
Chapter 2

I broke through a wall of writhing bodies, bursting into a small pocket of calm near a marble statue. There, half hidden in shadow, stood Ashley.

"Ash!" I cried, relief crashing over me in a dizzying wave.

She whirled, eyes widening at the sight of me. "Serena?! What are you doing here?Damn, I knew I caught your scent in the streets tonight. You've been following me?"

Before I could respond, blood curdling screams shattered the air. Chaos erupted as I glanced around wildly. "What's happening? Why is everyone screaming?"

Ashley grabbed my shoulders with trembling hands. "They are not screaming, they are howling. You shouldn't be here," she moaned, face pale. "This was a mistake..."

"Just tell me what's going on!" I begged.

She hesitated, conflict written across her delicate features. The silence stretched between us. Finally she took a deep breath, green eyes meeting mine.

"Werewolves exist, Serena. This place––it's filled with my kind."

I stared, certain I misheard over the chaotic din around us. "Werewolves?" I repeated faintly. "What do you mean your kind?"

Ashley gave a short, humorless laugh. "I mean that I'm one too. I'm sorry for hiding it from you but I had no choice. Humans and werewolves aren't allowed to mix socially."

My pulse roared in my ears. Werewolves were the stuff of myth and terror, not real beings! But Ashley's expression radiated earnestness.

Swallowing hard, I asked, "I am here for you, Ash. Can't we just leave?"

She swept back her golden hair, resignation etched across her delicate features. “This estate has wards preventing humans from entering or exiting the grounds until they’re removed at dawn.”

My stomach dropped. We were trapped until morning. As I struggled to process this, Ashley took my arm gently. “We need to get you someplace safe."

Ashley brought us before a striking couple whispering intimately by a burbling fountain. At our approach, they parted.

“Natasha, we have a problem,” Ashley addressed the statuesque redhead before gesturing to me. “This is my roommate, Serena Cross. She followed me here without realizing.”

Natasha's golden-green eyes narrowed sharply. Next to her stood a man who tilted his head, curiosity sparking his intense grey gaze. He stood nearly a foot taller than my petite frame, with dark windswept hair and deeply tanned skin that seemed to glow in the soft light.

“A human here uninvited?” Natasha hissed, blazing green eyes flashing at me. Despite her petite stature, she exuded a formidable energy, like a lioness ready to pounce.

Ashley lifted her palms in a calming gesture even as I shrank back. “It was an accident, Tasha. Serena didn’t understand.”

After a tense beat, the tall man at Natasha’s side stepped forward. His voice was flavored with a lyrical accent when he addressed me directly.

“Regardless, she’s here now. We’ll ensure no harm comes to her, you have my word.” His smile was gentle and reassuring despite Natasha’s simmering glare over his shoulder.

“I’m Xavier,” he added, holding my gaze with confidence. “Natasha and I lead this pack. Consider yourself under our protection until morning, Serena."

I nodded jerkily, pulse skittering from more than just fear now. Werewolf or not, Xavier was easily the most handsome man I’d ever seen.

Natasha's stunning features were set in sharp lines as she observed me like one might an intruding insect. "She'll expose us all if the wrong people discover her presence."

"I understand your concern, Natasha," Xavier said gently. "But the girl is clearly more frightened than we are at the moment. She only requires a safe haven until dawn, nothing more."

His empathetic words eased some of the fight from Natasha's posture. She gave a curt nod, crimson curls bouncing. "Very well. See that no one else finds her then. The gardens won't be safe for humans tonight."

With that, she spun and vanished down a hedge-lined path, her floral perfume lingering. I stared after her nervously until Xavier captured my attention.

"You'll have to forgive Natasha," he said. "The secrecy of our kind is something she protects fiercely. But you needn't worry—I gave you my word that no harm will come to you."

I exhaled slowly, comforted by his steadfast presence even amongst the insanity swirling around us. Maybe it was foolish given the danger Natasha had highlighted, but being near Xavier made me feel strangely safe despite the warnings. And utterly distracted by how the moonlight traced the muscular lines of his forearms and etched shadows over his chiseled features...

Shaking myself, I asked "What did she mean the gardens won't be safe?"

Xavier waved off my concerns with one large hand. "It's merely the full moon effect. Makes us a bit more...primal. All of us. Best you remain inside tonight."

He smiled and my stomach flipped traitorously. I was drawn to this formidable werewolf leader against all rational sense. But there would be time to analyze that later. For now, I simply had to trust him.

"Let me take you someplace more comfortable while we await dawn," Xavier offered, eyes glinting like silver in the darkness.

I dared not refuse, despite the nervous flutter in my ribcage telling me I was in over my head. After tonight, there would be no going back from the truth I'd uncovered. And no going back from the magnetic pull of this mysterious alpha werewolf who promised me sanctuary in his bizarre world turned dangerously upside down.

