Déesse grecque


Love me

43·Déesse grecque

Compilations of erotic stories, which relate different sexual experiences in different situations, young girls, young women, adolescents or adults, men, each person can have their own kind of experiences. You won't be disappointed, take a look.


My submissive

325·Déesse grecque

Carlos After having all the information at my disposal, concerning his parents, I waited until it got dark at 2 a.m. sharp, I returned to his room. She had fallen asleep. I stopped to watch her sleep, then gently picked her up to take her back to the basement. When I got there I tied her up, then I woke her up with a big bucket of water. she woke up with a start - What's happening, where am I, who are you? The whole basement is black, there was a lamp in my hand that I shined in his face. She couldn't see anything except the light of the lamp. -Good evening my dear, I hope you had a good rest. Have you thought about my proposal? - But you are crazy ! you are sick you can't kidnap someone in the middle of the night, to ask if the person wants to be with you. I grab his jaw and squeeze it tightly. - Look at me carefully my dear, it's up to you to choose, either you agree to be with me, to be my submissive, to be my slave 24 hours a day, or I kill your parents. I show him the video of his parents sleeping in their room you see I know where they are. They can die today at this very moment, so you choose, it's yes or it's no. She starts to cry. - Why are you doing this, why? You were nice yesterday, why are you so mean today. - I'm not cruel, my dear I know what I want and I want you, so it's yes or it's no. She continues to cry. It hurts my heart, but she has to go through this. - You don't have all night, so it's yes or no. -Yes, I accept your proposal. -Very good, it's not too early. - I untie her and take her in my arms, her chest finds itself sticking to mine, and I refocus this heat which is so indescribable. I rush to her lips, I kiss you suddenly, I literally devour her mouth, when I withdraw, I look at her she is all red, she looks at me frightened now you are mine you are my little slave, all mine, so you're going to rest tomorrow I'll tell you what the rules arethe house okay? - All right . - Well my darling. I leave with her in my arms in the elevator, we go up to the 5th floor. In my suite, there is a bedroom right next door, I put her in this bedroom. this room has a door that opens into my room, places her on the bed, I ask her to change clothes before sleeping. I hand her some very fine and sexy lingerie, she takes it and heads to the shower . - Where are you going ? I ask him the question. - Change in the shower. - I want you to change here, in front of me. - But I...I. .. She looks at me, searching for words. I show him the video, do you want something to happen to your parents? - No sir. - Then take off your clothes and put this on. I said. She looks at me, her tears are flowing, she starts to take off her top (a shirt that's a little big on her), as soon as she takes it off I see her chest that's too tight in a bra that's a little small for her. She begins to undo the buttons on her pants. She is now in a bra and a pair of shorts. I sit on the bed, my blood is boiling at a speed beyond comprehension, my penis is very tense, I am obsessed with this wonder in front of me, I am salivating, I spread my legs to leave space for my machine which takes up more and more space. - Take off the rest, I say in a raspy voice. She hesitates, looks at me with pleading eyes, hurry up, we don't have all night. She begins to lower the straps of her bra, I watch her savoring the moment. She takes off all the bra and her breasts spring out like two hot air balloons, I suddenly ejaculate in my boxers like a virgin What is this shit "I ejaculated like a virgin". She is so scared that she doesn't notice anything. She quickly takes off her underwear and tries to put on the nightie. She finishes getting dressed, gets into bed and covers herself up to her chin. I sit next to him and say, stroking his hair - I won't hurt you unless you force me to, okay? If you do everything I ask you will have a happy life here with me. But if not and I will make you regret it. Now sleep, tomorrow I will wake you up and you will know what you will have to do here. Sleep well my angel. She looks at me and you can tell she's afraid and that she hates me, but that's not my problem, I'll have what I want, which is her. I go back to my room happy because. Yes I won the battle and the war will be mine, it is already mine and no one else's. I have a very good night's sleep the next morning, I wake up very happy, I take my shower and I get dressed and go to her room. My sleeping beauty, wake up, you're going to take your shower, I'm waiting for you here. - But sir, I don't have any clothes to change into. - I know you won't need it, you go take your shower and come back quickly. She goes into the shower to wash herself. So pretty I'm in the shower and I remember everything that's happened since last night, I wonder what will happen to me. How could this happen to me, what will happen? I'm so scared .


Fatal Woman

44·Déesse grecque

Am I that fatal? While the one who interests me does not calculate me. He is arrogant and full of himself. But, he works for me! He must carry out my orders to the letter. I am the Donne (the godfather) of the Brazilian mafia and he executes people for me, but I would like more, more... I want to enjoy his body as and when I want, but he does not hear me this ear.


Between two brothers

30·Déesse grecque

When I met this man for the first time, I was captivated, I fell in love with him, but I'm not his type of woman, he likes them sophisticated, very beautiful, manicured. When he finally met me noticed, it was mad love, he loves me, and I love him but, I didn't know thatbehind him was his twin brother, identical to him, who pretended to be him, and I loved making love with him without knowing it was his twin, now I know it wasn't not him and he knows that I slept with his brother, his brother, don't want to let me go, he saysthat I will be there for him, again, willingly or by force. His brother is in all his states, Between a CEO brother and the other mafioso who should you choose? the CEO ? , the Mafioso? Or ....? No, I don't dare think about it.
