


Great 'congratulations' to me, for finding my second chance mate three weeks ago. He turned out to be an Alpha, and not just any. He is the famous Hybrid Alpha Ryan of the cold moon pack. The strongest Alpha in the werewolf kingdom, save for the king, who is a Tribrid.

After the terrific and horrible abusive relationship I was caught up in, with my first and late mate; Andrew, I decided I wouldn't have any business with mates, love, or romance again. Who was I kidding though? The moon goddess? She always did what she wished.

Like mating me to such a powerful man, who made me feel like shit, and proceeded to admit that he didn't want me in his life!

Hurt? I thought that was an emotion Andrew had killed within me before he died. But somehow, that idiot called Ryan, managed to make me feel hurt again.

I hate myself for being so weak. For feeling sad that my second chance mate had aired his dislike over my sudden appearance in his life. I may not have wanted a second chance mate, but maybe there was a little part of me that hoped, he was going to be happy to have found me.

I stared blankly at the ceiling, further hating myself for wasting my thoughts on him. Why did it even bother me? I mean, this was a man who killed his first mate. What was I expecting?! That he would be pleased the moon goddess had given him a second mate, who turned out to be me?

'But he saved our life'. My wolf mumbled, making me release an angry grunt.

'That's because he couldn't afford to have the blood of his second mate on his hands again'. I shot back.

'You don't know the full story about his first mate', my wolf chided, making me roll my eyes in agony. Left to me, I would have wanted nothing more to do with any other man, especially after Andrew. But since we found out Ryan was our mate, my wolf had been so hopeful.

'And you do?' I scoffed. 'Look, none of these men will loves us and treat us like we deserve. We don't need them'. I tried convincing her.

'But Ryan promised to protect and provide for us!'

'On the condition that I returned to his pack with him, and become his breeding cow!' I lashed out, standing from my bed in annoyance. 'I really can't believe you right now! How can you be so fine with the fact that he only wants me for the purpose of bearing his children? He is no different from Andrew! Have you forgotten how Andrew treated me?!'

'Calm down, I haven't forgotten'. She sighed. 'But Ryan doesn't seem like the type to hit and abuse you. Even Audrey has assured us of that'.

'We both know that Audrey is just sad she wouldn't get to be with me as much as before, because she has found her own mate. She doesn't want me to be lonely, so she hopes things would work out between Ryan and I. Clearly, it wouldn't'.

'But it can! It should!' She howled in my head, making me dizzy for a second. With light steps, I made my way towards the bed and sat on it, a lot of thoughts running through my mind. He did save my life, even though I didn't want to admit that he did. If not for the fact that he fed me his blood, I would have been dead a couple of days back.

'And the moon goddess spared us, just so we wouldn't lose this chance with our mate'.

'It's not a chance! It's a trap! We would be trapped into a lifelong horror of being in a loveless relationship with him! He has made it clear that all he wants are pups, not the bond and 'supposed' companionship that comes with having a mate'.

'So what is going to happen? Would you reject him?'

'Yes'. I replied.

'No!' She shot back, making me release a humorless laughter.

'Please don't make this difficult for us'. I pleaded, actually feeling sad that I was going to hurt my wolf.

'Rosa.... we would have all we always really wanted, but never had. A pack. A family. One that truly loves, admires, and respects you above every other thing. You would have the authority to make decisions for yourself, and no one would have the power to hurt us again! Goddess! We are mated to the freaking Hybrid Alpha! What more do you need to realize that the moon goddess means well for us? For you'.

'Stop'. I mumbled, hating the way her words made sense to me.

'No, I won't stop, because it's the truth. Being with Ryan, is way better than returning to the blood moon pack to be alone again. And we can't even think of returning home, because it has become so clear that your so called family do not care. Ever since the death of our first mate, none have reached out to us. That's except Theo, who sent letter. Even your own father doesn't even know how you have been faring for three years now. We need to take up this chance at a better life. A peaceful and quite luxurious one. Our mate is the richest Alpha in the kingdom, which means you don't have to sweat for anything'.

'You are really good with words, aren't you?' I scoffed, finding myself smiling. Just then, a knock came on the door, and I went for it immediately, not thinking for a moment that it could be who it turned out to be. The moment I pulled open the door, he raised his head and gave a curt nod. Was that supposed to be his way of greeting or what?

"Good morning, Rose." He muttered, and I looked at him in disbelief. He didn't even know my name?! Really?!

"It's Rosa. Good morning to you too." I tried my best to not let out a scoff, and walked towards my bed.

I heard the door close shut behind me, and the intense linger of his scent, showed he was still in my room.

"I apologize." He suddenly said, making me turn to him.

"What?" I whispered.

"I'm sorry, Rose..... Rosa." He corrected himself. "I shouldn't have made such an offer to you. I had no idea you'd think it was disrespectful."

I stared at him, at loss for words. If my thoughts were correct, he was apologizing for offering to have me as his breeder.

That meant one of two things. Either he was ready to give our bond a chance, or he wanted to..... reject me.

'No! You shouldn't let him reject us!' My wolf howled in my head, as I gently sat on the bed. Suddenly, I wasn't so sure of my resolution to reject him any longer. I began to realize that this was a chance for me indeed. A chance to attain my full potentials by returning with him to his pack, as his Luna.

I was done being scared and closeted, and have decided to take the bold step of change now.

I was going to become a Luna, walk with my head high, and know what more the moon goddess had in store for me. Looking up at Ryan, I eventually spoke up.

"I accept your offer."

"What?" He asked in disbelief.

"I said, I accept your offer." I repeated, trying to maintain a stoic expression. I didn't want him being able to read my thoughts. "I would come with you to your pack as your Luna. That is what everyone knows it is." I said, the exact same way he had told me a few days back.

"But between us both, I would be nothing but your breeder." I continued. "I would spread my thighs apart, for you to put your children inside me and in turn, you would give me the reins of power and leadership as your Luna. I would get the peace and respect I deserve, while you get the children you.... deserve."

"Why?" He asked, eyeing me closely.

"Why what?" I murmured.

"Why are you suddenly accepting this? You said I had insulted you."

"Well Ryan, it's my choice. Except your offer is no longer on the table? Then you could just reject me and let's get it over with all of these."

I tried to look unfazed over the fact that I just gave him the go ahead to reject me!

"I wouldn't reject you." He shot back, before going silent. Regardless of the relief his words gave me, I maintained my unfazed expression, which seemed to infuriate him. I liked that I could piss him off. He ground his teeth against themselves. "Fine, then. It's a deal. We would go through the terms and agreements when we return to my pack." He said, making my eyes widen in disbelief.

"Terms and agreements?" I queried.

"Hell yes, Rosa!" He yelled. "There need to be specific rules lain out, for this to work. Things like making you know this is an unromantic agreement. All there is between us, is sex. As my breeder."

"I never had the slightest thought that this was going to be romantic in anyway." I muttered, hating the odd taste it left on my tongue. "It's definitely just sex." I grimaced internally. Sex. That was something I never planned to do again. But to get something, I had to give something. Power, admiration, wealth, and respect were things I have never had all my life. If it meant having sex with Ryan, to get all that, then I guess it was worth it. He was my mate after all.

"Fine, Ryan. I agree to your terms. We would definitely go through them when we return to your pack. Our pack." I corrected myself, feeling quite emboldened. "If that's all, you may as well take your leave now." I locked my emotionless eyes with his, and he turned almost immediately, walking towards the door and taking his exit.

Greater congratulations, Rosa! You just signed a deal with the literal devil.

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