6 years later….
« Ms. Gardner, Mitch is kicking my chair ! »
« Am not ! » Smiling and rolling my eyes I went over to the desks where the two voices were.
« Katie, Mitch how many times have I told you to get along ? » I squatted down and looked at the two of them. These two were always bickering and messing with one another. With a classroom of first graders this was a common occurrence though.
« If you guys want to go out for recess you two better apologize to one another. »
« But Ms. Gardener I wasn’t doing anything ! » Mitch pouted, crossing his arms across his little chest. Mitch was my little trouble maker so I didn’t really believe him.
« Guys. » I warned. My tone wasn’t harsh at all, only firm.
« Sorry. » They both muttered, glaring at one another. Grinning I stood up and moved back to the front of the room.
»Okay everyone go out and have fun at recess. Be good ! » No sooner had the words left my mouth did all of my students get up and run for the door leading outside. I followed behind and propped the door open.
I shook my head as I watched the kids run around like maniacs. I loved my job and this was one of the reasons. Watching them all run around without a care in the world was sweet. Sure teaching a bunch of first graders can be tough at times with their small attention spans. But it was always interesting. They kept me on my toes which I didn’t mind.
« Hey, Haley. » Coming towards me was another first grade teacher, aka my best friend Annie Bell. Her name fit her to a T. She had long red hair that was pulled into a tight braid and she had freckles along her face. Annie was really gorgeous.
« Hey, Annie. Excited for the holiday weekend ? » I asked, leaning against the door.
« Of course ! It is the fall festival and and four days off. Are you going ? » Annie stood across from me as we watched our kids.
« Yeah I am going. I volunteered at one of the booths. »
»Haley really ? You volunteered ? »
« What ? »
« The Fall Festival is meant to be enjoyed and to have a date with someone, not volunteer all your time. »
« Annie it isn’t always about dating someone. »
« No, it is about sleeping with them. » She joked.
« Annie. »
« Haley you need to get out more. You’ve gone on how many dates in the last year, two ? »
« Two is a lot. » I defended myself.
« No it isn’t. You are 24 and only have had like two boyfriends. »
« That is a good thing you know. » I pointed out.
« As your best friend I need to help you out. We are going to make sure you have a great fall festival this year. Maybe you’ll find a hot guy. »
« Annie-«
« No Haley, you haven’t done anything for yourself since your mom got diagnosed. It is finally your time to do something for yourself and you will, I am making sure of it. » She sounded very determined which was never a good a thing. When Annie got her mind on something she never lets it go. Something I have learned in our many years of friendship.
« I love you Ann but I don’t need it. I am fine with the way my life is. »
« You may be but I am not. » I didn’t get to reply as another teacher headed our way. Shaking my head I let the conversation slide.
Annie was wrong, I didn’t need to date or do anything. I was happy with my life right now. I had a great job, I had my own house, I had friends, what more could I want. Sure a boyfriend would be nice but it wasn’t a necessity for me.
I’ve gone through the whole heartbreak thing because of a guy and I didn’t need to go through it again. Once was enough for me.
So with that I pushed all of those thoughts aside. Love was the last thing on my mind right now.
* * * * * * * *