“Welcome aboard to the Turkish airlines, we are delighted to have you here. Please take your seats while I enumerate the instructions for this flight. First of all…”
I tune out the air histess’s words as I settle into my seat on the first class section of the plane, Lincoln right beside me.
I guess sleeping with your billionaire boss does have its perks.
“Are you scared?” he asks as the plane takes off.
“No, why do you ask?”
He moves his glance from my eyes to my hands and I see that I am gripping his arm tightly.
“Oh, sorry,” I say as I slowly let go for him only to grab it again when the pane shakes.
He raises an eye toe at the movement and I flush under it.
“You have never flown before?” he asks.
“No. Where would I fly to?”
“I see. I guess we are going to have to rectify that.”
“What do you mean?”
“Hmm, you will see. We are in the air now, you can let go.”
I look out to see that we have already risen to the level of the cloud and I finally do let go.
He nods at me before going back to the documents in his hands.
“Is there anything I can help you with?”
“No, you have already done your part,”he answers. “You can watch a movie if you are bored or take a nap. It is going to be a long flight.”
I nod at his words before looking back out the window.
The clouds look so soft, like they would dissolve in my hands if I touch them. I also try not to think too much on how far off the ground we are.
The fear of heights has always been a part of me ever since my mother had “accidentally” pushed me off our balcony.
She was high.
And I was trying to get her attention.
I was six.
I shake off the memories of the bad times and close my eyes.
They are forgotten, no point dwelling in the past.
Think beautiful thoughts, Eliza…
Soft clouds, beautiful country, great food…
I am woken up by a growing pressure in my nether regions.
Not the pressed kind that makes you want to run to the toilet.
But by the kind that makes you want to moan out in pleasure.
I open my eyes to be met with darkness.
It is late and the only lights to be seen are from the seats of those still awake.
Our seat lights are not on.
Which is probably why Lincoln can do what he is doing without fear.
He slips another finger into me and I do all I can to not make a sound, but I can't stop my body from arching up a bit and pressing more into his hands.
“You are awake,” he whispers and I turn to see his eyes staring at me, very prominent even in the dark. “That is good. I was going to have to take more drastic actions in rousing you up.”
“What… what are you doing?” I ask with a gasp of breath.
“What does it look like?” he returns as he slips his last finger into me, and then makes a tight fist in me.
“Shit!” I curse as my eyes get dazzled with blinding light, tightening my legs to contain the pressure.
“Language,” he says. “I have told you how I feel about curse words. I guess we are going to have to do something about that mouth of yours,” he continues as he pulls his hands out leaving me empty and making me whimper in protest.
He extends his chair backwards allowing him more legroom before gesturing for me to get between them.
An order I happily give in to.
Within seconds, his fly is down and I am pulling out his thick member into my mouth.
He is already big without any arousal, so you can imagine the mouthful I have with how erect and turned on he is.
I try to be quiet, I really do.
If we are found out, we can be charged with public indecency.
But it's hard,especially with the way he fists his hand into my hair, guiding my movement and speed until I am drenched with sweat, spit and cum.
He comes without warning, spraying himself all over my face and into my mouth while I try to contain the onslaught.
Eventually, he is done and I shakily get to my feet and go in search of a bathroom, immensely grateful for the cover of darkness.
Once in, I stare at myself in shock at how disheveled I look. My hair is a mess, with strands pointing in different directions, cum all over my face and chest, that is going to be hard to get out.
“Look at you,” I mutter as I begin cleaning myself with some wipes. “He says come and you jump like a puppy. You are a mess.!”
There is no saving my clothes, so I unbutton it a few steps down and leave it like that.
It is dark anyway and nobody will see it.
When I head back to my seat, he is on a call.
“Is there a problem?” I ask once he ends it.
“No. The meeting has been moved up by a day. Which means we won't have time to take a nap before we go.”
“That is fine by me,” I say. “I already slept.”
“Good. Here,” he says as he hands me one of the folders. “Familiarize yourself with these people. Any additional research you can add to it would be most helpful.”
“Yes, sir,” I respond as I take the folder while pulling up my laptop.
And just like that, we are back with the professional distance.
It is enough to give me a whiplash.
The rest of the trip is spent in silence as we both focus on our respective tasks.
By the time the pane announces landing, it is already past noon.
Thankfully, the check out is seamless and our ride is waiting for us.
“Where to sir?” the driver asks.
“Straight to the villa,” Lincoln answers. “And remain on standby.”
As the car glides off the road, I turn to him as I hand him the laptop.
“I did as you ordered and found some discrepancies in their portfolio. I detailed it in here.”
I watch as his eyes glaze over with mild anger as he reads through.
“You should have found this out before we left,” he says quietly.
“I know I am sorry.”
“Where are the counter measure for these? Or do I have to instruct you on how to do that too?”
“I already added them in the next page.”
He grunts as he continues reading and I heave a sigh of relief.
An angry Lincoln is not someone I want to handle right now.
Once we arrive, I quickly head to the rooms I am directed to and have a quick shower before getting dressed in a peach colored pant suit and stiletto heels.
Heading back out, I am told that he is already in the car waiting for me and as I hurry, I get a message on my phone.
It's from Nick.