

Discover a Collection of Erotic Fiction Written Purely for Your Pleasure! What is your heart's darkest, deepest desire? What if the vampire's bite is all you crave? This fictional work of erotic art depicts all the intricacies of how werewolves and vampires satisfy their emotional and sensual needs. This series is written to bring up the fire burning inside every reader and stimulate your fantasies! With these six stories, all your desires will come true… This thrilling horror romance and steamy adventure will take you for an unforgettable ride through the world of darkest and deepest erotic desires set in a fantasy world. In this collection, you will enjoy: The alluringly kinky tale of various emotional acrobatics from a group of werewolves and vampires that will most certainly tickle your imagination; The magnetically exotic story inspired by the old tale of those unknown creatures of the dark and their desire to love openly; The tantalizingly dangerous world that will immerse you in itself and connect you to your carnal desires; The temptingly frisky novel series will teach you a thing or two you can use in your bedroom; And much more! Feel your temperature rise with excitement, for every page you turn will bring you new acters and their new adventures! Spice up your imagination with these erotic stories that will keep you hot Jg== bothered all night! Are you ready for steamy and kinky action? What are you waiting for? Scroll up, click on "Buy Now with 1-Click", and Get Your Copy Now!

Undying Lust

Vivienne is a hardworking young lady in her twenties who loves to take control of her life and provide solutions to a problem that comes her way at work and even in her private life. She has everything she wanted, but one thing is missing; love (a sexual experience).She is however lusting after her dad's mechanic, Danny, whom her dad puts in charge to look after her. He's way older than her, but she likes it so, she hates going out with younger guys or guys her age.She's on a quest to make Danny feel the same way she's feeling, but it seems quite herculean.Will she ever succeed and make him feel the same way she's feeling for him?


Tailing and nailing the biggest drug cartel, the Miami Police detectives have no choice but to go out of the box for an operation. A newbie who is in love with one of her cop members has passed through adventures which twist everything, a police detective becomes a whore on a quest to fulfil her mission, but what would you have done if you were in her shoe? With a lot of twist and difficulties, will the police detectives succeed?


Tо bеаr уоur ѕоul to ѕоmеоnе, to dереnd on them to lеаd аnd рrоtесt you whеn it iѕ nееdеd, tо hоld оn and keep fighting thrоugh all lifе’ѕ triаlѕ. To bеliеvе аnd hаvе faith thаt уоu will get thrоugh life together, to givе аll of yourself, tо feel stronger аnd рrоud in each оthеr’ѕ рrеѕеnсе, and tо forgive аnd hаvе fаith in еасh other, Thаt’ѕ love.Michael Wаlkеr, jоinеd thе Nаvу after high school аnd hе grаduаtеd frоm bаѕiс trаining, оr "Bооt Cаmр" аѕ it'ѕ саllеd. He wеnt tо Hоѕрitаlmаn "A" Sсhооl, where he bесаmе a Nаvу Cоrрѕmаn.Miсhаеlѕ’ lоvе lifе since hiѕ honourable diѕсhаrgе from the U.S. Nаvу, аftеr hаving served tеn years hаѕ bееn full оf ѕсаrѕ, pain, hеаrtbrеаk, darkness, аnd unforgettable memory of Kаrа’ѕ dеаth.


Just when Blake's world comes crashing down, he finds a pretty angel who would not give up on him no matter what. His ballooning weight has just led to him losing his job. His girlfriend has also broken up with him because she can no longer stand his flabbiness. Suddenly, he finds himself without a job, a home and the love of his life. Ella, a supremely beautiful loner, enters his life at the most opportune moment, stopping him from throwing it away at a bridge on a cold day. However, what the two do not count on is the feelings that will develop between them against all odds.