Ashley walked me to the grand staircase in the foyer, hesitation in her emerald eyes. “You'll be alright upstairs, Serena.I should get back before more questions arise..."

I squeezed her hand, offering a brave smile despite my rattled nerves. "I'll be okay. Xavier promised to watch out for me."

She searched my face for a long moment before pulling me into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry for all of this, Serena. But you really will be safe with Xavier."

I returned her fierce embrace, emotion clogging my throat. So much still felt unreal, but my priority was making it through this night in one piece.

Ashley drew back first, glancing up as Xavier descended the stairs with his effortless grace. He nodded to Ashley. "Don't worry, she's in good hands now."

Even in the midst of chaos, his rich voice sent warmth pooling in my core. Ashley gave me one last smile tinged with sadness before disappearing down the hall. Xavier waited patiently for me to join him.

"I thought it best you stay in my personal rooms upstairs," he explained, placing a light hand at the small of my back to guide me. "Only my most trusted circle is allowed there."

I shivered at his touch, my nerves sparking for reasons far beyond fear now. We climbed silently to the west wing of the manor. Xavier unlocked an intricate wooden door bearing strange symbols, ushering me into a well-appointed suite of rooms with a massive four poster bed dominating the space. The earthy scent of sandalwood enveloped me.

"Make yourself comfortable," he invited. "I know tensions run high on nights like this, but you have my word no harm will come to you here."

I perched cautiously on a leather sofa by the unlit fireplace, clutching my hands together to still their trembling. Xavier watched me with an unreadable expression.

Just then Natasha swept in clutching several items, including a necklace with a crystal pendant. Xavier sighed in annoyance.

"Really, Tasha? Are the wards not enough?"

She held his gaze defiantly. "I don't take chances." Turning to me, she fastened the pendant around my throat, murmuring strange words in another language as she did so.

I stared wide-eyed between them as she declared, "There, now no wolf will perceive her beyond this suite. Except the four of us."

“The four of us?” Xavier enquired.

“Marcus, let her in. Well, actually he said that she was already in the estate when he saw her, he said he will need to talk to you later about this,” she said looking at him intently. There seems to be some unspoken communication between them.

Xavier's mouth flattened into a hard line but he thanked her politely enough. After a final sharp look at us both, Natasha exited. An uncomfortable beat of silence followed before Xavier cleared his throat.

"You must have questions..."

I glanced up at him hovering nearby, tall and broad shouldered. "Will you have to transform tonight?"

He smiled ruefully, raking a hand through his dark hair. "Ah. Yes, the moon's pull is rather strong wolf form will be joining the festivities downstairs shortly."

Unexpected jealousy pricked me at the thought of him spending intimate time with other female wolves downstairs. The emotions hitting me made no rational sense but I couldn't seem to stop them either. Xavier's eyes glinted knowingly, as if he sensed my inexplicable envy. Strange, exhilarating tension hummed in the scant space still separating us.

At last Xavier stepped back with visible effort. "I should go. But I'll return soon to check on you."

He crossed to the door, hesitation wrinkling his brow. "Serena, try not to be alarmed by any noises from below. I know the howls can be...unsettling. But I promise no harm will come to you here."

I nodded, pulse racing. With a final searing look, he slipped out and I heard the definitive click of a key turning in the lock. Alone now, I paced the lush room, anticipation and anxiety rising as the night wore on.

Suddenly, bone-chilling howls split the air, unearthly yet evocative. More joined the haunted chorus until it reached a fevered peak. I shuddered, wrapping my arms around myself. Those were werewolves singing to the moon's glory. Beautiful and terrifying and utterly inhuman all at once.

In the wake of that primeval symphony, an eerie hush fell. Then the dull thud of music started up again, muffled through the floor. The party raged on it seemed. Did that mean what I suspected about "festivities" unfolding below while Xavier was...?

Jealous heat licked at my insides once more at the thought. But before frustration could take root, a key sounded in the lock. I jumped as Xavier entered silently, raking a hand through his tousled hair. His shirt was half unbuttoned and eyes heavy-lidded when they landed on me. I froze, pinned in place by his wolfish gaze.

In three swift strides he had me caged against the wall, hands planted on either side of my head. The breath tangled in my lungs at his overwhelming nearness. He leaned closer, nuzzling aside my hair to graze my neck with his teeth just shy of breaking delicate skin...

A discreet cough jerked us apart. Natasha stood in the doorway still fully nude, amusement wrinkling her emerald eyes.

"Getting friendly with our guest, Xavier?"

"Just ensuring her safety," he replied without embarrassment as if he didn't caged me ten seconds earlier, “I should have taken one more minute before coming in. The full moon is so strong tonight.”His eyes stayed locked with mine, a promise of unfinished business reflected between us. I scarcely dared breathe, electrified by his possessive attention and what it suggested about my own hidden desires. This night was only just beginning.

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