballroom, all sound and motion seemed to halt abruptly. Dozens of gazes fixed upon us—many curious, some icy with envy or suspicion. My eyes locked onto the most penetrating stare: a striking brunette disentangled herself from a circle of admirers and began to glide in our direction.

Based on the hush that greeted her approach, this could only be the infamous Celeste. She was undeniably beautiful, with waves of long raven hair spilling over one slender shoulder and large dark brown eyes that appeared depthless. An inscrutable smile curved her full lips as she halted before us.

"Xavier! How wonderful of you to join us at last." Her dulcet tone turned wintry as her piercing eyes shifted to me. "And with a new friend, I see."

Bracing myself, I met Celeste's scrutiny evenly. Xavier's arm was wrapped securely around my waist in silent reassurance.

"Celeste, allow me to introduce you to Serena, my guest for the evening," he responded politely, though tension haunted the corners of his eyes.

"A pleasure, my dear." Celeste embraced me lightly without warning. As she pulled away, an uncomfortable pressure built behind my eyes. Xavier winced faintly as she turned the same greeting upon him next. I had to steady my uneasy nerves. Whatever Celeste's true purpose here, the night was far from over.

Celeste hooked her arm through mine after embracing me, leading me slightly aside as if we were suddenly old friends.

"So tell me, how does a shy little lamb manage to captivate the infamously untamable Xavier?" She smiled like honey-masking poison. "You must have hidden talents."

I cleared my throat, willing myself not to tense up or shy away. "We happened across one another a few weeks ago and felt an instant connection."

Celeste made a small sound of disbelief in her throat. Leaning in conspiratorially close, her eyes glinted. "Come now, no need to be modest—a woman always recognizes the signs of recent passion on another."

Heat flooded my face at the blunt observation, even knowing she sought to discomfit me deliberately.

Celeste's smile turned feline. "Why so shy? Xavier was absolutely wild in his youth. I remember when we first..." She trailed off with faux wistfulness. "Well, I'm certain your time with him has been memorable in its own way."

The images her suggestive remarks conjured threatened my composure. But I refused to surrender any ground.

"The present holds brighter than shadowed pasts between old flames," I countered, meeting her gaze steadily. "What we've forged these last weeks may be new, but already runs soul-deep."

Celeste arched one eyebrow appraisingly. "We shall see if it also stands the test of many tomorrows chasing today's passions."

Celeste studied me, all fake warmth gone now. "Xavier and a human just seem an odd matchup, even if chemistry runs hot tonight."

Xavier tensed, but I shot back "What's between us is about more than physical stuff."

Amusement lit Celeste's eyes. "It likely only feels so meaningful since you don't grasp how divided our kind are."

Now Xavier cut in, arm encircling my waist supportively. "Divides don't erase real feelings, Celeste."

Annoyance flashed across her face at his rushing to my defense. She prowled around us slowly. "Regardless...I doubt attachment formed on such grounds will outlast initial infatuation."

I frowned nervously. "Why, what's coming against us?"

A cruel glint entered her gaze. "Just politics. My pack meets soon to ban relationships with mortals." One brow arched arrogantly. "Rules complicate passions."

"We'll withstand whatever comes," Xavier said coldly.

Celeste merely chuckled. "Enjoy it while you can then." With that parting shot, she turned and quit the room.

I faced Xavier anxiously. "She has to be bluffing about possible bans...right?"

His eyes were grave, stormy. "I hope so. But she carries weight. We likely do face obstacles soon."

"Don't mistake the lowering wards for freedom," Xavier warned, stormy eyes boring into mine. "Celeste and those like her pose great danger to you now."

My heart plunged with dread. I was embroiled in supernatural politics beyond my control. Tied to the sheltering peril Xavier represented as hatred brewed.

"You must remain in my sight or under pack guard from here on," Xavier commanded. "I cannot allow that tyrannical law to pass."

I searched his face anxiously. "You would risk yourself fighting this?"

His jaw was granite. "It threatens more than just us. Half my pack has found human companions. Even Marcus's sister is at risk."

Determination blazed in Xavier's eyes now. I shivered, both riveted and afraid.

Just then, Ashley appeared supporting a shaken Natasha while Marcus strode up.

"We heard Celeste's threats," Natasha bit out harshly.

Marcus gripped Xavier's shoulder. "My sister's boyfriend is mortal. We must sway other packs against this decree."

Xavier's face was stone. "Then let us gather our allies. I refuse to bow to prejudiced tyranny disguised as law..."

"That's the last one," I huffed, sealing the final moving box with tape. I wiped sticky residue off my hands and glanced around our little dorm room, now barren except for the furniture. After recent supernatural upheavals, this space already felt like a relic from someone else's normal college experience.

"I can't believe we're relocating out of here so suddenly." Ashley perched on the bare mattress next to me, eyebrows knitted. "It feels like just yesterday we moved all this stuff bright-eyed as freshmen."

I bumped her shoulder amicably. "That's because it basically was yesterday in normal human years. Who could've predicted one party would turn life upside down?"

Ashley grimaced, likely remembering the disastrous exclusive event she brought me to. "About that...I'm so sorry, Serena. You got dragged into werewolf drama and nearly killed because of me."

"Hey, you couldn't have known things would get crazy dangerous." I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "I chose to sneak in, remember?"

"Still, the fact you're having to relocate because of my world..." Ashley trailed off, peering around our little dorm sorrowfully.

I nudged her briskly. "Oh stop, I don't blame you. Besides—" I forced brightness into my tone "—now we get to be roomies at a mysterious manor! Could be fun."

Ashley finally cracked a smile at my exaggerated eyebrow waggle. We dissolved into a fit of much needed giggles, releasing lingering tension.

Our laughter eventually faded into contemplative silence again.

"You know..." Ashley fiddled with the hem of her sleeve, not quite meeting my eyes. "Yesterday before everything happened, I actually caught a whiff of your scent while rushing to get to the manor grounds on time.But it was the full moon and I couldn’t wait to be at the Manor to shift, I didn’t want to hurt anyone by transforming in the middle of the street."

I blinked in surprise. "You smelled me earlier and didn't say anything?"

Pink tinged her fair cheeks. "At first I thought my werewolf senses were just heightened and playing tricks. But I probably should have paused and investigated instead of blowing it off."

Her expression clouded with regret again. I bumped my shoulder against hers companionably.

"Well mystery solved now - it was just me being my usual nosy self, trailing you to that party." I winked playfully, hoping to steer her away from remorse again. "So you gonna make it up to me with extra dessert once we get settled into our new crazy werewolf headquarters digs?"

Ashley finally cracked another faint grin. "Obviously!"

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