It had been two days, two days of me hiding away in my room to avoid the cringe of bumping into Seth Rodriguez after how our last meeting ended.
It was utterly mortifying that I'd freaked out just because I thought he was going to kiss me, when he might have just been leaning in closer to get a closer look, but who in their right mind did that? And I just had to shove him so hard.
I tugged at my hair, then dropped into the sofa as I'd come to do every passing minute. Why was my life such a freaking nightmare?
My phone pinged alerting me of a video call and I answered once I saw who it was.
"Guess who just dropped in!" Zach gushed and just seeing his face immediately put me in a good mood. He was one of the few people who had wormed their way into my life by being there when I started having problems with my parents.
"Don't tell me Kushi convinced you to come to keep me company" I gasped, my eyes widening as I saw the familiar setting behind him. He was definitely at the resort. Zach rolled his eyes.
"She said and I quote, Sybil is sucking the life out of me, please help".
I rolled my eyes back at him. "You realize Kushi exaggerates a lot right?"
He tsked as he moved toward a stool and got comfortable. "I also know you suck the life out of people" he called out and my mouth dropped open.
"I do not," I protested halfheartedly and he gave me a knowing look. "Fine, maybe a little, a very tiny bit mind you".
"We both know the truth, so I won't bother with arguing. And now that that's settled, will you get your ass down here cause I'm feeling too lazy to come up. I also didn't bring a lot so there's no need for me to come to your room to stash my illegal properties yet, and still on that thought, I'm feeling like a little drink before this pretty bell boy takes me to your room,".
"Please do not flirt with the bellboy" I deadpan, giving him a horrified look and he shook his head.
"It was just one time! You'll never let me live it down will you?" He said then sighed, before grinning. "Enough of that! So I am at the awesome-looking bar" he said, moving the angle of his camera so I could get a glimpse of it. "Which looks super fabulous, and while coming, please don't miss your way, because I'm a hundred percent sure that even tho you have been here for two days and a half, you probably do not know half of the place".
"I know the mini art gallery" I retorted and he scoffed.
"Of course... Where else would you know if not the art gallery. Come down here, you know I hate talking on facetime".
"And yet you were the one who called" I sassed and he gave me an exasperated look. "Fine, I'm coming down" I placated, then ended the call.
Maybe this was what I needed. Someone to distract me. Zach was someone that had seen me at my worst and didn't make me feel like I was a weak spineless fool that couldn't forget about something that happened five years ago.
He knew that I still kept the images I and Dian took the whole time we were together, and we'd even gone through them together at one point in time and plotted Dian's murder as we scrolled through all the pictures. I smiled, it was the good times.
I checked my reflection in the mirror, fixed my hair, and checked if I didn't look as tired as I felt.
"Why do I even freaking bother" I huffed, then stepped out of my room.
The hallway was quiet and with every turn I took, I prayed not to run into Seth. It took a while to find the bar, and Zach had an exasperated look on his face when I finally got there, but it was gone in a blink as he pulled me into a full crushing bear hug. I laughed as I struggled out of his arm.
"Jeez, I thought you were pissed, you definitely looked pissed."
He shrugged, his fingers tangling in my hair a bit as he tried to adjust a loose strand."You know I can never stay mad at you for more than a second. Baby girl" he said, holding me at arm's length. "How do you manage to look even more stunning as the day goes by".
I scoffed. "Flattery doesn't work on me, Mister".
"It should because I really need your secret recipe now. I'm losing my youth Sybil. Just look at my face".
I rolled my eyes as I touched his face. "Your skin is flawless and you know that. You do realize that you look like a freaking model every time you walk into a room right... You're such a catfish" I got out while snacking his forehead a little.
"Ouch, still very hostile I see. Kushi said you toned down. I shouldn't have believed her".
"You shouldn't have." I glanced at the empty glasses in front of him. "What's wrong? You drank five shots all by yourself".
Zach sighed, pulling me into another bone-crushing hug. "I'm just so freaking lonely... Miguel has been on a business trip and he doesn't even call me anymore" he murmured against my throat and being the ticklish girl I was, I giggled, before shoving him off.
"Zach!" I called, as he made to hug me again.
He raised his hand in surrender. "Sorry, I know you hate too much skinship but I've really missed you, Sybil. Be real, If Kushi did not call me, would you have?"
"I would" I replied automatically and he scoffed.
"You wouldn't but I forgive you..." He looked me over again, his brows furrowing. "Did you lose weight?" he asked, his hand wrapping around my waist. This was just typical Zach, overly affectionate and very intuitive. He also didn't care that it wasn't just us.
"You're the only one who noticed".
He grinned. "I'm the only one who cares".
I tried to gently tug his hand off but his hold just tightened. "Oh my goodness Zach, people are staring at us," I choked out as I glanced at those around and noticed some of them blatantly watching us.
"So? Let them watch".
"I do not think Miguel will be happy seeing you all over me like this"
He scoffed, then finally let me go. "He wouldn't, but that might spice up the relationship if he gets jealous over this, you know what I mean" he grinned with a wink and I shoved him lightly.
"You are freaking insane!".
Zach stood up his smile getting wider. "I know, but for real tho, it would be very welcomed. Everything has been pretty tame and boring lately".
"Please spare my ears" I got out in a horrified voice and put my hands into my ears. Zach snatched them away and then tried to speak into my ears about all his rendezvous. I laughed, shoving him off as we both stepped towards the elevator.
I got respite when he stopped to push the open button, then more as his phone rang, Miguel's name popping up on the screen. Zach looked excited as he showed me his phone.
"I've got to answer this," he said as we both stepped into the elevator. I turned to look at the people at the bar_who by the way must have been mortified by our lack of civility. For their information, they shouldn't expect that where Zach was concerned. A wave caught my attention. It was Helaena, the door was closing when I started to wave back, my gaze slipping to the man who stood beside her. It was something about the color of the suit that drew me to stare at him, and as my gaze raked up his body, taking in every minute detail, especially those of his throat and jawline, my heart pounded, my lips drying up, and my palm turned sweaty as I gripped Zach's carry-on harder. His face came into view, my heart stopped for a second, the world seeming to freeze in that instant.
"Dian" I gasped, my heart rate spiking out of control when I realized he was staring straight at me. He didn't look the same. Oh! he was still the most perfect human I'd ever set eyes on, but his Aura was darker now, and even his hazel eyes that had once been a source of awe for me were hardened to slit, and in them, I could feel a furious blaze.
The elevator door shut, but his image had been sired into my head, and from nowhere, the anger that had never really manifested all these years, crashed through my chest with full force and I felt the pain and betrayal from all those years all over again.
I fucking saw red.