
A Mafia princess

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PROLOGUE : Princess A’Nae Smith is a Girl from a Ghetto and Dangerous neighbor hood, Kinji. She attends a High school that is ran by the Mafia King, 5. His son attends also and is very popular. Princess doesn’t like him though. What happens when Princess find out that he has a secret crush on her ? Read to find out.

EmotionYoung AdultRomanceTrue LoveNew AdultCounterattackSweetMafiaPrincessFemale lead


Hey y’all ! My name is Princess A’Nae Smith. I live with my mom and with my dad. I’m 4’9. I’m mixed with Puerto Rican and Black. How ? Well, My mom is half Puerto Rican & My pops is Black. I have natural, long, curly hair. Thanks to My moms. I have braces not because i need them, but because i WANT them. They’re Red.

I drive a Red 2014 Dodge Challenger that i got on my 16th birthday. It has Princess A’Nae carved in white on the side. My family and I stay in a 3 story house. My Family must have money ? Y’all guessed correct.

My mother and Father is a Nurse. My father owns the building and is the boss, so he makes my mom work part-time. He wants her to be a stay at home mom, but she likes to be independent.

I really don’t like the neighborhood though. There’s this guy named 5. He practically runs Kinji, the town we stay in. He has him and his Goons/ Workers ride around in these Black cars, and if you even think about driving in one you get shot up.

He also has a son named Ashton.

He thinks he can run any and everybody, just because his father is the ‘Mafia King’ and people call him the ‘Mafia Prince’ pshh whatever.

Oh yeah ! The schools name is Waters High. Yes. Its their last name.

No one knows 5’s real name though and some, like me, what he looks like.


*Beep Beep Beep*

Ughhhhhh ! Another day at this Ghetto ass school. I got out of my Queen size bed and walked to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to get warm. I stepped in and took me a 15 minute shower.

I got out and wrapped my Black towel around me. I went to the sink to brush my teeth. When i was done, I walked back inside my room and walked inside my walk-in closet. I looked through all the racks and finally picked out my outfit.

It was a Mint Green shirt that had ‘YMCMB’ in black, my black skinny jeans, and my All black Jordan 1’s. I walked back into my room and went to the mirror that is connected to my dresser.

I combed my hair into a pony-tail & added my black headband.

Basic outfit, but it doesn’t really matter. I don’t like no one at that school but my best friend Kaycee A.K.A Kay. I walked downstairs and Fixed me a bowl of Frosted Flakes. When i was done, I went back upstairs and grabbed my Black Backpack that had ‘Princess’ carved in red.

I walked to the 3rd floor, which is my mom and dads floor. I knocked then went into their room. My dad was coming out of the bathroom brushing his teeth and my Mom was Combing her hair. I guess they have to work.

« Good Morning baby girl » My dad says.

« Hey papa »

« Hey sweetheart » My mom said, when she noticed me come in the room.

« Hey mommy. I’m about to head out. So bye. » i said walking up and hugging them.

« Bye boo » Mom said kissing my forehead.

« Bye Baby » My dad said kissing my forehead, also.

I took the elevator downstairs because i was to lazy to walk. I texted my best friend and said ‘Walking out the door.’

She texted back and said ‘Already waiting.’

I walked behind our houses and hid behind a tree ‘Cause i saw a black car coming. They circle the neighbor hood 24/7. Sometimes when they shoot, it be new people trying to join. And Let me tell you, it happens often.

Finally, I met up with Kay and we walked to school. I know y’all saying ‘ Why she walking, when she has a car ?’ Well, There’s this rule that says that we can only walk or ride the bus IF it comes.

We never ride the bus neither, only because the black cars shoot at the bus, too. The police don’t try to get involved because 5 runs them, too.

We finally made it to school and I walked to my locker. I typed in 0830 and it came open. I turned around and everyone looked away. I looked and saw Ashton and his crew walking down the hall. I turned and looked away, too.

Why ? He doesn’t like for people to look. No one knows why. He usually gets the boys jumped or shot in the arm once a week if they get caught. Dumb ? I know.

Kay turned around and rolled her eyes. She don’t like them and neither do I.

I mean he is Fine. He has a caramel complexion, tattoo on one arm like a sleeve, temp fade with light brown curls, and has swagg. He saggs a little. Oh and his shoe game ? Shiit its on a Hunnit. He only wear Jordan’s and Lebrons.

« Ugh, i swear i cant stand them » she said. That’s why she is my Day 1. We ain’t like them Thots that TRY to throw them selves at ‘Him’ or ‘His crew’. I nodded in agreement.

« True. True. « i said.

We walked into 1st period which is an AP class. Yes. Ya girl is smart. But guess who else is in there ? Ashton. And No. He isn’t just in there because his dad owns the school. He’s actually quite smart. You know the saying ‘You have to be Book smart in order to be Street smart’. I guess he listened.

We sat for like 3 minutes and then the tardy bell rung. Students started piling in. Me and Kay sits in the front in the far left. I just hate to be bothered. Then, Ashton and his crew walked in. They went to the back and took their seats.

10 minutes later, The teacher didn’t show up. So i just pulled out my phone and listened to my music. I guess Kay did too ‘Cause when she sat her head down i heard ‘Fuck You’ by Yo Gotti playing.

I sat my head down, and I soon felt my eyes getting heavy.

The bell rung and woke me out of my sleep. I shook Kay and she got up groaning. We walked out of class First and Ashton & his crew were Directly behind us. Lawd Why ? I felt someone touch my butt and i turned around. It was Ashton. I rolled my eyes and he smirked.

I punched him in his stomach and heard his friends go ‘Ooooohh’ . Part of me was happy he did it, but the other part wasn’t. I shrugged then i felt someone pull me away. I screamed and punched but they didn’t stop.

They drug me into the Janitors closet and locked the door. I sat down in the near by chair. Kay texted me and asked ‘Are you okay ?’

I texted back and said ‘Yes hunn’… She replied ‘ Okay ‘Cause i will RUN out of this class and find you. And beat a Nigga’s ass.’ I laughed then Replied. ‘ I’m sure you will’ .

I heard the door unlock and in walked Ashton. He had this stupid smirk on his face. It looked like the same one from earlier.