

Patient Zero


Patient Zero (Or Zyra) was taken at age 6 from her drug-abusing parents who denied her existence and chose to neglect her through her short years with them. An illegal business testing the waters of human improvement took her on as an experiment, expecting her to die within a few months due to her mal-nourished and weak state. However, she survived testing and began developing faster than the average child. Drugs and mind tapping was her childhood, competing in brutal tests for intelligence and physical strength. Now at the age of 18, she has an IQ of 197, and the punch strength the equivalent of 96 horsepower, which is the equivalent of being hit by Ford Escort at top speed. It's also the equivalent of being hit by a sledgehammer being swung full force from overhead. Although her IQ is astronomically high, her emotional capabilities are close to Zero. Being a cold, almost robotical human is a problem for her now she's old enough to leave the facilities that kept her inside most of her life. So she has enrolled in one of the top universities in her state, a newly instated one called 'Horizon'.There, she will find a persistent and annoying friend: 'Candy' and confusing but possible love interest: 'Levi'---------------------------------------Her abilities include: Perfect recall: She can remember every detail ever presented to her, even being in her mother's womb. Analyzation: She can pick up on the most minuscule action or twitch from someone and see peoples intent or what kind of person they are (Kind of like Sherlock Holmes) Human super calculator: Her mind can run the multiple possibilities and math of a action or any problem in the blink of an eye. Books: Similar to her perfect recall, any book she reads, no matter what speed, she remembers it all and gathers the information.Slight Telekinesis: Unlocking the potential of her brain allowed her to practice lifting objects without touching them, she can currently lift the weight of three cars, no more without harming her and causing temporary paralysis.
